APPENDIX 50 (cont.)

My original intention was to offer the complete tables from Appendix 50 as a self executable zip file.  Due to the fact that some students (particularly those using webtv, or shared computers) simply are not able to download files, I have posted them here instead.

Table 1 Table 11 Table 21
Table 2 Table 12 Table 22
Table 3 Table 13 Table 23
Table 4 Table 14 Table 24
Table 5 Table 15 Table 25
Table 6 Table 16 Table 26
Table 7 Table 17 Table 27
Table 8 Table 18 Table 28
Table 9 Table 19 Table 29
Table 10 Table 20  

If you would like to download a self extracting zip file of these files, you may do so here :

 Appendix 50 Tables

Please be advised that the file is 8.5MB and may take a while to download
depending on your connection speed.