


The Law(Torah)

~ ~The Five Books of the Pentateuch~ ~

-1. Genesis 'Bereshith' - In the beginning
-2. Exodus 'veelleh shemoth' - Redemption
-3. Leviticus 'vayyikra' - Worship
-4. Numbers 'Bemidbar' - In the wilderness
-5. Deuteronomy 'Haddebarim' - The words

~ ~The History~ ~

-6. Joshua 'Yahsua' (Jesus) - Yahveh (God) the Savior
-7. Judges - 'Shophetim' - Rulers
-8. Ruth - A Story of Loyalty
-9. I Samuel - 'Shemuel' - Asked of God
10. II Samuel
11. I Kings - The Kingdom United
12. II Kings - The Kingdom Divided
13. I Chronicles - 'Dibrei hayyamim' - Words of the days
14. II Chronicles
15. Ezra - Born in confusion
16. Nehemiah - Comforter of Yahveh (God)
17. Esther 'Estthur' - The Hidden Star

~ ~The Books of Poetry~ ~

18. Job 'Iyyob' - Persecuted
19. Psalms 'Tehillim' - Songs, to rejoice
20. Proverbs 'Mishlai - To rule
21. Ecclesiastes 'Koheleth' - The Preacher
22. Song of Soloman 'Shir Hashshirim' - Songs of Songs

~ ~The Major Prophets~ ~

23. Isaiah - Salvation of Yahveh (God)
24. Jeremiah - Launches Forth
25. Lamentations - One God sends forth
26. Ezekiel ' Yehezkel' - El is strong
27. Daniel - God my Judge

~ ~The Minor Prophets~ ~

28. Hosea 'Hoshea' - Salvation
29. Joel - Yahveh (God) is God
30. Amos - Burden
31. Obadiah - Servant of Yahveh (God)
32. Jonah - Warmth of a dove
33. Micah - Who is like Yahveh (God)?
34. Nahum - The compassionate, or consoler
35. Habakkuk - To embrace
36. Zephaniah - Hidden of Yahveh (God)
37. Haggai - Feast or Festival
38. Zechariah - Remembered of Yahveh (God)
39. Malachi - My mesenger


~ ~The Four Gospels~ ~

-1. Matthew - Jesus, the True King
-2. Mark - Jesus, the Servant of All
-3. Luke - Jesus, the Man of Compassion
-4. John - Jesus, the Son of God

~ ~The Acts~ ~

-5. Acts - The Acts of the Apostles

~ ~The Epistles/Letters~ ~

-6. Romans - God's Plan to Save Us
-7. I Corinthians - The problems of the Church, Corinth
-8. II Corinthians - Paul answers His Accusers
-9. Galations - Christianity as a Reality, not 'Traditions'
10. Ephesians - We are One in Christ
11. Philipians - Serve Others with Joy
12. Colossians - Jesus is above all things
13. I Thessalonians - Encouragement for New Christians
14. II Thessalonians - The Return of Christ
15. I Timothy - Advice to a Younger Preacher
16. II Timothy - Encouragement to a Soldier of Christ
17. Titus - Instructions for Doing Good
18. Philemon - A Slave Becomes a Christian
19. Hebrews - A Better Life Through Christ
20. James - How to Live as a Christian
21. I Peter - written to God's Elect
22. II Peter - Correcting the False Teachings
23. I John - The Love of God
24. II John - Beware of the False Teachers
25. III John - Love to Those Who Walk in the Truth
26. Jude - Warnings of 'evil' men and false teachers

~ ~The Apocalypse~ ~ "apokalupsis" - to reveal, prophecy

27. Revelation - The uncovering

The following books are printed as an appendix in some Protestant Bibles but are not recognized by Protestants
as canonical. Some of the books are included in the Roman Catholic Bible. Those books, considered canonical by Roman Catholics, are marked with an asterisk. Any differences in the name and position of the books as they appear in the Roman Catholic version are given in parentheses.

1 Esdras
2 Esdras
* Tobit
* Judith
* Additions to the Book of Esther (Esther 10:4-10)
* Wisdom of Solomon (Wisdom)
* Ecclesiasticus (Sirach)
* Baruch, with the letter of Jeremiah (Baruch)
* Song of the Three Young Men (Daniel 3:24-90)
* Susanna (Daniel 13)
* Bel and the Dragon (Daniel 14)
Prayer of Manasseh
* 1 Maccabees
* 2 Maccabees