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Planes' and Products' Ratings

These are reviews of products, planes, engines, etc. which I've come accross in in my few years of the hobby. If you'd like to place any of your on reviews on anything related to R/C here, just mail 'em to me!

Scales are from 1-10...10 being the best!

Check out the full length review (To soon have pictures) of the Right Flyer 60H here. This plane is a definite ( 9 )

Never got it to fly well, until we put on a .60...then it came alive! Still didn't glide well, but was stable and very rugged. Added larger ailerons too. ( 6 )

This was my first low wing. Had a reliable K&B .40 with Perry carb on it which pulled it well, and it was even easy to land! Great plane! ( 8.5 )

I bought the plane built, and the guy did a great job. It was covered in silk and painted, but it was much too heavy for my O.S. flew, but was VERY slow. Sold it before I got another, larger power plant on it.( 6 )

Copyright © 1998 Jason Merkle
