Authors note: The first part is almost G, unless you don't like depressing disabilities. But towards the end of this, it gets a little fiery.

Aileen was surprised and happy that she had bore a kitten and that both of them were alive. But after a while she realized that something was wrong with the kitten of whom she had named Ebony. After taking it to see Jelly, she was informed that it was blind from birth. Aileen was determined to make up for what she had done to her child in different ways until Quaxo convinced her that it was not her fault.

After seven months, Ebony was quite grown up acting. She and Aileen would walk together. It was a heart wrenching sight. Aileen was Ebony's eyes. Ebony was her feet. Aileen saw for Ebony. Ebony walked for Aileen. The two would hold each other's arms and guide each other. Ebony would help Aileen balance herself, and Aileen helped Ebony beware of what was before her. When Ebony had memorized the pattern of the junkyard, she walked by herself.

By the time a eight months had passed, Ebony was walking all the time. Once, though, she decided to venture further than she had before. She fell into a small ditch and tried unsuccessfully to get out. She was very confused as to what happened. She could not see what it was she was in, and she was afraid. Her calls reached the ears of a kitten nearby.

Jett had seen before the blind kitten who walked with her mother, and had seen her walk alone before. He heard her calls and dashed towards the sound. When he found Ebony frantically moving around from side to side in a ditch, he felt that he should help her. Ebony paused her action suddenly and perked up her ears at the sound of Jett's feet. "Is there someone there?" Ebony asked uncertainly.

"Yeah." Jett answered shakily. "I'll help you out." Ebony waited patiently for something to happen. Jett looked around and saw an old broomstick. He lowered it slowly down into the hole and gently touched her with it.

"Can you feel that?"


"Grab it."

Ebony fingered the stick slowly, and then grabbed it. Jett heaved her out and she reached out her paw for his. When she found it she smiled a very pretty smile. He was about to leave, but she held on to his paws still.

"Thank you. What's your name?" She asked. "Jett." He muttered. "I'm Ebony. May I feel your face?" Ebony asked Jett. Jett looked confused. "Why?" he asked. "It's the closest I can get to seeing and recognizing you. By the shape and feel of things I paint a picture of them in my mind, and I want one of you." "Okay." Jett answered, blushing. He guided her hands to his face. She softly moved her hands around it's shape, form, every crease and slide. She poked his nose and quickly apologized, giggling a little. "It's okay." He said smiling. Ebony's quick fingers had found his lips and she moved back a little in surprise. "Your smiling." Ebony stated. "I don't know what a smile looks like, but I do know it's feel. Mother told me that a smile is something precious. She said many cats have seen smiles, but never actually seen them as something precious. Your smiling now, and I wish I could see it."

Ebony unleashed a soft place in Jett's heart from that moment onward. He, like others, had taken smiles for granted. He had taken just plain cats for granted. She opened his eyes to a world different to any that he knew of. He never liked to look at the other cats, now he took time to study the beauties of them. He even played with Pouncival a little, which was very surprising. He never had a disability, just a small disorder and lack of communication.

He had changed her feeling about cats, too. She had always been sort of afraid of cats when she couldn't see them. She trusted her mother and father, of course, but Jett had helped her to feel as though she could trust other cats. He made her feel calm.

She had always felt a little claustrophobic after her experience with the ditch. But whenever she thought about it, she remembered the kind kitten who helped her out and let her feel his face without flinching.

After about nine months (since she was born), it was getting to be time for the jellicle ball. Quaxo taught Ebony how to dance. He made sure that they practiced in an area with a smooth ground. She became a very good dancer. Aileen taught her to sing. She sang beautifully. She was an alto, as Aileen was a soprano, so they sang very much in harmony. Ebony enjoyed her lessons immensely and could not wait for her first jellicle ball to come.

Jett was also excited and watched her practice her dancing one day. "Can you teach me that?" He asked her shyly. Ebony spun gracefully around and felt the face of the questioner. Immediately recognizing the kitten, she smiled and nodded. He watched her dance a bit before he began to try it, too. He followed her every step and soon was able to catch up with her in her dancing. "You dance well." Ebony remarked. She could not see him, but could hear the steady rhythm of his feet and could tell that it was good. Jett blushed but didn't stop the dance.

"Do you have an opening role, or a part of your own?" Jett asked her. "Not really." Jett thought about it a bit and then asked her nervously, "Would you like to find a part in the ball to dance with me on?" Ebony stopped her dance moves and looked as though she were in deep thought. "Well, why not? Do you like to sing?" "Umm, I haven't tried it recently." "Well than come on and try!" Ebony beckoned Jett. "Hmm. Why don't you try your father's line?" Ebony asked. "Or perhaps my father's line? Just for the moment." Jett shrugged and muttered, "I think I'll just do the invitation to the jellicle ball." "Okay." Ebony accepted. Jett unsurely began to sing, "Jellicle cats come out tonight. Jellicle cats come one come all. The jellicle moon is shining bright! Jellicles come to the ball. Jellicle cats come out tonight! Jellicles come to the jellicle ball!" Jett had done a good job. He had an in between voice, not really alto, not really soprano. His voice was not tipsy, but securely light and cute. Like Pouncival's in a way. "That was good!" Ebony praised him.

Together they constructed a small song and dance. It was very short, but pretty and emotional. Ebony and Jett planed on presenting it at the ball. They practiced it time after time, until it was perfected and ready for the ball.

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