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AJ Profile

I met Aj a couple of months ago on my first time to the Oakville skatepark. At that time this website was just an infint. I saw Aj there tearing the shit out of the place with all types of freaky shit that I wouldn't have even imagined possible. Things that made me uneazy were just another hit for Aj. I told him about our site and a few weeks later he sent in some pics. What I thouht were his best tricks turned out to be nothing. The more pics I saw of him skate, the more amazed I was. When the idea to do skater profiles came up, Ajs name came up immediatley. If you want to know why, just look at the pics. Anyway, here's the profile.
- Buddha 6

AJ DeLong

Kevin Gillan USD Psirus

{ sic roll in }


Years Skatin:

Crews, Sponsors?

{ soul }

Best skate day:
everyday's a best day

Worst skate day:
the day i strained a legement in my knee, and was out for a month

{ royale }

How'd you get into skatin:
i got into skating when i was on my way back from the camp that i go to (Camp Mini-Yo-We, it's up in Muskoka), this was in the summer of 1996, i picked up this issue of Inline Skater, and i looked through it and i was hooked instantly, i thought it was so cool. the guys in the mag were doing frontsides and stuff, it was awesome. so once i got home i took my Baur T6's and threw on an anti-rocker system, and started doing what i could. but before i skated skating, i was a figure skater for 7 years, which some of you might laugh at but figure skating has helped me immensely with almost all aspects of rolling.

Achievements (comps and shit):
my first, and only, comp in may '99 at rampage skatepark, i placed in 6th out of 25. i won a sic pic contest at outaline in april.

this is why AJ has his own profile { bridge soul }

to see more pics of AJ Click Here