Silver Moon's story cont.

Chapter 8

Silver-Moon didn’t sleep well that night. She couldn’t believe that she was here. She shouldn’t be here it isn’t her home. The door open and a cat named Ciggie came in.

He looked at her. "You’re still awake." He said.

Silver-Moon hissed. "Of cause I am. I’ve just been taken from my home." She said. "I want to go home now jerk off." Silver-Moon added.

"I’m not going to take you home. My father wants you to stay." Ciggie hissed.

"Well he’s not my dad is he." Silver-Moon hissed as she went to hit Ciggie.

Ciggie caught her arm. "I wouldn’t do that if I where you. And since I’m not I still wouldn’t do it because I’m stronger then you." He hissed.

Silver-Moon let out a bolt of lightning and it hit Ciggie head on.

Ciggie and Silver-Moon both screamed in pain and both fell to the ground.

"What the… Oh no please tell me it’s not true." Silver-Moon said looking at Ciggie.

"Tell you what isn’t true." Ciggie said hissing at Silver-Moon.

"We can’t be… I won’t let it be true." Silver-Moon said getting up and walking away from Ciggie.

"Won’t let what be tr… Oh my goddess." Ciggie said putting his head in his paws.

"He has finally had time to think about it." Silver-Moon said looking back at Ciggie.

"It can’t be true… Why me."

"Why you. What about me."

"What about you?"


"What’s that supposed to mean?"

"Toms never think about anyone but themselves."

"What’s wrong with that?"

"Every thing."


"So think of someone else for a change."


"Why not?"


"Because why?"

"Because I wasn’t raised that way."

"So you were raised just to hurt cats."


"I don’t believe you, Toms."

"Queens always telling cats what to do and what not to do."


"So…so… Um what were we fighting about?"

"I don’t know." Silver-Moon said as she sat down.

Ciggie looked at her. "So you want to go home huh."

Silver-Moon nodded.

"To bad."

"Toms." Silver-Moon shouted as she got up again and walked away from the laughing Ciggie.

"What’s up with you?" Ciggie said giggling.

"Don’t talk to me." Silver-Moon said with a hiss.

"Oh why not you’re just a Queen. You should respect your Tom’s and your elders." Ciggie said as he fell onto the floor laughing.

"You’re so wired." Silver-Moon said looking over her shoulder.

"That’s me." Ciggie aid with a smile as he walked up to her. "So we’re mates. It’s not far." Ciggie added.

"I’d rather be mates with the Tugger." Silver-Moon hissed and looked away from Ciggie.

"I wouldn’t say that to loud or the Rum Tum Tugger well be here in leas then a second." Ciggie said with a giggle. "By the way you’re a nice queen when you need to be." He added.

Silver-moon felt like punching Ciggie and of cause she did. "Ahh. Dame it. I hate this mate bond thing." She said as she rubbed her head.

"At list you get hurt when I do. It means you can fell how much you hurt me when you hit me." Ciggie giggled. "Come on I’ll show you around.