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~*tO mY oNe aNd OnLyEe*~

~*tO mY oNe*~

<~^*mY dEvOtIoN*^~> 

Written with a pen
sealed with a kiss
if u love me,
please answer me this:
Do you love me,
or do you not?
you told me once but I forgot,
so tell me now and tell me true,
so I can tell you that I love you
Of all the guys
I've ever met,
you are the one I won't forget.
And if I die before you do,
I'll go to heaven and wait for you.
If you are not there on judgement day,
I'll know you went the other way,
I'll give the angels back their wings,
and risk the loss of everything,
just to prove my love is true,
I'll go to hell to be with you.

DaNcInG hAmStEr sTiLL hErE! sTiLL LoViNg YoU!

©aCy pOeTiCz~dIs PoEm WaS oBtAiNed FrOm a FrIeNd.
sOrRy fOe tHa InCoNvEnIeNcE tHiS mAy CaUsE To oUr ReAdEr.©