
Welcome to the Updates section. The name should be self-explanatory, but for you Pollicles out there, (>^_^<) this is where I list the specifics of all the updates on this site.

August 28, 2005

I updated my e-mail links (most of them...there's so many...) and put my new e-mail addy. I still maintain this site, even though it doesn't look like it. CATS is a huge part of my life. I still want to share that with others. I still take submissions. So send me stuff! >^_^< Also, CATS will be coming to my area this October! More makeup pics!! And a local theatre will be performing it next summer. So much CATS! Yaaaay!!

July 13, 2003

Well, I saw CATS again! WHOOPIE! I saw it on Friday (as Blaze! Pics coming soon) and today. I added one digi pic of my make-up for today in my About Me page. Oh, and I've been re-inspired to continue on Blaze's Story. That dashing look that Misto gave me today made me want to write some more on it. >^_^<

April 11, 2003

Started adding the Fan Fic "The Bright Light of a Torch." Much apologies to Diamond for taking so much time.

April 9, 2003

Hey all, sorry for not updating. I've been involved in quite a few things in college. I had to temporarily take down the requests page so that I can get the new ones I've received done. Also, I'm hopefully going to add more character galleries and a show synopsis soon.

December 9, 2002

Added a new link and cleaned up some broken ones. *sigh* I'm in a hole, here. I'm not losing my love for CATS, not in the slightest. But I'm starting to lose inspiration. I don't know what to draw, and I can't figure out how to finish Blaze's story. If anyone can help me out, please do so. I'm desperate. Send me some stuff! Stories, art, anything!!

October 8, 2002

Added a new picture of Blaze in My Fan Art section.

October 1, 2002

*gasp!* An update!! Can you believe it?!?! Hehe. Sorry, guys. I just started college, and I'm still not quite used to my new situation. Also, not many people have sent me any goodies to update with. *glares* But I finally updated the Nutty CATS Actions page, and will soon be putting up a new request. Also, I'm terribly sorry for all of you who have been waiting for me to finish Blaze's story. (You know who you are) I'm just suffering from writer's block. I've got a half of a page done on the next chapter, but I don't know where to go from there. *sigh* Where's that darn Inspiration Fairy when you need her?

July 03, 2002

*gasp!* An update! Wow!! >^_^<

Added a new fanfiction entitled "The Abduction of the Jellicles"; It's a great story! Go check it out! And don't be shy about sending me stuff! That's what keeps this site going!

June 08, 2002

Added the Want Ads section. As of right now, it's personal crap I want, but I may end up turning it into a group thing where others can post things they're looking for as well. I also resized my Mistoholic award. Its size was becoming a bit irritating.

April 14, 2002

Made a portal page for the RPG, since I have two others that REALLY need members. Esp. the Andromeda one. >^_^<

February 24, 2002

Added a new CATS fact submitted by Laura, and recieved a new Mistoholic banner. Also added another picture of Misto that I drew. No one's been submitting anything! I can't update if no one submits! Wake up, folks! Send me stuff!!!

January 8, 2002

Added another drawing to my art section.

January 2, 2002

Finally, an update! Updated Nutty Cats Actions section, and the Fan Fics.