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All About Me

Hello everyone! I see you've found my web page about R/C planes. I've been flying since I was 11, when my dad and I bought a Royal Trainer ready to fly with O.S. .40 FP engine (great engine, still flies today in a Flite Craft Cardinal III, starts and runs Perfectly!), and a JR AM 4 Channel radio. Since then we've had a number of planes (almost 30!) and are still experimenting! Just recently we've ventured into electrics, but interest in Las Vegas is VERY low, so we're almost on our own except for a few gurus here and there. But enough about planes! I'm 17 now and am a student at Bonanza High School (A junior) which is only a few minutes from my home. I play football and volleyball, and I've lettered in football so far (Quarterback, or free safety). I maintain a 3.7 or so GPA usually, because I'm looking to get into a good school for college. I'm looking at a career in Architecture quite probably. I am also looking at competing professionally in R/C, probably pattern. I've been told I am good enough, but I don't know how'd I'd handle such pressure. Maybe later...a few more years of practice and after I find a few sponsors!. So that's about it, I hope you enjoy my site so far....let me know! -Jason

--- Hey, it's me!

Copyright © 1998 Jason Merkle
