That there were three suppers, and not only two, at the close of our
Lord's ministry will be clear from a careful comparison of the three Scriptures.
1. There was the supper recorded in John 12:1-9. This was probably
in the house of Lazarus (*1), and, being "six days before the Passover",
must have taken place on the Friday evening, on the Lord's return from
His first entry into Jerusalem from Bethphage (see Ap. 153).
Having slept there on the Friday night and spent the last Sabbath in
retirement there, this first supper was made after the Sabbath had ended
at 6 p.m. At this supper there was an anointing of the Lord by Mary
(see Ap. 158).
2. The second supper, recorded in Matt. 26:6-13, took place "two days
before the Passover" at the house of Simon the leper, which was also in
Bethany. See Mark 14:1-9. At this supper there was also an
anointing by a woman unknown (See Ap. 158).
3. The supper recorded in John 13:1-20 is the same as that recorded
in Matt. 26:20, Mark 14:17, and Luke 22:14. It was "the last supper",
"the hour was come", and when supper was begun, or going on (not "ended";
see note on John 13:2), the Lord first washed the disciples' feet; and
later, the events took place as recorded in all four Gospels. John's
Gospel adds some antecedents; but gives the same consequence.
The rendering of genomenou in John 13:2, by "ended" instead of
by "taking place", or "beginning", has been the cause of much confusion.
(*1) For all the family were present; and "Martha served" (cp. Luke