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The French Connection has been getting a lot of publicity lately, not the movie starring Gene Hackman, but a French-Canadian trio which forms the most explosive line in the NHL history. Rene Robert, Gil Perreault and Rick Martin are again producing an astonishing number of goals in recent games. But this is not what's bothering them. Their trouble lies in the fact that they no longer like being called the "French Connect," if they ever did.

"Wherever we go, we see and hear ‘French Connection,'" said Rick Martin after the line was put together again after a two month abandonment. "We get sick of seeing it and hearing it and hearing what teams are going to do to stop us." When questioned at the same time, Gil Perreault replied, "Don't talk to me about the French Connection." they all claim that because of their nickname, opposing teams deliberately form lines to check the Connection and stop them from scoring by any means possible.

Now, I don't think that it's their title which prompts teams to come up with an all-out effort in order to stop this high scoring line. It's the dazzling style of play which makes the French connection what it is. If all three decide to have plastic surgery and change their names to Curlie, Larry and Moe, it will make no difference. Opponents will still check as hard as ever and will try to hold them up as much as possible. The line could be called the Quebec Quakers as far as enemy defensemen are concerned. The simple fact is that this threesome has to be practically gagged and bound to prevent them from scoring.

But if it makes Rene, Rick and Gil any happier, they could be called the "RPM Line." Just think of the slogans this could create: "Sabres must generate RPMs to win cup," or "Sabres bombard Flyers with RPMs," or how about "Canadians have RPMs drained out of them?" Whatever, the Robert-Perreault-Martin line is the key to Buffalo's Stanley Cup hopes. Let's just hope they can generate enough RPMs in the playoffs to spark the Sabres!