Pounce's Longing

By Kristen Hinceman

It was a rainy day and Pounce was out for a stroll, He all of a sudden heard crying, he looked to see what it was. He wondered around trying to figure out where the weeping sound was coming from and he looked behind the bushes. What he saw was a beautiful Queen. She looked about 1, 1 and a half, she was young. Her coat had a gold tint to it. Other than that she was all white. She had a shimmer of silver in her hair and her tail was sparkley. Like Misto's. He head looked somewhat like Victoria's except for her head had gold on her eyes and the side of her cheeks. She had a blue collar with Saphires on it. In her hair was a blue flower. A rose sort of looking thing. Pounce did'nt want her to know he was there. All of a sudden she looked up. Her eyes hurt to look at. They were so blue. Blue like a dark cloud but not even close to a sort of black. " Who are you?" She asked. "I'm Pouncival, a jellicle and you would be..?"

" Aphrodite"she said

" That's an unusual name, very pretty though." Pounce said.

" MY mother named me it, She named my sister Demeter, she's a jellicle, do you know her?"

"DEMETER!!??"Pounce asked in amazement.

"Yes, I have been looking for her and the tribe, I want to become a jellicle too. "

" Come with me, I'll show you where to find it." Pounce said wanting to help.

" Thank you "She said " I've been looking for days."

" Your welcome." he said and put out his hand for her to take

~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~`~` `~~ ~~~ `~~~ ` ~~~~~`~~~~ ~~~

" Soooo, where are you from?"Pounce asked her.

" Well me and my mother had been traveling for quite sometime until one day a pollicle took her away from here and I haven't seen her since. That's when I started looking for Demeter."

"Are you her younger sister or older sister?" he asked hoping she would say younger. Demeter and him were the same age and he always wanted a younger mate

" Oh, i'm quite younger than my sister, she is at least a year older than me. Im only 1." she said" How old are you?" Me? i'm the same age as your sister a little younger , like 1 month maybe. " he said.

He squeezed her hand and said "Here we are."

"Will you help me find my sister?" she asked.

"Don't worry she's probably by Munkustrap, that's her mate." Pounce said

" Oh."she said.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ `~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~

"Who's the queen Pounce?" Alonzo asked looking at her and whisteling.

" Shut up Alonzo she's taken."Pounce said.

" By who, Pounce?" She whispered and giggled in his ear.

" Just go along with it or else Tugger and Alonzo will be all over you." he laughed.

"Oh." she giggled.

" Munk, wheres Demi, I have a very, very, special guest for her." Pounce said.

" Oh, and who would that be?" He said looking at her up and down.

" Aphrodite, sir."She said standing proud.

" Demeter!!!!" He called.

" Yes Munku..........." she answered. Then looked at the queen.

" Excuse me Miss, What's your name?"Demeter asked

Aphrodite had tears in her eyes when she answered " You might recognize it,

It's Aphrodite..."

" Aphrodite??" Demeter asked, With her own tears in her eyes. " My


" I'm that sister..."she answered

They embraced, tears falling everywhere. Pounce smiled, he had done a good deed, finally. * She is so beautiful, I wish she was mine* he thought to himself. Munk was flabberghasted, he had no clue what soever that Demeter ever had A sister.

" How did you find us?" Demeter asked, Crying

" It was all Pounce, with out him, I would have been lost." She answered.

Demeter looked a Pounce and smiled " Thank you Pounce, for everything..."

" I didn't do anything, I was just following my heart." he said

~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~

" So, Aphrodite, do you want me to show you around tommorow, I mean like introduce you to everyone and show you everything?" pounce asked her, Squeezing her hand. " I would like that."Aphrodite said blushing.

" Who are you staying with?" he asked her.

"Well I can't ask my sister because she has a mate and I'm not going to intrude her space,"

" Why dont you stay with me at least until we can build you a den." Pounce asked hopefully.

" I would like that, I really would..." and squeezed his hand back.

" Well come this way." he said, and all of a sudden ran into Jemima.

" Hi Pounce, who's the queen?" Jemi asked.

" Hi, I'm Aphrodite, and you would be.....?"

"Jemima, but all my friends call me Jemi." she said sweetly and then looked at Pounce like she wanted to rip out his brains then looked back at Aphrodite with a sweet smile.

" Nice to meet you Jemima."Aprhodite said.

"Well I must be going i'm meeting Vicki soon. Bye nice meeting you." Jemi said.

"Bye, have fun Jemi!" Pounce said sounding bored out of his mind. Jemi stuck his toungue out and was on her way.

"What was wrong with her?" Aphrodite asked.

" Well me and her use to go out and she's always been jealous if she see's me with another queen, even when we arent going out." Pounce said.

"Ohhh! So how many other girls are attracted to you?" Aphrodite asked and held his hand.

"None, At the moment, I don't think." Pounce said and blushed and squeezed her hand

"Oh."She answered not trying to sound to happy.

~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~

the next day.....

Aphrodite awoke on her ever so comfy bed of soft feather pillows. She looked at pounce who was still asleep on his pillows in the corner by the fire. She went over and started giving herself a bath and then, to wake up Pounce, she licked his ears til he woke up.

" MoM....... Just 8 more minutes, make that 10! What time is it?"

"2 hours after sunrise, Pounce!"Aphrodite said nudging him slightly. Then licked his ears again.

"Come here."Pounce said opening out his arms for her to lay down with him. She took them and they layed in complete silence until Pounce started licking her ears. She started laughing because it tickled her greatly.

" Pounce, what are you doing with my sister??" Demeter asked while she was giggeling.

" DeMeTeR!!??" Pounce asked slightly surprised and filled with embarrasment.

" Nothing Demi, hehe" Aphrodite answered

" Ohhh, Yea right!!" Demeter laughed and so did Aphrodite, but Pounce just slightly giggled and felt really embarrased.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~

A week later.......

" Soooooo, how much do you like him???" Demeter asked one day when they were in her den.

"Do you mean Pounce?" she asked her sister.

" DUH!! I still dont know why you picked Pounce your such a pretty queen, you could of had anyone here!"Demeter said.

" Who said I liked him?" Aphrodite said looking at her sister and giggling madly.

"You can tell, your big blue eyes sparkle when your with him and when you guys are in private I know what you do!!"Demi said

" We dont do anything because we're never in private! I swear Demi it's as if you've told everyone to be around us all the time so we can never be alone!!!" She exclaimed and laughed.

" HAHA! I would never!, Well maybe but I didn't!" Demi said looking at her sister. They laughed some more and then went home.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

" So Pounce what's going on with you and that new queen, huh, are you thinking about asking her to be your mate? C'mon tell your big brother!!!" Alonzo asked.

"Leave me alone Alonzo!"Pounce said giggling

" You should ask her out! You two are always together anyway!" Alonzo said lauphing.

" Shut up Alonzo, this is your last warning!!!" Pounce yelled at his brother.

"And you guys could go to the lake, that's romantic........" Alonzo didnt have time to finish, because Pouncival pinned his brother down claws sinking into his big brothers legs, and his front claws around his neck joking him.


" Crystal" Alonzo choked out trying to breath

"GOOD!"Pounce said.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~ ~~~~ ~

Aphrodite yawned.

"Bored, Bored, Bored!"She said. She was sitting in the junkyard waiting for the guys to come back from the lake. They had gone all together and all the girls were waiting for them to come home. It just wasn't the same without them. For Aphrodite it wasn't the same without Pounce and all she could do was hope he had the same feelings for her. Jemima came up and sat down beside her. So did Ecetera.

"Bored?"asked Aphrodite.

"Very, all I want is for them to come home!"said Jemima.

"I want to see Tugger!"Ecetera cried.

All of a sudden they heard footsteps. *YES! Finnally*they all thought. They were right. It was the guys. Demi ran to Munk and kissed him .

" I missed you! Where have you been?!" They all said. All they couples ran to each other. Bomby ran to Tugger. Jemima ran to Alonzo. Ecetera ran to Tumble. All the girls ran to the guys who had been gone for a very,very long week.Vicky ran to Plato. The only one she didn't see was Pounce. All of a sudden, Aphrodite was thrown of her feet and was being kissed. Pounce was holding her in his arms and kissing her. He sat her down and hugged her.

*Boy!*she thought to herself.

"Did you miss me?"He asked

"More than ever she said and kissed him again.

" Did you miss me? she asked him.

" Why of course! I couldn't ait to come home from that boring lake. The other guys were thinking about staying another week but I told them I needed to be home, with the queen I..I.......I. Care for." Pounce said.

"Good! Because if you had'nt come home I would've came down there and got you!" She said.

" HaHaHah! How do you know that I would have come??!"Asked Pounce smiling.

" Because you love me........and I love you...." and she kissed him.

~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~

It was a new, cold, day and Pounce and Aphrodite were curled up by the fire. They were fast asleep. Pounce woke up. He started licking her ears. A simple friend gesture and Aphrodite woke up. She licked her lips and yawnned.

"Pounce, just 2 more minutes!"she said He started kissing her so she would wake up, then when she wouldn't wake up, he started licking her neck, and that woke her up.

" O.K. O.K im up!"she yelled

"Good!"Pounce said and started tickeling her.

" Stop! Stop!Hahahahahahaha!"she could hardly talk. She grabbed his head and kissed him. That made him stop tickeling her and kiss her back and look at her big blue eyes. He could hardly talk. He was so happy. His dream had come true. All of a sudden she looked at him and said, "I want to go to the lake, Can we?"

"Of Course, whatever you want."

"O Good!" and kissed him

"I'm gonna go tell Demeter, could she come with us, do you think?" Aphrodite asked.

" What ever you want."Pounce said

~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~

At the lake.....

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!Stop splashing me Pounce!"Aphrodite screamed.

"HAhahaha! Aphrodite you have some problems with your boyfriend." Demeter yelled.

"Yes you do he's one of the trouble makers around these parts!"Munk said.

"What do you mean Demi?" Aphrodite asked

"I mean that before you came he was always playing tricks on Toms and queens and when you came he just kind of like, well, tamed himself."Munk said.

"Oh, well he still is pretty wild."Aphrodite said to them.

Just then Pounce came up soaking wet and hugged Aphrodite, and kissed her on the cheek and asked, " What are you guys saying over here?"

"Nothing sweetie."she said and kissed him and then Aphrodite talked everyone into getting in the water before they all went to bed. They all said their good nights to their loved ones and went to bed.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~

"You two make such a cute little couple!" Demi sqealed.

" SHUT UP about me and him already it's not even final!"Aphrodite screamed at her sister." What about you and Munkustap, are you two together yet?"she asked.

"Soon, That's what he said, by the next jellicle ball, he told me." Demi said." Maybe by that time you two will have decided if that's what your going to do with your lives."

"Maybe, I'm not even sure if he really want's to make even a little comitment to us! Heck how do I know he's not using me to get Jemima or somebody jealous of me and get all mad!" Aphrodite said.

" Because, you kno he loves you, have you seen him around any other one of the guys since you've been here, Flirt with anyone else, Make trouble?? I dont think so! He love you Aphrodite and noone else!"Demeter said as she looked into her sisters eyes.......

~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~TO BE CONTINUED.....~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~

Part Two