Genesis is the seed-plot of the whole Bible.  It is essential to the true understanding of its every part.  It is the foundation on which Divine Revelation rests; and on which it is built up.  It is not only the foundation of all Truth, but it enters into, and forms part of all subsequent inspiration; and is at once the warp and woof of Holy Writ.

Genesis is quoted or referred to sixty times in the New Testament; and Divine authority is set like a seal on its historical facts.  See Matt. 19:4-6; 24:37-39.  Mark 7:4, 10;  10:3-8.  Luke 11:49-51; 17:26-29, 32.  John 1:51; 7:21-23; 8:44-56.

It, and the Book of the Law, of which it forms part, are ascribed to Moses.  See Deut. 31:9, 10, 24-26.  Josh. 1:7; 8:32, 35; 23:6.  1Kin. 2:3.  2Kin. 14:6; 23:25.  2Chron. 23:18; 30:16; 34:14.  Ezra 3:2; 7:6.  Neh. 8:1.  Dan. 9:11, 13.  Mal. 4:4.  Mark 12:26.  Luke 2:22.  John 7:23.  Acts 13:39; 15:5; 28:23.
1Cor. 9:9.  Heb. 10:28.