Sometimes the word "man" is added in translating the Masc. Gender of Adjectives or Nouns, in which case it is not one of the words given below.
1. anthropos = an individual of the Genus Homo; a human being as distinct from animals. See Ap. 98. XVI, for "the Son of man".
2. aner = an adult male person. Lat. vir, an honourable title (as distinct from mere "man", No. 1); hence, used of a husband.
3. tis = some one, a certain one.
4. arren = a male; of the male sex.
5. arsen = The same as No. 4; being the old Ionic form, as No. 4 is the later Attic form.
6. teleios = one who has reached maturity as to
age or qualification, or by initiation. Rendered "man" in 1Cor.
14:20. See note there; also Ap. 125. 1, and cp. 1Cor. 2:6.