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SilverRainbow's POETRY PAGE



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My eyes were tired,
        weary of the sight of the world.
I hid my eyes from the light
        and the leaf of a dream silently unfurled.
I was searching full of faith,
        of finding all that I wanted of life.
I came across a very old man
        breathing sadness from his fife.

I told him of my search
        he smiled and gave me a sigh.
He offered my sorrow and strife.
    but for my questions
            He gave no reply.

Quietly I went on

I came to the middle of a forest
        and talked to the towering line of trees.
They could only recall the solemn times,
        when I already had peace within me.

so quietly I went on....

I sat in a field of flowers,
        and raised my questions to the day.
It told me of my happiness,
        but how I got there, it would not say.

Then I came across you
        and I remembered our life together.
In times of sadness
        you carried me.
In times of peace
        you were the peace within me.
In times of happiness
        you walked beside me.
In my search for life
        You were my life!

written by
Rain Silverhawk

© copyright 1997. All rights reserved.


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This award was presented to me on 1-10-98 by Katie at "Morning in Glory". Thanks a million! Please go visit her.

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