We've all done strange things...

Okay. As CATS fans, we've all stepped over the line a few times. Well, this section of my page is dedicated to those strange moments where our feline side just up and takes over.

Things I Have Done

1. During homecoming week, 1999 (and 2000, and 2001! *heehee*), we were allowed to dress up strangely. On the last day, which was "Blue and White Day" (our school colors)we were allowed to paint our faces...well...blue and white. I found this to be a puuurrfect opportunity to defy all rules of conduct and show the cat within me. So, as you have propably guessed, I painted up as a blue and white cat. Which is rather funny because our team is named after a bird, and we were fighting the Tigers (in 1999). So I suppose I was being sort of a traitor. But that didn't matter, cause our team stinks anyway. (during the 2000 Homecoming, I got a lot more attention and a lot of ppl asked to take my picture!! Also, a girl asked me to paint her face just like mine!! 2001 was even cooler, because I'm a senior this year. And the senior theme for homecoming was a jungle setting, so I got a lot more attention this time. =^_^=)

2. Not too long ago, I was accompanying my niece and her mother to PetSmart. There, they had the most elaborate and impressive kitty condos I had ever in my life seen. We're talkin' six feet of carpet, tubing, plywood, scratching posts, and anything a cat would consider Utopia. Well, there were these little wads of carpet attached to a thin rope that dangled under the middle plank. Ya know, for the cat to bat at. Well, while no one was looking, I started batting at it, making strange gutteral kittty growls as I did so. And then, to my utter horror, my niece's mother saw me. She asked what I was doing, and I simply replied "Testing to see if this thing is actually worth $200."

3. My friend Airwalker and I make cat-like noises whenever we are annoyed or insulted.

4. People at school call me "That wierd cat-girl."

5. I've got a pair of "Cat Eye" contact lenses.

6. I joined the Thesbian club at my school last year. From September 18 to the 21, we (the new initiates) had to dress up really wierd and do wierd things in front of everyone in school. Well, the 18th was "Mime Day." That was where we painted our faces and dressed in black and white and weren't allowed to speak to anyone but our teachers until after lunch. Well, of course, my make-up was of Alonzo. And check this!! We got our picture put in the local newspaper! And I and the other initiates were sitting front row!! (I bet you couldn't guess which one I was!! *L*, But look here to see ) But people all morning were complimenting my make up! =^_^= I also did the whole blue and white cat make-up thing again this homecoming. However, I got a lot more recognition for it this time. One girl even asked me to paint her face like mine! =^_^=

7. Just as many fans have done, I painted my face when I went to see CATS during the current tour. (We saw it three times, and I painted my face twice, FYI) Anyway, the first time, when my mom, my neice (she was painted up too, and one of the suveneir workers kept hissing at her!!), and I sat down, the lady next to me said "Oh, I get to sit next to a kitty cat!" Needless to say, I enjoyed that. But the next day was even better. I painted up as Mistoffelees, and we just happened to have seats in the second row from the stage. As I was walking up the isle to get programs, I heard a little boy say "Hey, she must be one of the cats!" I was more than flattered! Whoo! And a lot of the cast members made goofy faces at me during the show, esp. Munkustrap. >^_^< Heehee!!

Things other People Have Done

Submitted by Dittany:

My science teacher lost his koosh balls and he was asking if anyone knew where they were. I went up to him after class and told him that Macavity took them. For the rest of the day he followed me around trying to find out who Macavity was!

Submitted by Bomby:

1. I have a habit of making cat noises all the time! They sound exactly like a cat, and no one knows how I do it! I don't even know! You see, I purr all the time and people think I do it by rolling my tongue, but it's like the top of my mouth or something! Because of this, everyone says I'm like half cat or something!

2. I have another thing. We just got are yearbooks. In are yearbook there is a year in review section about current events! I was flipping through the pages on the way home from school and their was a section on CATS! I screamed and my sister swerved thinking some other car was going to hit us! When I told her I screamed about the CATS artical she just told me to shutup and called me a cat freak!

3. I also have a friend who, whenever I see her, she yells to me, CAT-SCRATCH FEVER!

Submitted by Yvell

1. We were on a family vacation and I was playing shuffleboard with my cousin, aunt, and dad. My cousin and I were both on the same side of the court and whenever i made a bad move he jumped up and down and said "Oh, yeah. I'm the best," and stuff like that. that kind of stuff really bothers me and so when I had had enough I hissed at him. I didn't even think about doing it, I just did it. I think some people saw me too, because they stared at me for a couple of seconds like, "Did she just HISS at him?"

2. CATS has forced me to start jazz class. Well...I wouldn't say FORCED. I was excited, that's for sure. When they said what you had to wear for jazz I was excited to find out that we had to have black jazz shoes. I was talking to my friend on the phone and i told her, "Guess what! For jazz class we have to wear black jazz shoes! BLACK! LIKE MUNKUSTRAP'S! AND BOMBALURINA'S AND QUAXO'S!" and I went on and on about it.

3. My brother was saying good night to me like he usually does (such a sweetie...most of the time) and i said something mean to him, but i forget what it was. Then he started to get that look on his face that he usually gets when he's about to tickle me, so i just had to correct myself. "I'm sorry, Paul, I'm really sorry," I said really fast, then rubbed my haid against his shoulder for forgiveness. I did it without realizing it until he said "You're scaring me." and then I REALLY had to say I'm sorry before he REALLY started to tickle me...or did he tickle me afterall...?

4. Speaking of nuzzling, I was on the bus going to evil school (*shudders*) and I was thinking about something and suddenly I wanted to rub my head against the corner of the seat in front of me. I was so tempted, I couldn't even THINK about doing it. LOL, I wonder what would happen if i did, lol....

Submitted by TabbyTartz@cs.com

1. My nickname at school is Jemima or Sillabub.

2. I walked up to my friend and said hi, she said, "Hi Rikki". and she didn't even look at me, I said, "How did you know it was me?" She said, "Cause you sound like my cat."

3. I talked to my cat in public and I understood her.(well, it looked like I understood her and sher understood me)

4.For Halloween I wore cat makeup(Jemima*note: I think Mistoffelees and Jemima make the cutest couple in the show!!!* and went to my crushes' house and painted his face like Mistoffelees and we went out to my friends house and we talked about CATS from 6:00*DARK* till 3:00*light!* he found out I liked him and he said that he would be my Mistoffelees if I was his Jemima!!!!!!*he did see the movie*

*(Blaze's note: AWWWW!!! How sweet!!!)*

5. I sang 3 songs from CATS *Macavity the Mystery Cat, Gus the Theater Cat, and The Magical Mister Mistoffelees* for the talent show and got 1st place!

6.Went to the mall and saw Cats & Dogs in Cats makeup and when they say cats rule or anything to do with cats being the best we started to meow!

7. We went to a show are our local theater in cat makeup and afterward we got more attention than the cast! There is more, but I think yall think I nuts right now enought! BYES!

Submitted by CHRBroadway@aol.com

1. In school we were talking about heaven for religion class and our priest came in to answer any questions we had. I asked him if the church believed in the Heavyside Layer. Of course this lead to the taunting of my other class mates. But their idiots and kept calling it Heavyside ways, Heavy place up there and Higher regions

2. I used to be"that freak". I have been upgraded to "that Cats freak"

Submitted by Pounci

1.) On my school bus, my friends and I have our little Jellicle "tribe". I am known as Pouncival, and when someone calls me Halaina (that being my real name), I say, "Halaina who? Is she a new queen?" and the other person says, "Oookkkaaayyy then, POUNCIVAL." That makes me want to unsheath my claws and......

2.) We got new next door neighbors. *evil grin* I put on cat makeup, frizzed my hair, and put on a long white spooky nightdress. (Brag time! I looked kind of cool!) The neighbors were sitting outside having a party thing, they were all VERY loud, louder than Etcetera! I appeared from behind the hedge that separates our house from theirs. They all stared. I didn;t look at them, just kind of past them, ghost like. I guess I freaked them out because they didn't move a muscle. I got into the act, turned my face to the moon, and started singing. "Moonlight, turn your face to the moonlight, let your memory lead you, open up, enter in..." (Brag time! I sing pretty good, and with the night quiet, I sounded exactly like Veerle Casteleyn!) They all slowly got up and went inside. hahaha!

3.) The same neighbors! I left a message on their doorstep that had the lyrics to Memory on it. I wonder if they opened it yet.....

Submitted by CHATBLISS@aol.com

Once in during advisory, we were playing silent ball. all day i had been telling everybody that i had some songs to sing. I told my teacher, so he made everyone stop playing and made me sing in front of the whole class, which by the way I did not expect! I got up in front of the class and sang "Mungojerry and Rumpleteazer" accent and all. I got a bunch of compliments, and my teacher called my science teacher and made me go over there and sing for her! And I did! I got more compliments and the next day, I had to sing for my social studies teacher! I sung "Macavity" and "Mungojerry and Rumpletezer" again. Now everbody keeps asking me to sing for them and one boy calls me cats. Some people thought I was in the musical and I never was( but I wish I had been)! PURRS! And at the movies I was all hyper, and my friends dared me to sing right outside the mall! And I did! I just sung at the top of my lungs! Because! of this, I have been dubbed weird. Let me tell you, I don't hate it...

Submitted by Hayley

I take a dance class at school. We learned part of Jellicle songs for Jellicle cats. One day, our teacher, who by the way has a very twisted sense of what's fun for "normal", non-obsessed high school students, tells us that we'll be doing make-up from the show. She did mine (by the way, sheplayed Demeter and Bomblaurina)as Demeter. I was the only one who looked like an actual cat! They took pictures and my friend tells me mine will be in the yearbook! After school my friend, who also had make-up on and I went up the streetto wait for our mothers to pick us up near the library. It took some convincing, but I finaly got her to agree to sing Macavity with me. Yay! I know I can't sing too well, but I made three dollars! AND I was complimented on my make-up. They didn't ask if we were from the show, because of our clothes, but a lot of the people looked a little confused as to what we were doing there. I'll never let Heather live that day down!

Submitted by Wolf-Pac

#1.In 1996 my School was doing Cats for the school play, knowing that I was a big fan of the play I helped with it,never thing about trying out(shy, you know that sorta of thing), well anyway it had seems that the person playing Misto has got sick 2 days before opening night(had somthing bad, can't remember too long ago) knowing that I was the only one that knew all the lines and dance moves, I was the lucky person chosen to play him, I was pretty shy and I said yes (which amazed me) so i reviewed everything and got my outfit all ready(I knew how to make them, I worked very hard on mine, no need to brag but it looked alot better then the others >^_^< )well, it was much fun and it went great, we had reviews in the paper and pictures etc. I was reviewed as the best in the play, made me happy!

#2.I finally saw the play and it was great, I went to the backstage door's hoping to meet any actor, I meet Jacob Brent(woo) he was playing Misto in this play, I had told him i had played misto awhile back in a school play, sooner or later he took be backstage and I met alot of the actor's etc, anyway enough of what I saw, it's what happened to me, I was able to talk to misto and asked him to come to our school on Sat.(pratice day for the new play) and I could show him 1 CATS song, shocking thing is he did come, and I did show him that song( Mr. Mistoffelees) due to me being the onlyone that had the CATS outfit, I had to do the song with 14 people without them,looked weird but he said I was great and I became an understudy while they were there(I knew it was a joke, since they had 1 more show)yea, but I went to cats that night (In My outfit of course) and many people asked if I was in CATS, and somon asked me where I learned to dance like that(refering to the real Misto)and a couple you were great out their, and alot of people wanted to take pics with me,so happy!AFter the show I said goodbye to Jacob and the Cast, as they left for some other town! (Blaze's note: AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! *faints*)

and #3I do hang out with a cat, this cat loves me more then the owners, and yes I do talk him and he meow's back and I pretend I understand(I acually do ;) )

Submitted by Mirahcles

I have a bad (or good, depending on your frame of mind) habit of using my hands when I talk and making sound effects. Like, for example, if I say something went splat....you guessed it. I'll make sound effects. But anyway, one particular time I was telling The Motley Crew about a fight a bunch of girls were having in the halls and I started to make cat-hissing noises to illustrate the point. They still make fun of me for it! I am now dubbed not only Jesse-Bug, but the Jellikle!

You got any strange experieces that you would like others to know about? e-mail me. Don't worry! It's okay to let your fandom show!!

NOTE: Sorry, if any of you have sent submissions in the past few months. My e-mail addy has changed, and I just realized that I haven't updated it on this page.