Authors note: This has more violence than the first, though it is the revised version. PG to PG-13

Aileen had pondered whether or not. Should I really ask him?? She decided to dwell on it later. Right then, Quaxo had walked up to her. "Hi." He said brightly. "Hello, Quaxo." Aileen answered.

The two had gotten quite close to each other. Three months had passed, and Aileen had been happier than she ever was before. Jemima and Tumblebrutus made it official and became mates. They were indeed very devoted to each other, and proved to be a happy couple.

She had learned what happiness was. She had learned many things here. On her own it was a wonder that she learned to talk. But she was very intelligent. She didn't know vanity and snobbishness or happiness. Now she knew both. She had regrettably begun to catch the vanity and superiority and gossiped with others about others. Otherwise, though, she was very kind.

Just a month ago, a horrific storm had come upon the junkyard. Lightning flashed everywhere. Aileen's phobia of lightning and her mothers' death kicked in and she had fallen upon the ground in a fit of shaking and screams. Her eyes were wide and completely white in fear. She felt herself being lifted and laid down near something warm. As the storm lessened, so did her mental state. She blinked a few times and began to see things. As she came into focus, she realized that she was in a house next to a lit fireplace, and next to her was Quaxo. He had come into Jennyanydots home, like the other cats had, but he had gone back for her, when he realized that she wasn't with the others. He followed the sounds of her screams and brought her back when he found her. It had pained him to see her in such a sight, and it pained him to feel how helplessly light she was. He had lightly licked her ear and she smiled a bit.

She then on knew that she would never be alone. He hardly ever left her side after that. Let alone let her out of his sight.

Yet she still pondered the question: Should I ask him to be my mate??? "Pouncival and Etcetera are becoming very close." Quaxo mentioned. "I predict that they will be the next to be mates." "Unless another couple is faster." Aileen thought aloud, and immediately began to blush furiously. Quaxo looked up, caught a little off guard at the sudden outburst of his very good friend.

But he didn't have much time to dwell on the meaning of her words. He had picked up a scent. It was the scent of a cat that much resembled the devil. Aileen's face turned pale not long after Quaxo caught the scent. She began to shiver.

"Macavity!" Quaxo growled. Aileen stiffened, and tried to get up and get out, but she couldn't do it herself. Quaxo helped her on to her feet and they went as fast as possible to the rest of the jellicles. It seemed they already knew. Demeter was looking about nervously with Bombalarina at her side. Rumor had it that Demeter was once catnapped by Macavity, and that Bombalarina was his hostage once, too. Demeter's catnapping was more recent than Bomb's, and it seemed that Macavity had his soul set on her life for the time being.

Jemima was cuddling with Tumble, and when she saw Aileen hobble up with Quaxo giving her some support, she came up and hugged her in fear. Aileen was too faint feeling to smile kindly at her. She could tell that, he was near. She knew Quaxo sensed he was close, too. Macavity felt very nearby, even Tumble and Jemima could sense him, now.

Quaxo watched as Aileen's eyes turned a strange type of color. Not like her occasionally moon white color, but more like a stormy night color. Her eyes became deeper and darker until they suddenly turned into a shiny black, and she began to hiss at a large, bent up steering wheel from an old car. Quaxo snapped his eyes to the wheel, and he too began to hiss. Jemima and Tumblebrutus hissed soon. "Macavity!" Jemima hissed. A large ginger cat of whom we all know so well leapt from his hiding place. Jemima dashed for help. Tumble stayed with Quaxo, both trying desperately to pull her to safety. But it was too hard. She fell to many times, and she was too slow. Quaxo motioned for Tumble to go, and he nodded. Luckily Macavity hesitated on his prey. Apparently he was surprised to find Aileen there. But now he was moving in on them. Quaxo gently touched her shoulder and closed his eyes. The world swirled around in front of Aileen's face, and she found herself near the jellicle tire, where all the jellicles had assembled at Jemima's message. Tumble was fast, so he was there too.

Aileen was panting heavily and Quaxo secured her balance with his arms. She had not yet seem him do magic before. Well, small things like throwing his voice in different places, yes. But this? No way! It was impressive, and yet she felt very weak after he, well, teleported her and himself.

"Sorry about that." He muttered. "That usually happens when I use that trick on someone unused to it." Aileen recovered after a bit, and realized that she had to have missed something in her little phase.

Macavity was fighting with Munkustrap, but unlike last years Jellicle ball, he had reinforcements with him. Hungry and unkind looking strays began to attack the cats around the junkyard. there were about ten of them. They all looked extremely strong. A totally black one attacked Alonzo. A mottled one attacked Jellylorum, Jennyanydots, and Tugger (who was hiding behind the others). Toms streaked through the junkyard in streaks of colors. Jemima fought ferociously at a smaller looking stray. Next to her was Tumble, fending off strays from him and her both.

Electra had an encounter with a exceptionally strong looking stray. He left her motionless on the ground. Aileen crawled over to her and carefully turned over the blood stained Electra, and found that she was alive, but barely. Aileen looked frantically around for Jennyanydots, she was the best cat for this. But the black stray was still pursuing her. Hobbling up to her, Aileen came up behind the black stray and bit his heel with her sharp fangs. Jennyanydots saw her and Aileen yelled "Electra!" and pointed to Electra. While the stray was preoccupied with his heel, Jenny dashed over to Electra and took matters into her own hands. Aileen tried to follow, but a familiar form prevented her from doing so.

It was the calico who had attacked her some three months ago! Aileen hissed and clawed at him. He simply clawed her leg. A horrible shriek of pain filled the junkyard, and Aileen clung to her sensitive leg. He saw how weak and crippled her leg was. He knew that her leg was the most sensitive place on her body from experience. And now, he had her.

The calico didn't stop there. He clawed her all over and blood stained her beautiful white and black colors. None of the wounds were really fatal (save her leg's), but he still kept her from lifting herself off the ground. When she was certain that he had won, a black form of which we all know very well took shape very suddenly before her.

Quaxo! Quaxo hissed at the calico and leapt onto its back. He sank his teeth deeply into the calico's neck. The calico clawed at Quaxo but he still kept a death grip on him. The calico finally began to sink to the ground, and Quaxo let him go. Aileen looked down at her blood-covered paws, and buried her head in them.

Most of the strays were defeated. Only two remained, three including Macavity himself. They began to retreat. The jellicles had a few wounds. Munkustrap was scratched up, Alonzo had a scar on his chest, and Electra was doing somewhat better, at least the wounds were clean and most of her pain was gone. They lost Exotica.

Cassandra wept for her sister's death, as did many others. Jemima was tired, and Victoria had a bleeding ear. Quaxo had scratches on him, but he seemed well and active. After all, Aileen thought, he is a magical cat.

Quaxo turned his sensitive face to Aileen and her leg. He came closer to her and began to lick away the blood. The pain of her wounds screamed at her, but she felt somewhat deaf at that moment. Quaxo had saved her life. Hers! He could have simply taken the responsibility of protecting himself. But he choose to protect her also. He had fought this cat before, but with help. This time he entirely defeated him alone. Aileen was stunned that a cat would really care for her so much. Her face was covered with blood so he began to lick her face. Then, after a moment she licked his. He seemed a little surprised at her sudden action. But as he looked into her now bright, crystal like eyes, he smiled at her and nuzzled her shoulder.

Jellylorum came up towards them and the second she saw Aileen she began to tell Quaxo to bring her a list of things. Quaxo closed his eyes and the things began to suddenly appear. Jelly grabbed a wet cloth and cleared her leg thoroughly, though it made Aileen jerk her head a bit at the painful feel of it. Jelly quickly apologized and wrapped a dry cloth around her leg and instructed Quaxo to pick Aileen up and follow her. Quaxo did as told and Aileen wrapped her arms tightly around his neck. Jelly led them into a broken down washing machine with blankets in it and helped Quaxo lie Aileen down in them. Jelly muttered to Quaxo to stay with her. Their were others in need of treatment.

Aileen curled up with a painful look on her face and fell into a much-needed sleep. Quaxo watched her face soften in her sleep, and her breath come in evenly. He thought about how close he came to losing her, and how ferociously he fought to keep harm from her. His face turned hot with blush as he remembered. But she had been through enough already, and no one was going to hurt her further. He made an oath as he licked her head and make sure of that.

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