Oh! Love! by Hui Lin


It was the story after the fighting between Munkustrap and Macavity at the Jellicle Ball.

After Grizabella being sent to Heaviside Layer, Demeter came to Munkustrap and said a little shyly. ¡§ Thank you for rescuing me from Macavity, I was so scared when he drew me away.¡¨

Munkustrap smiled. ¡§Not only my merit, Alonzo helped you, too. Plus I am the protector of Jellicles, it's just my responsibility.¡¨

Demeter had been loving Munkustrap for a long time, although she didn't express at all. She was so glad that Munkustrap fought for her, just for her, but when she heard his deed was for the responsibility's sake, she was disappointed.

¡§Alright, I will say ¡¥thank you¡¦ to Alonzo, too.¡¨ Demeter spoke softly then Munkustrap walked away.

Bombalurina saw Demeter looking sadly after talking to Munkustrap, she was her best friend, so she ran to her. ¡§What's wrong with you? Did Munkustrap say anything to you?¡¨

¡§No,no, he didn¡¦t say anything to me¡K¡K¡¨ Demeter muttered to herself. ¡§As he never cared anything about me.¡¨

¡§ What?¡¨

¡§ Nothing!¡¨ Demeter didn¡¦t want to talk about this topic anymore, so she said to Bombalurina. ¡§ The Rum Tum Tugger dropped you down as he sang his song, that was terrible, I nearly couldn¡¦t believe that, I thought he liked you¡K¡K¡¨

Bombalurina rolled her eyes angrily. ¡§No! That little freak thought he was so handsome, and everybody should love him, he never appreciated anyone's love, Never! You also know how Etcetera likes him, but do you think him ever appreciate that? Etcetera is young, maybe she doesn't care, but I am not, I can't bear that conceited freak.¡¨

¡§ So you don't want him anymore?¡¨ Demeter giggled. ¡§ Or when he comes to you, you will be softened again?¡¨

¡§ No, I won't, you will see, this time he had gone too far, he will see me flirt with him no more, and he shall regret with his deed.¡¨

¡§ I am looking forward to seeing the Rum Tum Tugger feel regret.¡¨ Demeter said with a tune of unbelieving. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Cassandra, a red cat, she was very attractive, many toms liked her, but she loved the conjuring cat ¡V Mistoffelees. So she was willing to help him find out Old Deuteronomy when he was captured by Macavity.

But she was very proud of herself, she wouldn't tell Mistoffelees her feeling until he told her first.

Although there were so many rumors about that Mistoffelees wanted Victoria ¡V a pure white cat to be his mate, but Cassandra ignored these rumors, she trusted her intuition, she knew Mistoffelees loved her too, just because he was too shy to speak it out.

Actually, Mistoffelees didn¡¦t have any feeling to any female cats, he was surrendered himself to investigate his magical power.

And Victoria, she liked Plato who is a young tom, he also liked her. They had been together for some time, although they kept it as secret because Victoria didn¡¦t want others to know that, Plato had many times of quarrel with her according to this.

Tonight, the two had danced together at the Jellicle Ball, everyone saw them dancing, and Plato was glad as he thought after that their secret finally could burst out.

So after the celebration, Plato came to Victoria and asked. ¡§ Can you at last let me tell everybody our secret?¡¨ He held her hands.

Victoria drew back her hands. ¡§ No, Plato, I am afraid that I can't let you do this.¡¨

¡§ Why? You have been keeping this secret for so long just because everyone thinks you will be Mistoffelees¡¦mate, and you don¡¦t want to hurt him. But didn't you see, when he saw we dancing, he seemed uncared. Victoria, you are so kind I know, but you must be fair with me.¡¨

Victoria touched Plato¡¦s cheeks. ¡§ Sorry, Plato, I also wish these rumors were false, but I was Mistoffelees¡¦best friend once, and I don't want to see him being sad. Plus, my mother doesn't like you, she even blamed me for dancing with you tonight.¡¨ Her mother was Jellylorum.

¡§ I know Jellylorum doesn't like me, she thinks I am a playboy as the Rum Tum Tugger¡K¡K¡¨

¡§ I know you are not.¡¨ Victoria smiled at him.

¡§ Victoria, despite your mother's feeling, despite the stupid Mistoffelees, will you let me tell them our secret? I don¡¦t want to hide it anymore, it¡¦s not a crime.¡¨

¡§ Yes! I will.¡¨

¡§ Ok! I will work hard to please your mother showing her that I am not that bad as she thinks, and I will detect whether the rumors are true or not¡K¡Kbut Victoria, I must tell you, even if Mistoffelees really wants you to be his mate, I will never let him take you.¡¨

Victoria hugged him. ¡§ Oh~~~ Plato, you are my knight.¡¨

¡§ Can I kiss you?¡¨ He asked.

¡§ Whenever you want!¡¨ and then, they kissed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

There were some kittens gathering in the Junkyard, talking and laughing.

¡§ This year's Jellicle Ball was very nice, wasn't it?¡¨ Jemima said.

¡§ Yeah! I agree with you, although Macavity still disturbed us.¡¨Electra said.

Etcetera yelled. ¡§ Oh! I was so scared when he came, and Munkustrap was so brave to fight with him.¡¨

¡§ Your Rum Tum Tugger didn¡¦t show any sight during the fighting.¡¨ Exotica said sarcastically, she didn¡¦t like Rum Tum Tugger.

¡§ He is not mine.¡¨ Etcetera yelled shyly. ¡§ Although I wish he was.¡¨

¡§ Tugger didn't like fighting.¡¨Jemima defended for him.

¡§ Why don't you say he is a coward?¡¨ Exotica yelled.

¡§ Oh~~ It's too bad to say that, Exotica.¡¨ Electra said.

Jemima and Etcetera were cross with what Exotica said because they liked Tugger very much, so both of them walked away, and Electra stayed with Exotica.

¡§ Why did she hate Tugger?¡¨ Jemima asked when they moved toward Rum Tum Tugger's nest.

¡§ I don't know, she is very weird, maybe she is the only one who doesn't like Tugger. I don't know the reason, Tugger is so nice.¡¨ Etcetera said.

¡§ Yes! He is good. Did you see when Tugger dropped Bombalurina down?¡¨ Jemima giggled. ¡§ I think Bombalurina lost her attraction to Tugger.¡¨

¡§ No! Tugger likes to treat girls in this way, gives a little sweet and a little bitter.¡¨

¡§ How do you know that?¡¨

¡§ I know because I know.¡¨

At this moment, they encountered Demeter and Bombalurina.

¡§ Hi! Two young ladies, where are you going?¡¨ Bombalurina asked.

¡§ I think they are going to Tugger's nest according to this direction.¡¨Demeter giggled.

¡§ Yes! Demeter you are right. Are both of you going there too?¡¨ Jemima smiled and said.

¡§ Well¡K¡KI¡K¡K¡¨

Bombalurina interrupted. ¡§ No, I am not going to visit that freak, see you later.¡¨she said to them and walked away.

Demeter shook her head slightly. ¡§ I go with you, I have time to have a chat.¡¨

Jemima and Etcetera laughed at Bombalurina¡¦s deed as they walked toward the place where Tugger lived.

The Rum Tum Tugger was talking to a notorious couple of cats --- Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer. Rumpelteazer was pregnant, and Mungojerrie was the father, they were very happy and came to Tugger to share this news. Of course, Tugger was not the first one they came to.

¡§ It's very nice to hear that, congratulation.¡¨ Tugger said, and he motioned Mungojerrie to come beside him and he took in a low voice. ¡§ Mungojerrie, you are bound to be a father, we can't go outside at night to find some young girls now.¡¨

¡§ You freak!¡¨ Mungojerrie pushed him away, Tugger was teasing him, Mungojerrie was very loyal to his wife. They both were laughing.

¡§ What are you talking about?¡¨ Rumpelteazer was confused.

¡§ No, just joke, nothing. ¡§ Tugger smiled.

¡§ Hi, Tugger!¡¨ Jemima, Etcetera and Demeter had come.

¡§ Oh! What a surprise!¡¨ Tugger came to greet them. ¡§ Demeter, you¡¦re a rare guest to me.¡¨ He said with a charming voice.

Demeter smiled. ¡§ I just came with the two girls, not for you specially.¡¨ She noticed Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer, and she came to them.

Tugger stared after her and turned saying confusedly to Jemima. ¡§ What¡¦s wrong with her?¡¨

Jemima giggled. ¡§ I think it's maybe because of Bombalurina.¡¨

¡§ Why?¡¨

¡§ Because you embarrassed her at the Jellicle Ball, and she was very angry with you, like we met her a moment ago, and she didn¡¦t want to come to visit you. Demeter is her best friend, so¡K¡K¡K¡K¡¨

¡§ So she doesn't want to talk to me.¡¨ Tugger concluded. ¡§ uhm~~ that¡¦s alright, Demeter never show any interest in me anyway, so I don't need to worry about that.¡¨

¡§ What about Bombalurina?¡¨ Etcetera asked as she rubbed her head against Tugger¡¦s mane.

Tugger pushed her slightly away. ¡§ She will be ok, who do you think I am? I am the Rum Tum Tugger, she can¡¦t resist me anyhow.¡¨ Then he flirted with Jemima and Etcetera, the two girls screamed with excitement.

Demeter watched them with a nasty look, and she turned to say to Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer. ¡§I will never scream at the one I love as the two girls.¡¨

Rumpelteazer said softly. ¡§I think love is not screaming at the one you love, Jemima and Etcetera don't love Tugger I think, they just can't resist his charm. When they grow older, they won't scream to Tugger anymore.¡¨

¡§ But you never scream to me when we were young.¡¨ Mungojerrie teased her.

¡§ Because I was mature and smart¡K¡Kplus, you were not as attractive as Tugger.¡¨ Rumpelteazer joked.

¡§ Oh! It hurts.¡¨ Mungojerrie put one hand on his heart and acted as wounded.

They laughed together, the two always had fun between them.

Demeter looked at them, she envied their happiness as she thought of Munkustrap¡¦s unwareness of her love.


After some days, there was a small group gathering in Munkustrap's house, there were Munkustrap, the Rum Tum Tugger, Mistoffelees, Alonzo and Skimbleshanks, they were chatting about recent affairs.

¡§ Rumpelteazer is pregnant, Mungojerrie is very excited.¡¨ Munkustrap said.

¡§ I love kittens, they are so cute!¡¨ Skimbleshanks said.

¡§ So, why don't you find a mate, then you can have your own kittens?¡¨ Rum Tum Tugger asked him.

Mistoffelees smiled. ¡§ Yeah! Skimble, I know you like Jennyanydots, you can try, maybe she likes you, too.¡¨

¡§ I am not as charming as Tugger, I don't think she will accept me.¡¨ Skimbleshanks said gloomily.

¡§ Come on!¡¨ Tugger patted him.¡¨ Just do it, you should have a mate now. I will help you.¡¨

¡§ No, no, I don't want your help.¡¨ Skimbleshanks refused him. Everyone knew females like the Rum Tum Tugger, and he always got the whole attention from the females.

Alonzo said sarcastically. ¡§Yeah! Tugger, it's not your business, you will just make things worse.¡¨ He didn't like Tugger very much because he liked Bombalurina who liked Tugger.

¡§ Hey! Alonzo, what do you mean?¡¨ Tugger stared at him.

¡§ What do I mean? You didn't manage your own business well and now you want to interfere other's business?¡¨

¡§ I did my business well¡K¡Keven I didn't, you don't have the right to scold me.¡¨ Tugger scoffed, ¡§ I know you don't like me because Bombalurina likes me, not you. That¡¦s not my fault, I just can't help it.¡¨

¡§ What¡K¡K?¡¨ Alonzo was angry with his words and ready to fight. He was very choleric.

¡§ Alright, stop this, guys!¡¨ Munkustrap demanded, he didn¡¦t like fighting, plus he was the protector of Jellicles. Alonzo respected Munkustrap, so he calmed down. ¡§ I don¡¦t want to stay here, I am going now.¡¨ He left. Munkustrap sighed. ¡§ Tugger, don¡¦t provoke him, if you fight with him, you won't win anyhow, and it¡¦s not good to fight, Old Deuteronomy hates that.¡¨ ¡§ I know, Munkustrap, but he provoked me first. You know, the reason why he likes to get me into trouble is always the same, it's Bombalurina.¡¨ Tugger yelled. ¡§ But Tugger.¡¨ Mistoffelees told him. ¡§ Be honest with you, you always keep all the girls, even you don't like them.¡¨ ¡§ Yes!¡¨ Munkustrap agreed. ¡§You should not do that, if you don¡¦t like them, you can't flirt with them. You said Skimble should have a mate now, you also should have a mate now, but you are still a playboy, you can't find a true love if you keep doing things in this way.¡¨ ¡§But¡K¡KI like my way¡K¡Kand I don't want to be bound like Mungojerrie .¡¨ Tugger said. ¡§That's because you haven't found someone you love yet. When you find her you won¡¦t have this thought.¡¨ Munkustrap said surely. ¡§ Who do you love?¡¨ Mistoffelees asked Tugger. ¡§Etcetera?¡¨ ¡§Oh! She is too young for me.¡¨ ¡§Jemima?¡¨ ¡§No.¡¨ ¡§Electra?¡¨ ¡§No.¡¨ ¡§Victoria?¡¨ ¡§Hey! She should be yours, why do you ask me?¡¨ Tugger teased him because of these rumors. ¡§I don't love her, all of you know that.¡¨ Mistoffelees yelled. He had told some close friends included Tugger, Munkustrap and Skimble that those romors were false. Plato didn¡¦t know that because he was not familiar with Mistoffelees. ¡§Uhm~~ Munkustrap, don't you think Mistoffelees¡¦ problem is more serious than mine? Why don¡¦t we talk about him now?¡¨ Tugger tried to distract them. Munkustrap smiled. ¡§ Tugger, I know what you are thinking, but I am more interested in you.¡¨ ¡§Thanks, Munkustrap.¡¨ Mistoffelees said with gratitude. ¡§So, let me continue.¡¨ Mistoffelees said as Tugger yelled: ¡§It¡¦s not fair.¡¨ ¡§What about Bombalurina?¡¨ ¡§Bombalurina?¡¨ Tugger rolled his eyes. ¡§ Uhm~~ she is nice, but¡K¡KI never thought she would be my mate.¡¨ ¡§ Do you love her?¡¨ ¡§I¡K¡KI don't know.¡¨ ¡§So, do you hate her?¡¨ ¡§Of course not!¡¨ Tugger denied immediately although he didn¡¦t know why he was so nervous. Mistoffelees, Munkustrap and Skimbleshanks smiled at each other with understanding. ¡§Ok! Let me say.¡¨ Munkustrap concluded. ¡§Tugger, I always think you should have a mate like Bombalurina, she is very suitable for you, she is attractive and beautiful, and I feel you love her too. But I noticed that you always tried to avoid your emotion and pretended that you didn't like her.¡¨ Tugger yelled. ¡§Hey! Do you think you know everything? Don't count your illusion as reality.¡¨ ¡§It's not my illusion. The closely involved cannot see as clearly as those outside. I know although you are a playboy, but you never treated any girls badly, like shouted at them or put them in a embarrassed situation. And yet, you treat Bombalurina in a different way, you pretend you don't care about her, and when she came to you , you just treated her coldly, you even dropped her down at Jellicle Ball. She is special to you, am I right? You don't dare to face your emotion, so you treat her in an opposite way, then you feel better? Come on, face it, Tugger.¡¨ ¡§Yes! Tugger, Munkustrap is right.¡¨ Mistoffelees said. ¡§Jemima had told me once that although they liked you, but they knew you would want a female like Bombalurina. You see, even the little kittens know what you thinkt about, we all know that, just don¡¦t want to embarrass you.¡¨ ¡§Tell you the truth, Bombalurina also understood your personality, so she didn¡¦t ever draw back, but you embarrassed her too much this time.¡¨ Munkustrap said . The Rum Tum Tugger got a big shock, and he couldn¡¦t say a word since he knew they were right, although he didn¡¦t want to admit it. Mistoffelees and Munkustrap laughed as they both felt funny of Tugger¡¦s expression. Skimbleshanks just shook his head with a little smile. Tugger saw they laughing and yelled. ¡§What about Munkustrap yourself?¡¨ ¡§Me?¡¨ Munkustrap paused for a while. ¡§No girl likes me.¡¨ ¡§Not really. Demeter likes you, can¡¦t you feel that?¡¨ Tugger exclaimed. ¡§What?¡¨ The other three were all surprised to hear that, Munkustrap yelled. ¡§How do you know? Don¡¦t talk nonsense.¡¨ ¡§How do you suppose I could get all the girls¡¦ attention? Because I knew them very well.¡¨ ¡§Except Bombalurina!¡¨ Mistoffelees teased him. ¡§Shut up, Mistoffelees!¡¨ Tugger then turned to Munkustrap. ¡§ Demeter¡¦s eyes were always on you.¡¨ ¡§Are you sure?¡¨ Munkustrap asked with a little joy. ¡§I don't need to lie to you, plus, The Rum Tum Tugger is an expert of understanding girls¡¦ minds.¡¨ ¡§Except Bom¡K¡K¡¨ Mistoffelees attempted to tease him again. Tugger interrupted Misoffelees¡¦words. ¡§Dare you say another word?¡¨ He glared at him. Mistoffelees giggled. ¡§Sorry!¡¨ Munkustrap fell into his thoughts. ¡§ Demeter likes me? Oh! She is very nice indeed. How I was stupid , I must let her know my feelings.¡¨ He decided. PART 3 Mistoffelees lived above a high, old tree, he liked to survey the scenes from the top of the tree. As usual, he was surveying again, and he saw Plato was walking toward him. ¡§Hey! Plato!¡¨ He shouted. ¡§Are you going to find me?¡¨ ¡§Yes! Mistoffelees, can you come down? I don't want to climb so high.¡¨ Plato yelled. ¡§Ok!¡¨ Mistoffelees used his magic and came to Plato in an instant. Plato smiled. ¡§That's great for having magic like this.¡¨ Mistoffelees nodded. ¡§Yes! So¡K¡Kcan I help you?¡¨ Plato paused for a while, then said. ¡§I come to make sure one thing, I hope you can be honest with me.¡¨ ¡§Have a go.¡¨ Mistoffelees said. ¡§Do you¡K¡Kdo you love Victoria?¡¨ ¡§What?¡¨ Mistoffelees yelled. ¡§Everyone cares about this, and I don't see any points to care about this stupid rumor.¡¨ ¡§Not stupid, it bothered me for a long time.¡¨ Plato said with a little annoyance. ¡§Why?¡¨ ¡§Because¡K¡KI can't tell you now, but you tell me my question first anyway.¡¨ ¡§Ok! Listen, I do not love her, but I treat her as one of my best friends. You know what? Originally I and her were very good friends, but after the rumors, we became estranged, I think it lasted for almost half a year, terrible.¡¨ Plato gasped with relief, he patted Mistoffelees¡¦ shoulder. ¡§Thank you, now I can tell you the truth.¡¨ So he described his secret with Victoria to Mistoffelees. ¡§Victoria is so kind, she still cares about my feelings although we became estranged¡K¡K¡¨ Mistoffelees was impressed. ¡§Plato, you¡¦re so lucky to have Victoria, and I promise, I will tell everybody my feeling, so you two don¡¦t need to hide anymore. I am so ashamed that I kept silent for so long, rumors were really horrible.¡¨ Plato was glad to hear that. ¡§Thank you, Misto, I always wanted to ask your feeling to Victoria, but it was difficult to ask since we were not very familiar¡K¡K¡¨ Mistoffelees smiled, ¡§That's ok! Friendship needs time, I will talk to you more, and we will understand each other more.¡¨ ¡§And¡K¡K¡¨ Plato said. ¡§Could you not tell anyone that I am Victoria¡¦s boyfriend? Because Jellylorum doesn¡¦t like me.¡¨ ¡§Oh! Hm~~ ok! But Jellylorum ¡K¡K¡¨ Plato said. ¡§I will get her favor, maybe it¡¦s hard.¡¨ ¡§I will support you anyway.¡¨ Mistoffelees said sincerely. ¡§Thank you.¡¨ They both felt friendship's magic at this moment. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Munkustrap had cleaned himself and made a neat figure, he was going to visit Demeter and hoped it would be a good start for them. Munkustrap was handsome, but he was intent on protecting his tribe, so he neglected the girls though in the deepest place of his heart, he longed to have a mate. And after he knew Demeter liked him from Tugger, he decided to make Demeter be his mate. So he went to Demeter's nest, fortunately, she didn¡¦t have any visitors, otherwise it would be embarrassing for Munkustrap. Demeter was very surprised to see Munkustrap since he never visited her before, she was so excited. ¡§Hi! Munkustrap, nice to see you. Do you come to visit me?¡¨ ¡§Yes! I ¡K¡K¡¨ He was shy to continue. ¡§Hm~~ what?¡¨ ¡§Could¡K¡Kwe¡K¡Kno, hm¡K¡KDemeter would you like to have a date with me?¡¨ Munkustrap said with a low voice. Demeter hardly believed what she had heard. ¡§Pardon¡K¡Kcould you say that again?¡¨ She wanted to make sure. ¡§Would you like to have a date with me?¡¨ He said with a higher voice. Demeter was very glad to hear that, but she was so mischievous that she decided to tease him a little more. ¡§Could you say again? I can't hear!¡¨ She giggled. Munkustrap looked at her with a understanding smile, he yelled loudly. ¡§Would you like to have a date with me, my dear Demeter?¡¨ Demeter smiled and embraced him. ¡§With all of my heart!¡¨ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alonzo had been loving Bombalurina, but she always refused him. And when he knew Bombalurina said she didn¡¦t like Tugger anymore, he thought maybe he would have the chance to get her. So he went to her and asked. ¡§I have heard your thought of Tugger, you had refused me for Tugger¡¦s sake in the past, but now, would you give me a chance?¡¨ Bombalurina gave him a charming smile. ¡§Of course, Alonzo, you¡¦re better than that freak, I think we will have a good time for being together.¡¨ She knew how Alonzo would succumb to her completely, and she liked this superior feeling, that she would never got from the Rum Tum Tugger. When she thought of Tugger, she felt a little sad since the only one she loved is him. But Bombalurina scolded herself immediately. ¡§Don¡¦t think of this freak again, he's not worthy for me to think of, and here is a better tom, I must not miss him.¡¨ So she said to Alonzo. ¡§Do you want to have a walk? I am bored today to stay at home.¡¨ ¡§No problem.¡¨ Alonzo took her hand and Bombalurina didn't draw back, he was glad to see that. They were talking and flirting with each other when they walked across the forest, and they encountered the Rum Tum Tugger and Jemima. Tugger was having a date with Jemima, and he didn't expect to meet Bombalurina, either. Tugger was a little corss when he saw Alonzo holding Bombalurina's hand, but he scolded himself. ¡§Take it easy, Bombalurina will come to me if I want, she can¡¦t resist me.¡¨ Bombalurina thought. ¡§This freak, he is always having a girl beside him, he doesn't care about me anyway, I must be strong and firm.¡¨ She held Alonzo's hand tightly. Tugger said softly to Bombalurina, ignored Alonzo. ¡§Hi! Bombalurina, how are you today?¡¨ He slipped to her side, and used a charming voice. ¡§Do you really want this guy?(he means Alonzo) What are you thinking about? Your taste was very good before, but now¡K¡¨ He touched her shoulder. ¡§Think more carefully, hm.¡¨ Bombalurina gave him a nasty look. ¡§It's not your business, plus, he is nicer than you.¡¨ Alonzo smiled proudly at Tugger, Jemima had acquainted with Tugger¡¦s style, she knew today¡¦s date was over, and the following affair didn't interest her at all, so she left. Tugger got a shock at Bombalurina's words. Never, there was never a girl refusing him, and he was very angry to see Alonzo¡¦s proud attitude. ¡§What's wrong with you? Bombalurina, you always want me, don't you? Come on, throw him away, and come with me, I will give you what you want.¡¨ Tugger said rudely. Alonzo yelled. ¡§Rum Tum Tugger, I warn you, be careful of your words, today I don't want to fight with you.¡¨ ¡§Oh! Really? I am not scared of you.¡¨ ¡§Excuse me!¡¨ Bombalurina exclaimed. ¡§Alonzo, I will deal with it.¡¨ And she turned to Tugger. ¡§Don¡¦t be so conceited, I tell you, you're really not a bit to me now, just go to your Jemima or Etcetera, and don¡¦t bother me anymore, do you understand? Rum Tum Tugger, I hate you now, and Alonzo is very suitable for me, maybe I was enchanted by you before, but that's in the past, I am not the Bombalurina who I was.¡¨ Tugger was amazed at her, and said a little trembly. ¡§Re¡K¡Kreally?¡¨ ¡§YES!¡¨ Bombalurina yelled, and she smiled proudly at him. ¡§Did you ever think I could do this to you? You just thought you were the center of the world, Tugger, I taught you a lesson.¡¨ Then, she stalked away with Alonzo who was in high spirits. Alonzo told her with excitement as they walked on. ¡§Oh! You were great, I never saw Tugger being defeated.¡¨ Bombalurina didn't answer him, there was a sad look on her face. And¡K¡KTugger, he had a urge to cry, but he stopped it immediately. He was so upset, and he knew the reason very well, not because he lost his attraction, but Bombalurina¡¦s words did hurt him. PART 4 Jellylorum was hunting mice for dinner. And suddenly, one peke came to her sight. This peke saw Jellylorum and barked at her showing his teeth. Jellylorum was scared, and she started to run. This peke was running and barking after her. Jellylorum was running beyond the territory of Jellicles, then in a flash, a ginger cat showed up, when the peke saw this cat, he seemed afraid and ran away. ¡§Are you all right? Jellylorum.¡¨ This ginger cat asked with a low voice. ¡§Macavity!¡¨ Jellylorum screamed. This ginger cat was the hidden paw ¡V Macavity, who was a very evil cat. For Jellylorum, Macavity was more scaring than that peke. Jellylorum defended herself, and hissed at him. ¡§Get away from me.¡¨ ¡§OH! Do you always use this manner toward your savior?¡¨ Macavity grimed. Jellylorum didn't want to talk to him anymore and turned to leave. But Macavity stopped her. ¡§You haven't express your gratitude to me yet, it's not very polite, Jellylorum.¡¨ Jellylorum was just a middle-aged female cat, she knew she couldn't run away form this evil cat. ¡§I didn¡¦t mean to come to your territory, the peke was chasing me, thank you for driving that peke away¡K¡Kcan I go now?¡¨ Macavity smiled with an evil smile. ¡§What will you do if I say NO?¡¨ Jellylorum hissed. ¡§Macavity, I warn you, I am under the protection of Old Deuteronomy, don¡¦t try to harm me, otherwise it will not be easy to end.¡¨ ¡§Are you threatening me?¡¨ Macavity laughed, and he suddenly grabbed her two arms, yelled. ¡§You are in my territory, dare you threaten me?¡¨ ¡§Help!¡¨ Jellylorum cried. ¡§No one will come to you, do you want to come to my nest? We can have some tea or¡K¡K¡¨ ¡§Free her!¡¨ A voice rised. Jellylorum and Macavity turned to that voice, surprising them, it was Plato. ¡§Plato, help me.¡¨ Jellylorum cried out. Plato comforted her. ¡§Don¡¦t worry, Jellulorum, I will help you.¡¨ And he turned to Macavity. ¡§Free her.¡¨ ¡§Why should I follow your words?¡¨ Macavity grimed. Plato hissed. ¡§Free her, otherwise you will be hurt.¡¨ ¡§Really? Show me then.¡¨ Macavity released Jellylorum and rushed toward Plato. The two started fighting, but Plato was not a very strong cat like Munkustrap or Alonzo, but Macavity could defeat them as well. So , Plato knew he wouldn¡¦t get victory, and he yelled as he was scratched by Macavtiy. ¡§Jellylorum, run! Get some help.¡¨ ¡§But¡K¡Kwhat about you?¡¨ she said frightenedly. ¡§Don¡¦t care about me, run, hurry up.¡¨ Plato exclaimed as he tried to scratch Macavity, but he wared off. Jellylorum ran away with her best, she prayed that Plato would be able to support as she got some help. Fortunately, she met Munkustrap, Demeter, and her daughter ¡V Victoria. The three were chatting together. When they saw Jellylorum running toward them in a hurry, Victoria asked. ¡§What's wrong? Mother?¡¨ ¡§Pla¡KPlato was fighting with Macavity because of me.¡¨ She gasped. ¡§Come on, we must save him.¡¨ ¡§What?¡¨ Victoria nearly fainted as she heard Plato was in danger. ¡§Don't say another word, take us to Plato, hurry!¡¨ Munkustrap demanded, he knew how serious this could be. Demeter gave him a worrying look, she was afraid Munkustrap would be hurt, too. Munkustrap nodded to her expressing he would be fine. So they all ran after Jellylorum, Victoria was crying as they were running. ¡§You will be safe, Plato, we are coming.¡¨ Victoria thought. Finally, they came to the fighting place, but Macavity Was Not There, Plato was lying on the ground, unconscious. ¡§No!¡¨ Victoria ran to him and touched his cheeks. ¡§Plato, wake up, I am Victoria, wake up.¡¨ She cried. Munkustrap raised up Plato. ¡§We must come back to Old Deuteronomy, he was hurt badly.¡¨ ¡§Will he be alright?¡¨ Victoria asked concernedly. ¡§He will be fine, I promise you, Victoria.¡¨ Munkustrap said. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jellylorum had told them the reason why Plato fought with Macavity, and she was so impressed by Plato¡¦s braveness. Fortunately, Plato was bound up his wounds, and Old Deuteronomy said he must rest for about 7 days. Victoria was beside Plato holding his hands, talking to him softly. ¡§I was so afraid that Macavity would kill you.¡¨ ¡§I wouldn¡¦t die so easily¡K¡¨Plato said weakly. Victoria kissed him with tears of happiness. Jellylorum saw them and she was a little angry about that. Then, suddenly, Mistofflees came to her, and said. ¡§Let them be, they had been together for some time, but Victoria knew you didn¡¦t like Plato, so she dared not tell you. She loves Plato very much, so dose him.¡¨ Jellylorum sighed. ¡§Don't you like my daughter?¡¨ ¡§I am sorry. Jellylorum, Victoria is one of my best friends, I like her, but not that kind of love as Plato¡¦s. Plato is a good fellow, you see, he fought for you nearly to death, and he just cared about your safety, not even thought of himself. What are you unsatisfied with? I don¡¦t see any points to disturb them.¡¨ ¡§Your are right, Misto, the most important thing is that Victoria is happy, plus, Plato is not that bad as I thought.¡¨ Jellylorum said finally with approval. She came to Victoria and Plato. ¡§You two, I have known your secret now, I am glad that Victoria has such a good boyfriend.¡¨ She turned to Plato. ¡§Would you promise me you will treat Victoria nicely?¡¨ ¡§Yes! I promise¡¨ Plato said firmly, and Victoria rubbed her head against him. Jellylorum smiled at this little lovers as she turned to leave and let them be alone. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Rum Tum Tugger had some uneasy nights, he had started to worry about something that he never worried about before. It was Bombalurina. The scene of that day haunted him, he could still hear what she said and see her unemotional expression. He had decided to come to Bombalurina to apologize what he did to her before because he finally admitted he loved her indeed. But he also realized even she accepted his apology, that didn't mean she would come back to him since she said she wanted Alonzo instead of him. Tugger was so jealous of Alonzo, it was his first time to taste the feeling of jealousy. But anyway, he felt he must apologize to her, whether she would come back to him or not. He had decided. On the half way to Bombalurina's nest, the Rum Tum Tugger encountered Alonzo who was flirting with Exotica. Tugger was surprised to see that, and he flew into a rage, he roared. ¡§Alonzo, dare you do this behind Bombalurina?¡¨ He beated Alonzo without another word. ¡§I thought you loved her, but I was mistaken. Did you treat her as fun?¡¨ He waved his fist at Alonzo again, Alonzo cried in pain. ¡§Stop, he is hurt.¡¨ Exotica yelled. Tugger ignored her, he was furious at Alonzo since he thought even he couldn't give happiness to Bombalurina by himself, Alonzo could. But he flirted with another girl, Bombalurina would be very upset to see that, Tugger thought. He couldn't let Bombalurina be sad again, and he grabbed Alonzo, yelled. ¡§What are you thinking about? Your lover is Bombaluirna, why do you do this behind her?¡¨ Alonzo pushed him away with anger. ¡§ You shut up, you know nothing.¡¨ He wiped off the blood on his cheek. ¡§What?¡¨ Tugger was ready to give him another beat. ¡§Bombalurina didn¡¦t want me? Do you hear that? She didn't want me.¡¨ Alonzo exclaimed.

Tugger stopped.

¡§She said she still loved you whatever you did to her. Rum Tum Tugger, I envy you, but you are an idiot, you don't deserve Bombaluirna.¡¨

Tugger felt sorry to him. ¡§Sorry! but¡K¡Kdid Bombalurina¡K¡Kreally say she still loved me?¡¨

¡§I don't want to say again, just go to her, and don¡¦t bother me.¡¨ Alonzo yelled as Exotica helped him stand up.

¡§Thank you! ¡§ Tugger turned and ran as fast as he could toward Bombalurina's nest. ¡§She loves me, she loves me.¡¨ He yelled with excitement as he ran.

¡§Bombalurina! Bombalurina!¡¨ he shouted in front of her nest.

Bombalurina came out and when she saw Tugger, she said coldly. ¡§What are you looking for? I think you came to a wrong place.¡¨

¡§No! No!¡¨ He ran to her. ¡§Alonzo had told me¡K¡Kin fact¡KI came to apologize to you, and in the half way¡K¡KI saw him¡K¡Kand I bit him¡K¡Kand he said¡K¡K¡¨ Tugger couldn¡¦t manage his words well since he was so nervous.

¡§What? I don¡¦t understand.¡¨

¡§Would you forgive me? Bombalurina.¡¨ Tugger held her hands. ¡§I am very sorry about what I had done to you, I was just pretending that I didn¡¦t love you, but I was so stupid, you know¡Kyou always understand me, don't you?¡¨

Bombalurina lowered her head and drew back her hands. ¡§I don't know what you are talking about.¡¨ She didn¡¦t want to forgive him so soon because of her dignity.

¡§Bombalurina! ¡§ Tugger was nervous again. ¡§ Please, don't be so cold to me, I love you, I only love you, you know I never love those little kittens, you know it and I know it. I promise you, I won't flirt with them anymore, and¡K¡K¡KI will only belong to you. I hope you will be my mate.¡¨ He said sincerely.

Bombalurina turned and faced Tugger with her back.

The Rum Tum Tugger was disappointed to see that. ¡§ You still don't forgive me. Don't you?¡¨ He sighed. ¡§I understand, it's all my fault, I can't blame you for not forgiving me¡K¡K¡¨

¡§Tugger!¡¨ Bombalurina yelled, still faced him with her back. ¡§ I am thinking¡K¡Kwill we live in my nest or in your nest, I think it will be better to live in mine.¡¨

¡§What?¡¨ Tugger asked with confusion.

Bombalurina turned to face him with a charming smile. ¡§ When I become your mate, can you move to my nest? I love it very much.¡¨ She had forgiven him.

¡§Bom¡K¡KBombalurina!¡¨ Tugger was so excited. ¡§ Really? You accept me? You forgive me? And you will be my mate?¡¨

She nodded. ¡§ Yes! Yes! I have been hoping you would say these words to me, and my wish comes true now.¡¨

Tugger embraced her. ¡§ I promise I won't disappoint you, I won't¡¨

Bombalurina kissed him passionately. ¡§ I believe you!¡¨

She leaned her head on his chest. ¡§Today, I feel you are not like the Rum Tum Tugger you were before.¡¨ She said softly.


¡§Because you are so shy and so sincere.¡¨

¡§Do you like the former Rum Tum Tugger?¡¨

¡§No.¡¨ Bombalurina hugged him. ¡§I love the one you are now.¡¨

Tugger smiled. ¡§I will keep it for you, just for you.¡¨

Bombalurina nodded and said. ¡§I have found the meaning of happiness.¡¨

¡§Me too.¡¨ Tugger said. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

After six months

There was a small party for Rumpelteazer's newborn kittens, and almost all the Jellicles came.

¡§Oh! What a lovely kitten! Isn't it? Munkustrap?¡¨ Demeter said as she carried one kitten on her arms.

Munkustrap smiled.¡¨ Yes! I am looking forward to having kittens with you, too.¡¨

Demeter gave him a kiss. ¡§We will, don't hurry.¡¨

At this moment, they heard Bombalurina yelled. ¡§Rum Tum Tugger, you are flirting with Etcetera again!¡¨

Rum Tum Tugger ran out form a baby room, Etcetera and Bombalurina were followed.

¡§God! I am in a big trouble!¡¨ he cried as he ran out of Rumpelteazer¡¦s nest.

¡§Don't run!¡¨ Bombalurina ran after him with anger.

Etcetera shook her head slightly. ¡§A fox may grow gray, but never good!¡¨

All of the Jellicles were laughing, and Mungojerrie joked. ¡§It's a really bad model for my kittens.¡¨

Rumpelteazer smiled. ¡§But we can teach them in a positive way.¡¨

Old Deuteronomy said. ¡§I am glad to see these new couples developed: Munkustrap and Demeter, Rum Tum Tugger and Bombalurina, Alonzo and Exotica, Victoria and Plato. Our Jellicle tribe will prosper and thrive.¡¨

¡§Excuse me! ¡§ Skimbleshanks said as he held up Jennyanydots¡¦hand. ¡§ We ¡K¡Kare a new couple, too.¡¨

¡§Oh! You finally made it.¡¨ Mistoffelees yelled surprisedly.

"Yes! She likes me too.¡¨ Skimble said happily, and Jennyanydots looked shyly.

Victoria teased her. ¡§Why don't you tell us?Jennyanydots. Did you two play secret game as we did before?¡¨

Plato embraced Victoria¡¦s waist and smiled. ¡§Don't embarrass them, I know the feeling of secret is not nice.¡¨

Victoria have a kiss. ¡§I know.¡¨ And all of the Jellicles laughed.

After the party, the visitors left Rumpelteazer¡¦s house and walked in different directions.

They were almost couples, and Mistoffelees felt very lonely as he walked on his own.

¡§Do you want to hunt for mice with me for a while? Mistoffelees.¡¨ A voice said.

Mistoffelees turned and saw it was Cassandra who was alone, too.

¡§Sure, why not?¡¨ and both of them smiled at each other shyly, then walked toward the direction of the setting sun.
