Revenge by Cassa and Silver-Moon

Before you read on, I would like to apologize to Cassa and Silver-Moon for waiting so long to put up this story. It's a very well-written and entertaining story.



A challenge.

Cassa, Ciggie, Mistoffelees and Zelia all screeched in laughter as their father threw a pillow at them. "Come on Mistoffelees we've got to go." Cassa turned around to see Mistoffelees and Jadadaye arguing about something. Hmmm I wonder what it is about, Cassa wondered, aloud she said, "Don't worry Misto I'm sure you can chase those darn butterflies with me later." Cassa said softly, she herself needed to leave. Magic was throbbing strongly threw her veins and if it wasn 't released she feared the slight nauseating feeling she felt would grow and she'd faint. "Bye dad." She yelled as she ran out of the warehouse. She didn't bother to keep running just disappeared in a bolt of lightning. The practice arena was scorched. But when Cassa arrived butterflies started to form in the arena. "My worst nightmare." Cassa shook her head as the butterflies started to dive at her. Her lightning killed half of them but it didn't help as soon as she killed them more would come. "Stop this at once!" Cassa yelled at the butterflies they didn't stop but began to form something. "Oh eek." Cassa murmured. "This is what you're scared of." Some one sneered. "Why shouldn't I." Cassa yelled. "You are one of the most saddest felines I have ever seen." A queen Cassa knew that much. "Sad as I may be Queen I can bet I am much more powerful then you are." The form rippled Cassa saw the illusion but she couldn't see past it. "I doubt you are stronger." The cat sneered. "Well then kit I challenge you to a match. And I hope you don't mind if I bring some friends." "Where would you like to meet?" "Jellicle Junkyard, sunset." With that Cassa was alone. Cassa sighed now this would be fun. Concentrating her energy into a mirror she looked at herself. A black and white tux with a brown line that streaked from the tip of her tail to her chin she smiled as she looked away from the mirror. This was going to be one night she would never forget. Or at least she hoped so. Cassa sighed turning into lightning she flew into the Jellicle Junkyard. CHAPTER 1 Silver-Moon Vs Cassa Silver-Moon started to walk into the Jellicle Junkyard. Her black and white coat sparkled in the sunset. She had said she would be here for the fight and she was not going to miss it. As she stepped into Jellicle Junkyard she looked around. And there she was the cat she had seen that afternoon. She was just sitting there. Waiting. "Glad you came. Thought you wouldn't come though." The cat said with a smile. "Wouldn't miss it." Silver-Moon said. "First I'll like to know your name." The other cat said with a hiss. "It's Silver-Moon. You?" Silver-Moon said as she started to walk up to her. "Cassa. Nice to meet you. Now let us begin." Cassa said as her brown line began to glow. Silver-Moon smiled. As she started to bring her own magic into play. Mistoffelees bolted into the Junkyard as Cassa was summoning deadly energy. "Silver-Moon I gave you no permission to use your powers you are untrained." Mistoffelees yelled. He had been planing on introducing his family but not in a death match. "Since when have you told me when to use my powers father." Mistoffelees stopped as his daughter growled. "Don't growl at me young queen." Suddenly Mistoffelees looked at Cassa who was sending a powerful bolt of white lightning into the air. "Let the ma." Misto looked at his twin before realizing why she had stopped. She was staring at a monster butterfly. He felt the scream in his mind before he heard it. His twin went bolting into a nearby tunnel. Her mate, The Rum Tum Tugger, was after her in an instant. "Stop this at once she is a relative Silver." Mistoffelees stalked up to his daughter and shoved her away. "Cassa?" Mistoffelees shoved Tugger away from the tunnel and went in. "Cassa? Come on it's alright." "It was a monster." Mistoffelees put a paw on Cassa. "Don't worry it's gone now." His sister was shaking and when she opened her eyes he could see that the fierce gold had become a dull gold. "Shhhh don't cry." The other cat looked at him before a bolt of lightning hit her. Cassa landed on the ground gracefully. "A niece shouldn't hurt her aunt." Cassa said softly. CHAPTER 2 Afraid Of Butterflies Mistoffelees Looked at Silver-Moon and sighed. "I've told you never to use your powers until I've taught you how to use it." He said as he began to pace. "My dad's pacing. Oh this is not good." Silver-Moon said. "This must mean your going to give a lecture right." She added with a frown. Mistoffelees looked at Silver-Moon again. "You can count on it." He said as he walked up to her. "If you use your power with out training." "You might hurt or kill someone. You've told me this a thousand times dad." Silver-Moon said as she finished the sentence for him. "And I'll keep on telling you until you get it in your head. Now if you want to know why I stopped the fight here's the answer. Cassa is your Aunt." Mistoffelees said as he started to pace again. Silver-Moon looked at him. "You have got to be joking. She's afraid of butterflies For goodness sake. And how can a b**** like her be my Aunt!" Silver-Moon said with a shout at the end. "What did you just call your Aunt?" Mistoffelees said as he walked up to her again. Silver-Moon sank to the ground. "Oops." She said as she looked away from her father's eyes. "That's right 'Oops' now if you ever use your power against her you may find two broken legs. Now off with you. And go and find someone your own age to play with." Silver-Moon got up and said her farewells then bolted off. "This is the life." Ciggie purred. "Hey that one looks like that kitten that tried to hurt Cassa." Ciggie purred again, he was about to start singing 'Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats' when someone ran into his side. The other cat toppled over Ciggies lithe form and hissed at him. "Watch it." Ciggie stood up after finding out that nothing was broken. "Why if I may ask should I watch it I've been lying here all night so I don' t think I should be the stray chucked in the trash can." The cat looked at him with ice blue eyes then growled. "A stray in the Jellicle Junkyard. Get out before I hurt you." The cat hissed. "Hurt meow? I don't think so Silver-Moon. I mean you wouldn't hurt your own uncle. I mean I am so much stronger then you physically and power wise Kit" Ciggie added tipping the last word with power. "You've got to be joking?" "Nah I don't think you would I mean you wouldn't want to be fried now would you." A pair of glowing green eyes appeared beside Ciggie and he smiled at Silver-Moon. "I really doubt you would hurt my daughter, Zelia Ciggie" Ciggie looked at his twin and they both broke into uncontrollable fits of laughter. Ciggie glanced at his twin mind and saw himself threw her eyes laughing like the kitten he was. He was gray-black and white with a couple of gray smudges around his mouth. Zelia though didn't look at all like him. She was all black with a pinkish diamond birthmark above her eyes. "Oh yeah the reason I popped in Cigs is because dad wants ya home." Ciggie nodded and took Zelia's paws. Black lightning streaked down and they disappeared. Silver-Moon looked at the empty air where the cats named Ciggie and Zelia had been. She sighed and got up and started to walk away. She didn't know where to go though. Just then two kittens ran into the Junkyard. One was fully white and the other was tortoiseshell she had mixes of three different colours. One was purple one was black and the other was gray. She also had an orange, black and white striped head. The fully white kitten ran into her by accident. "Sorry. I didn't see you there." She said. Considering that Silver-Moon was smaller then the kitten she wasn't surprised that she didn't see her. The other kitten stopped just in time before she hit her. She was about the same size as Silver-Moon. "Hi I'm Sillubub." She said. "And I'm Victoria." The white kitten said with a smile. "What is your name?" Victoria added. "I'm Silver-Moon. Did you just see those two cats disappear?" Silver-Moon asked the two cats. "Yes." Victoria said. "They're Macavity's kits." Sillubub said with a small smile. "WHAT!" Silver-Moon said with a screech. "What's wrong?" Victoria said as she walked up to her. "I have to go sorry. I'll see you guys soon." And with that Silver-Moon ran off. Her dad had a lot of explaining to do. Right now. Chapter3 Ciggie Cassa and Mistoffelees covered their ears as Silver-Moon screamed at them. "ENOUGH with your shouting it's beginning to give me a horrible headache." Cassa purred angrily. "Now don't go of at us just because we happen to be the hidden paw's kits." Cassa silenced the enraged kit. "How did they disappear?" Silver-Moon asked. Cassa shook her head. "They disappear like this." Cassa said softly. Lightning streaked across Mistoffelees house and Cassa disappeared. "It isn't much but it works when you need it." Cassa said as she appeared behind Silver-Moon. Silver-Moon looked at Cassa. One minute she was in front of here the next minute she was beside her. Silver-Moon looked at her father then back at Cassa. "Do you mean I can do that sooner or later?" She asked with delight. "When you're trained you might be able to. But not just yet." Mistoffelees said with a smile touching his lips. "I am trained. Mum's be teaching me when you've been a bit busy dad." Silver-Moon said with a small smile on her face. Mistoffelees looked at Silver-Moon he didn't know that Jadadaye had been teaching their daughter. "So that's why you can turn into butterflies." Cassa said with a hiss. "I hate butterflies." "Yes that is why I can turn into butterflies. I can do lots of things. But I 'm still not as good as my mum or dad." Silver-Moon said with a smile as she walked up to her dad. "By the way when will you be giving me a lesson?" Silver-Moon added as she gave her dad a kiss. "This afternoon." Mistoffelees said. "And that's a promise." Ciggie ran in to the large wheely-bin that Mistoffelees and Jadadaye shared. Ciggie wouldn't have noticed Silver-Moon if she had punched him, as it was he ran smack bam into her. "Watch it, I was here first this time." "Sorry Misto, Cassa guess what." "It wasn't him it was me jerk off." "Sorry then Silver-Moon. I'm not a jerk off any way I've been training mine off to be the hidden paw." "Oh and that gives you the right to run into me." "Yup. But anyway Cassa, Mistoffelees.." "You jerk I can't believe you." "Believe me." "Why should I." " It's your fault you look like Quaxo not mine." "Oh well sorrrrrry your Royal Highness." Ciggie hissed and was ready to pounce and knock the little queen into nightmare land when a bolt of blue lightning hit the ground between them. "Now you two kiss and make up." Ciggie turned blazing green eyes on Cassa and saw her giggling. "I'd rather kiss a Pollicle." "I can arrange that what time would you like." Ciggie smiled as the queen stuck out her tongue at him. Ciggie did the same thing. "You two are acting like kittens." Ciggie and Silver-Moon both turned on Mistoffelees. Together they both said, "We are." "Alright Ciggie what did you want to tell us." Ciggies smile brightened and he began to jump up and down. "I knocked a stray out today the annoying idiot wanted to renovate my room." "Is that all you want to tell us that you punched someone." Silver-Moon sneered. "No I wanted to tell my brother that I used magic queeny." "You probably don't have a magic bone in you." "Wanna bet on it. I can influence you, knock you out, revive you, kill you and drain your power. I can hurt even the most powerfullest of black mages." "Really well then try it." "Alright the two of you stop it Ciggie do not take that as a challenge. Ciggie don't even try it she's family." Mistoffelees growled. "Stuff family concepts she's annoying the living Heavieside out of me." Ciggie lunged at the queen. He felt mage power lick at his fur and he took it in. "Why haven't you fallen yet." "Want me to fall this stuff feels good specially when it's been out of action for three hours." Ciggie laughed but eventually he grew tired and decided that fighting magic with draining power was quiet boring after awhile. "Weakling." Silver-Moon sneered. Ciggie wasn't ready for the burst of power he felt but when it collided with his body he fell backwards and smiled. That hurt. No one had been game to hurt him in a long time. "Pain I forgot how much it hurts." Someone was beside him he recognized her after awhile. "Jada what are you trying to do." "Ciggie you're hurt.' "Of course I'm hurt I just battled it with your cocky little queen of a daughter." "You bloody Jerk." Silver-Moon shouted, Ciggie laughed ending up coughing blood. "Stop it with the prodding it's only mage magic I'm already absorbing it." Ciggie yelled as he batted the hands away. "You're ganna die I hope I get to see this." Silver-Moon sneered. Oh jeez. Ciggie looked up his vision misted and Silver-Moon began to spin. "Silver-Moon you get down here and pump energy into him." "But mum." "No buts he's dying. And he isn't aloud to die." Chapter4 "They Fight Like Cat and Dog." Silver-Moon Nodded. "Ok." She said as she walked up to Ciggie and sat down. "I'm going to help you now. As much as I don't want to I have to." Silver-Moon added with a small smile. "I rather die then let you help me." Ciggie said with a hiss. "I'm going to help you weather you like it or not." And with that Silver-Moon put her paw onto Ciggie and started to give him her energy. "Get away from me." Ciggie hissed again. But Silver-Moon kept her paw on his. As he got stronger Silver-Moon got weaker. Or at least it felt like it. She really was just going back to her normal strength. In a few minutes Ciggie was back on his feet. "I've never met someone as strong as you. A part from my family." He said as he took in deep breaths. "I'm not as strong as you. I just did a really big illusion that made me look stronger. To tell you the truth I'm tried now." Silver-Moon said as she started to close her eyes. "I'm going." Ciggie said as he started to leave. As soon as he went into the sun he threw up and blacked out. It was dark, very dark. Ciggie tried to open his eyes but the darkness kept them shut. Help, Ciggie screamed mentally. It was quiet on Zelia's end but then she would have fainted too. How the hell am I supposed to help you? Ciggie sat up. It wasn't too dark now. He looked around and screamed. The room was blank no mirrors no pillows it was bare. "Shut up would you?" Ciggie looked around and saw Silver-Moon staring at him as if he were a nutter. "Oh dear goddess save me." He whispered. "Why would she. And why weren't you aloud to die it would've been good to see you out of my life." Silver-Moon asked. "I'm Macavity's heir I'm not aloud to die I'm too important. I think." "All right you two are awake finally you're both going to see Old Deuteronomy now." Ciggie covered his ears when Jadadaye yelled at the two of them. "I don't want to see that old bag of bones." Ciggie whimpered. "Yes mum." "You are coming Ciggie." "No I'm not he always yells at me I can't drop in for a visit without being yelled at." "Join the club." Silver-Moon mumbled. Ciggie ended up being picked up by the scruff and dragged out kicking and screaming. "Big kitten." "I am a kitten. And any way last time I saw him I got flogged." "You too uh. I'm beginning to think that's all he does." Ciggie smiled as he was dropped in front of Deuteronomy. "Don't touch me." The Jellicle leader looked at Ciggie and Silver-Moon sternly. "How many time do I have to tell you two to stay away from trouble." "155 times." Ciggie mewed. Silver-Moon giggled. "Silver-Moon stop that." Ciggie heard her stop but she continued on in his mind. "And how many times have I told you Silver-Moon." "Um 3544 times." Ciggie cracked up in hysterical laughter and so did Silver-Moon. "Do you know what you to are?" Deuteronomy asked. Ciggie nodded and looked at Silver-Moon who shook her head. "Nup." Ciggie replied. "You're trouble makers the two of you. And then you start openly fighting and scare all of the other cats in the Junkyard." Ciggie frowned and started to giggle. "He started it." Silver-Moon pointed at Ciggie and he glared at her. "You started it when you tripped over me." "As if." "Look just shut up." "You started it before we even met." "How?" "You just did you jerk." "Did not and it was your fault because you were born." "What. It was you fault you were born before me." "ENOUGH." "Ooooopps." Ciggie and Silver-Moon sank to the ground quietly. Trying to look smaller then they already were. "You two fight like cats and dogs." "He's the dog." "Am not." "Are to." "Am not." "JUST STOP IT." "No you stop it." Silver-Moon said to Deuteronomy. "Yeah why don't you shut up. We were having fun." "Were not." "Were to." "Were not." Ciggie looked around suddenly and noticed that they had attracted a crowd. All the cats were shaking their heads. Some were even sighing. The kitten though they had their heads in their paws. "WHAT." Ciggie and Silver-Moon shouted together. "I said it first." Silver-Moon growled. "Did not." "Did to." In the background Deuteronomy sighed. "Are these cats going to be the end of us?" He asked no one in particular. "I think so." Ciggie fell to the ground giggling at the face Silver-Moon made. "What are laughing about jerk off." "You." Ciggies eyes widened as Silver-Moon lunged at him. "That's enough you two," Silver-Moon and Ciggie turned to look around. "It was a ghost." "No it wasn't. It was dad." "What you mean Macavity?" "Yup." Ciggie and Silver-Moon made eye contact and together screamed, "Macavity's not there." All the other cats shook their heads as Silver-Moon and Ciggie fell to the ground laughing. "Please take these two away they're giving me a headache." Deuteronomy sighed. "She's giving it to you I wouldn't dream of hurting the great Deuteronomy." "No you are and I wouldn't dream of hurting you either." Deuteronomy got up and stalked up to the two kittens. He grabbed Ciggie and brought a paw down on Ciggies face. "That hurt." "Yeah." Deuteronomy walked up to Silver-Moon and did the same thing. "Stop it." Ciggie screamed. Silver-Moon and Ciggie walked away from Old Deuteronomy with sore faces. "Why did he have to hit us." Ciggie said as he rubbed his face. "I don't know. Maybe he got anger at us." Silver-Moon said. "At you more like it." Ciggie said with a small laugh. "I don't want to fight I'm tired. I'm going to go to bed." Silver-Moon said. "And no He was angry at you more because he's known you longer then me." She added with a yawn. Ciggie smiled. "I want to show you something." He said as he walked in front of Silver-Moon. "You have got to be joking." Silver-Moon said as she stopped walking. "Nope. I want to show you my room." Ciggie said with a smile. "Now you've got to be joking. Your room!" Silver-Moon said looking at him. Ciggie nodded and grabbed Silver-Moon and they disappeared in a ripple of light. Chapter5 Shoke and Shayla "This is my room." Ciggie said softly. "There's no place big enough in the Junkyard for this." Silver-Moon replied. "Nope this is my dads lair. I live here." Silver-Moon looked around. Ciggie noticed her eyes widened when she saw herself in a mirror. The truth was though that all the walls were mirrors and the floor was just pillows he could see why Silver-Moon was shocked. "To many mirrors and pillows what have you got wrong with you?" Silver-Moon asked. "And you know what it's good for." Silver-Moon shook her head. Ciggie back flipped and landed on a pillow. "It's a lot more safer. Although if you ever want drive a rat crazy this is the right room to do it in." After showing Silver-Moon his room Ciggie showed her around the rest of the place. "And here is the Kitchen. And that is the end of the tour." He said with a smile. "It's big." Silver-Moon said. "How could you live in a place like this? I would go insane in a place like this. Hold on you are insane." Silver-Moon added with a giggle. "Am not." "Are too." "Am not." "Are too." "Ok I think that's enough for now. We need to save our strength." Ciggie said. "What for? Is the Jellicle ball on tonight?" Silver-Moon asked with a smile. "No. But we need all the strength for the big cat fight tonight." Ciggie said with a smile himself. Silver-Moon looked at him. "What's that?" She asked as she looked around the kitchen. "It's when the strays fight it out." Ciggie said. "Huh?" Silver-Moon said as she looked at him. "Never mind. You'll see. Come on it's about to start." Ciggie grabbed Silver-Moon and rippled away in a flash of light. Ciggie stepped away from Silver-Moon. "Don't worry about these toms they wont touch you. You're with meow." Ciggie said. "I'm on heat." Silver-Moon whispered. Ciggie sat shocked for a little wile. That was until a tom came up and placed an arm around Silver-Moon's waist. "Ay cutie stick with me and they wont touch you." The gray tom purred. Ciggie for some reason unknown to him felt Silver-Moon give the tom a zap but the tom seemed to shrug it off. "Let her go Shoke she's with me." The tom suddenly seemed to notice Ciggie and he laughed. "You with this cutie I doubt it Ciggie and doesn't she look a bit like Mistoffelees." Ciggie began to boil. "Let her go Shoke before I hurt you." Ciggie didn't want Silver-Moon with Shoke the idiot didn't know how to treat a queen he knew that much. "Sorry runt I don't want to let her go." Just then Ciggie saw a ripple in Silver-Moon's appearance and a butterfly come out. More appeared and started to form a cat beside Ciggie. "Alright Ciggie get into the ring I'm going to pound your head in." Ciggie rolled his eyes and rippled himself into the ring. "Oh and you're not aloud to use magic in this match." Ciggie shrugged. "I do believe nothings far in queens and strays Shoke but look at you're so much stronger then meow." "You are so infuriating Brat and only a kitten." "I know and isn't it great being infuriating really makes me happy." "Enough small talk. Ref start this match." A ref hissed and the match began everyone in the arena stopped talking as they saw Macavity's Heir battle it out with no normal stray. "Stop with your ripple effect kit it can't save you here." Ciggie laughed so far it was working. "Shayla get in here you're magic." Ciggie smiled during his ripple. "Shayla's not aloud to disobey me Shoke she's second." But much to Ciggie's surprise the cat jumped into the ring. "Didn't he listen Shoke?" Shayla a gray and white cat purred. "I can hurt you Ciggie you need to be in contact with my magic to be able to drain me but you aren't so die." Ciggie was blasted onto the floor and couldn't get up for the life of him as the power rammed into him at high speed. Slowly though the magic eased. But still Ciggie couldn't move. It stopped. "Now you die and I'll have your pretty little girlfriend all to myself." Chapter6 Cat Fight. Silver-Moon ran into the ring. "You'll have to kill me first." She said with a hiss. Her magic was all ready to be used if she need it. "You. What makes you think I'll hurt you." Shoke said. "That's an advantage I have." Silver-Moon said as she let out her power. It slammed into Shoke and then he hit the other cat named Shayla. Ciggie looked up shocked. He didn't think she would do something like that. "Why did you do that?" Ciggie asked. "I couldn't let the heir to Macavity's throne die now could I." Silver-Moon said with a smile. Shayla got up. "How the hell did you do that?" she said with a hiss. "You touch him you die." Silver-Moon said. Shayla hissed again and walked away and left the unconscious Shoke on his own. Silver-Moon sighed. Just then a bolt of lightning hit the ground in front of her. "How about we fight it out." Shayla said with a smile. "Let the battle begin." She added. "You're on." Silver-Moon said as she started to call on her own power again. "You fear. Dogs." Silver-Moon said with a hiss as she started to turn into a large black dog. Shayla stood frozen to the spot. "Eek." She screamed and started to run out of the ring. Silver-Moon turned back into herself and smiled. "You owe me Ciggie." She said. "You're right. I now owe you my life. Again." He smiled. "Now you've seen what a cat fight is I think we should leave." Ciggie said with a sigh. "Hay Ciggie. Let's have some fun." A cat said as he punched Ciggie in the face. "You know Ciggie ever since you found out you had family you went soft." Ciggie growled. "Honestly I don't think I've gone soft." Ciggie lunged at the moggy in front of him. "You know what that little girlfriend of yours just saved your life." Ciggie lunged at the cat and knocked him to the ground. "Tell me sweetie is meow soft." Ciggie asked Silver-Moon. "Considering we fight like and I quote cats and dogs I don't think you're soft. Oh and don't call me his girlfriend and Ciggie don't call me sweetie or I'll punch you." Ciggie shrugged and hit the cat with claws extended. "Is it a promise, Sweetie." Ciggie's breath hissed in as Silver-Moon punched him. "Thanks Sweetie." This time, though, he felt a bolt of lightning hit his tail. "Thanks Silver-Moon now I owe you nothing." "You jerk. Oh well you still owe me though you haven't saved my life." Silver-Moon giggled "But I wouldn't dream of saving your life the very though scares me." "Jerk." "Oh would you shut up." "No the goddess gave me a mouth I'm going to use it." "I forgot about you know I thought your mother did." "Don't talk ill about my mum brat." "Shut up every one talks ill about my parents so I think I'll talk ill about your mother." Ciggie suddenly realized that the arena had hushed and every strays eyes were focused on him and Silver-Moon it didn't stop him though. "It must be a sign. They're meant for each other." Ciggie turned his blazing green eyes on a conscious Shoke. "What in the Living Heavieside Layer are you talking about." Ciggie and Silver-Moon yelled. "Look at you." "Make him shut up." "Alright." Ciggie said concentrating his energy on Shoke he began influencing him. "Listen to me Shoke you are going to shut up or I'll be forced to hurt you." "Get stuffed Ciggie I've got my power on him his protected by it you can only control minds when there's no power surrounding them." Ciggie turned to see Shayla smiling with a bolt of lightning forming in her left paw. "Come on Silver-Moon we'll just disappear." He took Silver-Moon's paws but she shook his off. "I want to know what they meant." "We have to go." "I want to know." "I don't know why I bother with you." "Nor do I if some one would teach me how to disappear I wouldn't be here." "Yeah well if your tail gets fried here don't come running me." Ciggie said and started to stalk into the crowd. They tried to stop him but he knocked them out. "Ciggie." Silver-Moon screamed. Light was all around her. Ciggie ran up to her and touched the light. Cats gasped as he made the light grow smaller. He got the lightning small enough to touch Silver-Moon then they rippled. They appeared back in a different arena this one empty but with scorch marks every where. "Where are we?" Silver-Moon asked looking around. "This is where I learnt how to use my powers. And by the way I only owe you once now." Ciggie said with a smile. "I kind of guessed that." Silver-Moon said with a bigger smile then Ciggie. "So now you've brought me here because." "Because I want to help you learn how to use you're power how I use it." Ciggie said. "I think I should be getting home. It's almost morning." Silver-Moon said looking around a bit more. "I'll come here tomorrow if I can find my way here." She added. "I'll pick you up. But please stay a bit longer." Ciggie said walking up to her. Silver-Moon looked at Ciggie "Why?" she asked with a smile. "I. I. I mean. I." Ciggie looked away from Silver-Moon's ice blue eyes. "I just like your company. I mean I don't know what I mean." Silver-Moon walked up to Ciggie and rubbed up against him. "Maybe because we fight like cats and dogs?" Silver-Moon asked as she looked up at him. Ciggie shook his head. "What I mean is that I think I'm falling in love with you." He said tacking a deep breath. Silver-Moon looked at Ciggie. "Do you really mean it. Or are you joking?" Silver-Moon asked in shock. "I'm not joking Silver-Moon. I have fallen in love with you." Ciggie said. "But you're my Uncle.' Silver-Moon said. "So! I've known some cats who've gotten with their sister or brothers. We're not human so we don't have to worry about kittens with problems." Ciggie said. "I think I might need some time Ciggie." Silver-Moon said as she shook her head at what she had just heard. "I'll take you home then. Will you at least think about it." Ciggie said with a frown. Silver-Moon nodded. "Of course." She said as Ciggie and Silver-Moon both disappeared in to thin air. The air rippled and Ciggie appeared in the scorched arena. Summoning his powers he made a whirlwind appear. It swept threw the arena heading strait at him and when it lifted him he wasn't afraid. "Death should come quickly enough." But it wouldn't come he was only fooling himself again. He stopped and the air rippled. He reappeared in Silver-Moon's room. "You shouldn't be here." "Yeah well sorry." "You're not sorry." "No I'm not." "Why are you here?" "Because I missed you." "You've only been around me one day and you're in love with me." "Sorry it isn't my fault I've fallen in love with you." "Ciggie don't." "Look you've heard that I love you." "Yes I know and Ciggie I've been trying to hide my feelings from myself, but I love you." "Why can't you. What?" "I love you." "Oh." Ciggie rubbed against Silver-Moon. He took Silver-Moon's head in his paws and kissed her gently. Ciggie felt Silver-Moon kiss back and smiled mentally. They didn't notice Mistoffelees and Jadadaye walk in talking. Chapter7 Caught In the Act. "Ciggie get off my daughter." Ciggie looked up gasped. "Get off of her." Ciggie let go and backed away from his enraged brother. "Don't hurt me." Ciggie whimpered backing up into a wall. "What were you doing with my daughter." "What did it look like dad?" Silver-Moon asked. "I.I.I.I love her." "I don't ever want to see you two together again do you understand me." Silver-Moon looked at her dad. "But dad." Silver-Moon wailed. She couldn't let him do this. "No but Silver-Moon. I don't want you to Ciggie again. Do I make myself clear!" Mistoffelees said in a clam voice. "I don't see how you can be clam dad. But no, you do not make yourself clear. I.I.I." Silver-Moon said not shore if she should say this. Mistoffelees started to walk forwards. "You what Silver-Moon." Her dad said as his daughter backed up and sat in front of Ciggie. "I.I." Silver-Moon bit her lip. "I love him." She said as she began to cry. Mistoffelees look at her. "You can't love your own Uncle." He said to Silver-Moon. "And I still don't want you to see Ciggie again." He added. "Since when have you told me who I shouldn't see. I make my owe decision." Silver-Moon hissed as she grabbed Ciggie's paw. And nodded at him. Just then a ripple of light appeared and when it was gone both Ciggie and Silver-Moon were gone. Jadadaye looked at Mistoffelees. "You used to be like that." She said. "I know. But I didn't fall in love with someone related to me." Mistoffelees said. "You did. You fell in love with Cassa. But when you found out she was your sister you didn't give her any love but brotherly love." Jadadaye said as she gave Mistoffelees a kiss. "Then Cassa fell in love with your cousin The Rum Tum Tugger." Jadadaye added with a smile. "I guess your right. I just hope I see Silver-Moon tomorrow so I can say I'm sorry." Mistoffelees said with a sigh. "I just wasn't really ready to see Ciggie and Silver-Moon together like that. They're normally fighting." Mistoffelees added with a big smile. "Right now I'm glad that they're not fighting for a change." Jadadaye said with a giggle. "Now come on. Let's go and see what Cassa is doing and tell her the news. I want to see how she would react." And with that Mistoffelees and Jadadaye walked off to find where Cassa had got too. Cassa shot at the can happily getting rid of her extra magic. "Hey Cassa want to go kill some butterflies I saw a huge patch of them." The Rum Tum Tugger said. Cassa smiled at her mate and felt an involuntary shudder. "No thanks Tugger you know they scare me. That nightmare was just so real." Cassa shuddered again. She felt Tugger's paws on her shoulders and closed her eyes. Cassa opened her eyes suddenly as she felt a rush of magic air and saw Ciggie and Silver-Moon kissing. "Oh my." Cassa said softly her brother broke away from her niece suddenly seeming to realize where they were. "You guys shouldn't be here." "I." Cassa said the shock coursing threw her body at high sped. "Excuse me." Cassa turned around and let her lightning loose in a harmless burst. "Okay that feels better now.." Cassa stopped as she saw Mistoffelees and Jadadaye entering the arena. "Did I call every one here this morning or do I just have a radar that's saying 'Every magic cat that just happens to know Cassa come to the Practice Arena.' Because I know you all shouldn't be here." "Sorry Cassa we've gotta go." Ciggie said disappearing with Silver-Moon. "I mean I know I live with a strange family because look I'm deeply in love with Tugger but to see those two kissing passionately right in front of me sorta sends me into shock." "Cassa it's all right don't fret." Mistoffelees said softly walking up to her. "No Quaxo don't tell me not to fret my brother is in love with your daughter and you were once head over heals for me and now me and Tugger are in love. This has got to be a dream." "No Cassa it isn't a dream because my daughter just left with our brother and that really angers me but I know I should cope and so should you." "I can't look I need to be alone I'll be home if any one needs me. And tell dad what's going on." Cassa said as she disappeared. In her room Cassa saw that the rats had decided to clean it up. She walked over to her mirror and sighed what right did she have to yell at Mistoffelees like that although Jadadaye wasn't family so there was an exception there. Even if she had just seen her niece Kissing Ciggie. "Hey Zelda come here." Zelda was a rat her father thought needed to be killed maybe killing it would release some tension. The rat walked up and smiled. Cassa smiled back and let loose a bolt of lightning the rat disintegrated. Silver-Moon and Ciggie appeared in Ciggie's room. Ciggie quickly closed his door and locked it. "Well that has been a bad day." Ciggie said with a sigh. "Tell me about. First my mum and dad catch us. Then Rum Tum Tugger and aunt Cassa catch's us. This has got to be a nightmare. I mean with every one caching us in the act." Silver-Moon said as she walked up to Ciggie and gave him a kiss. "Let's just hope your dad, which is my Grandfather, Doesn't catch us." Silver-Moon added with a smile. Ciggie smiled back at her and gave her a kiss. "He won't. I locked the door." He said. "I hope your right Ciggie. What if he does? Or what if he hears about it from Cassa or my mum and dad." Silver-Moon said with wide eyes. "And if he does we have to tell him the truth." Ciggie said his green eyes blazing as he looked at Silver-Moon. "To tell you the truth I loved the look on aunt Cassa's face." Silver-Moon said with a giggle Ciggie laughed. "It was the best look I've seen in ages." He said as he gave Silver-Moon another kiss. "Ciggie!" Macavity yelled though the door. Silver-Moon looked at the door. "Your dad wants you." Silver-Moon said. "Where can I hide?" she added. "Over here." Ciggie said as he showed her to his little box at the back of the room. "Coming dad." Ciggie shouted as he started to run to the door. "Open this door at once." Macavity shouted louder. Ciggie slowly unlocked the door to let his father in. "Yes father?" Ciggie said looking at his father. "Tell me. Who have you been with all day?" Macavity said looking at his son. "I don't know what you mean dad." Ciggie said looking as if he didn't know what his dad was talking about. "You know what I'm talking about. You and Silver-Moon I want to know what's going on." Macavity said. Ciggie looked around his room. "There's no one here but me dad." He said. "That's not what your sister told me she saw you when she was hitting tin cans." Macavity said. "Now tell me the truth. Are you seeing nice Silver-Moon or not?" he said Looking at Ciggie with the look that made Ciggie fell small. Slowly Silver-Moon started to walk out of the box. But she made her self smaller so Macavity couldn't see her. Or at lest she hoped he wouldn't see her yet. "Um.Err.Um," Ciggie said nervously. Silver-Moon couldn't let this go on. She never saw Ciggie like this. She slowly stood up and stretched. "He has been seeing me." She said. Macavity looked to where the voice had come from. And there in front of him was a female image of Mistoffelees. "So you must be Silver-Moon. You look like your father." He said as he started to walk around her. Ciggie walked up to Silver-Moon and his dad and looked at them. "You have some explaining to do young man." Macavity said to Ciggie. "And so do you Silver-Moon. You both have a lot of explaining to do." Chapter8 ` A MERE KITTEN Ciggie flattened his ears scared of his father's fury. "I'm sorry dad I fell in love with her." "I know that every one's said 'You know your heir boss his been out with a female Mistoffelees all day' I'm sick of it now I want you tell me everything before I put you in a cell for the night wouldn't the be nice one that magic can't get out of." Ciggie closed his eyes and tried not to sob. "You fell in love with mum when you weren't supposed too. Nana Grizabella and pop Vicity told you two off and then Nana went to the Heavieside Layer and pop died so no one was in you way. Why can't Silver-Moon and me be in love? Cassa's in love with Rum Tum Tugger and they're cousins and then Quaxo fell head over heals for Cassa and then discovered she was his sister why can't meow and Silver-Moon be deeply in love it isn't fair." Ciggie yelled. His father laughed cruelly. "Meow has no say in the matter nor does pretty little Silver-Moon here. You are the hidden paws heir you are not aloud to fall in love with a family member." "And what if it was Quaxo in my place would the same rules apply to him as they do to me." "That's different." "No father it isn't I remember when you told me that you cared that you wouldn't let me disobey my heart. Well now for once I'm listening to something you said and I'm following what my heart song says. And it says I must follow what it says my mind says that I shouldn't. Even if my soul mate just so happens to fight with me like a cat to a dog so what I love her." "YOY ARE ONLY A MERE KITTEN." Macavity yelled. "So what I love her and you can't stop me." Ciggie took Silver-Moon in his arms and kissed her. "Do not ever do that in my presence again son." "Just shut up. I do what I want when I want and how I want even if I have to obey you when I'm training it doesn't mean you have the power to control my life. I want mummy." Ciggie screamed as he sat on the ground the part of him that still wanted to chase butterflies winning his age-old battle to act like an adult instead of a kitten. "Macavity what have you done." A black, brown, red-brown and blonde cat said as she rushed in. "It's alright Ciggie hush now mummy's here don't cry." His mother said bending down to stroke her tiny kitten. "Macavity you must remember that even if he acts like an adult he's still only a kitten." Then as she looked around she spotted Silver-Moon. "Even if he does fall in love with his own niece." She added. Ciggie stood up winning the battle of emotions. "I don't want to be here." He said simply but he didn't use his magic to ripple away. "I'll be in the kitchen, eating." Ciggie added as if on an after thought. The rats didn't seem to like his present state of mind when he walked into the kitchen they knew he would most likely kill the lot of them if they said something wrong. "Master Ciggie, and what would you like today." "What I want is for you to die." The rat fell to the ground and his friends all turned on Ciggie. "Boss doesn't say you're aloud to kill us." One snickered. "Yeah I know but I like killing filthy vermin like yourself so I think maybe you should die too." The other rat fell to the ground and rats started to rush at Ciggie they were no match for him though he just killed them in a burst of hatred. Returning to his room Ciggie saw his father licking a complaining Silver-Moon. Ciggie's mother had disappeared as usual but now his father had decided to try and act nice to his first grandchild. "This sucks I hate it when cats lick me don't they now that only family can do that." Silver-Moon complained. "You have a problem there Silver he is family and a big mean part of it." Ciggie mumbled as he entered the room. He wasn't expecting some one to pounce on him when she did. "And away we go." A feminine voice yelled. Ciggie rolled over and pinned his twin to the ground. "Haven't heard from you in a long time wha's up." He asked playfully licking at his sister fur. "Yuck! Why do you have to do that to me." "Because I always get a reaction." "Sometimes. How abou's I do it to yous." "That'd be worse." "Yeah I guess and any way you don't clean yourself very much." "Do to." Ciggie laughed as his black twin pinned him to the pillowed floor. "You're nuts. Oh well I've got magic training with our teacher. I don't want to see Deuteronomy dad last time I had a lesson with him I blew up four cans in a row and he still yelled at me." Zelia whimpered. Silver-Moon from her spot, lying down on the ground and giggling while Macavity tickled her stopped suddenly. "You too huh I'm beginning to think he gets a kick out of hurting kittens. He doesn't do it to any one else though." Ciggie and Zelia nodded understanding what exactly what Silver-Moon meant. As Silver-Moon watched Ciggie disappear when he had taken her home she started to walk inside. "Please don't let dad give me another lecture." She said to herself. But when she walked inside her mum and dad were waiting for her. "Oh no." Silver-Moon whispered. "Ah Silver-Moon your home." Her dad said as he got up and started to pace. "Oh no not again. I'm going to leave now I'll be outside." Silver-Moon said as she turned and started to leave. "Not so fast young queen." Mistoffelees and Jadadaye said at the same time. Silver-Moon slowly turned back around. "Yes." She said not making eye contact with their eyes. "We want to talk to you." Jadadaye said making beckoning motions with one claw. Silver-Moon bit her lip. "Is it about Ciggie? If it is please don't hurt me." She said, as she made herself smaller. "It is about Ciggie." Her dad said as he began to pace again. "Please stop pacing. It makes me nervous." Silver-Moon said looking away from her dad. "I'll stop pacing when I've finished talking with you." Mistoffelees said. "Then I won't look at you. Until you stop pacing." Silver-Moon said. "This could go on forever. Mistoffelees stop pacing now." Jadadaye said. "Yes darling." Mistoffelees murmured as he stopped his pacing. When he did there was a big hole in the floor. "Now about you and Ciggie." Mistoffelees said so Silver-Moon and Jadadaye could hear him. "You don't want me to see him again!" Silver-Moon said calmly. "No. I don't want you to." Mistoffelees started to say but Jadadaye kicked him in the leg. ". Leave him." He finished. Silver-Moon looked at her dad. This wasn't like him. "Are you really telling the truth dad?" She said with a smile on her face. "Actually." Jadadaye once again kicked Mistoffelees in the leg. ".I am telling the truth." Silver-Moon got up and walked over to her dad. "Thank you." She said as she gave him a kiss and ran off. "I can't believe you made me say that." Mistoffelees said. "She's in love. We can't let her not see the one she loves for the rest of her life." Jadadaye said as she got up and gave Mistoffelees a kiss. "And now we'll leave it like that. She can be with Ciggie for as long as she wants." And then Jadadaye too left. "This is going to be the end of me. Now I think I might go kill some butterflies with Cassa." And with that Mistoffelees left. Chapter9 Nightmares Cassa was dreaming she knew that much.. Hundreds of Butterflies swarmed around her and she shrieked. "Oh goddess let this be a dream." She covered her face and waited trying to will the butterflies off. "You know what Cassalandra I have never seen a mage as strong as you afraid of butterflies." Cassa shrieked as a butterfly landed on her nose. "Get it off of me get it off." She screamed. Evil laughter filled the stadium. "Don't tell me you're weak." The cat laughed again. "Never was weak never will be I've beaten a black mage before and whatever you are I can beat you fair and square." "You really think so?" Cassa shook as a brown and black cat appeared out of no where. "Who are you, what do you want." "I want your body and your soul to keep." Cassa shivered again. "Well I won't give it to you. You have no control over me what-so-ever." "Fine, but I will get you." Cassa sat up in her room breathing heavily. "Daddy." Zelia put her head in her paws before lying down on her bed that was made of blankets. As soon as her head hit she started to dream. Zelia was wondering around her father's lair. "Ciggie, Cassa, Mistoffelees, Dad, Mum, Jadadaye, Tugger where are you." Suddenly to Zelia's extreme amazement her family walked out of a room. Something was horribly wrong with them though. "Skimble where are you." She yelled her mate walked out of a different room and smiled at her. "Hello there lover." Now that made everything out of whack. Skimble never called her lover always princess or maiden of Junkyard. "What's happ.." Zelia stopped short as her mate began to turn into a giant cockroach. Then the rest of her family started to change into giant cockroaches. "Eeeep." Zelia screamed. "You're sadder then your sister but I guess you are more beautiful then your sister. I may just have to make an exception." "Oh jeez what it is it this time. I know you're a black mage but what do you plane on doing to me. Try to break me? Take my power, steal me I've heard it all before and when you maybe able to break my sister into a sniveling heap I don't give in." Zelia knew that was a lie and so did the black mage most likely too. "You are a horrible liar." "Get it away from me." Zelia screamed. Suddenly a black and brown cat appeared in front of Zelia. "Do you really want my help?" Zelia nodded as a cockroach began to walk up to her. To Zelia's amazement she leaped into the black mages arms. "Now that was a change of heart from the tough cat I thought you were." Zelia shook when he touched her. He began to stroke her head fur and she sh