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When were you born?
feb 4 1982

How did you get into skating?
It was fun so i started doing it

When did you start skating?
like 6 years ago

When did you first start competing?
i dont really

Who are your sponsors?

What music do you listen to?
Rock and some rap

What are your likes?

What pisses you off?
fake ass wiggers

What's the craziest thing you've ever done?
that roll in where i got knocked out

Who do you usually skate with?
Rob Thompson Shawn Engler and a bunch of people from Alabama

What's your favourite skate spot?
Lyn Park in birmingham where i live

Is there anyone you look up to in skating?
John Elliot Brian Shima B Hardin

What are your goals?
To skate for as long as i can

Anything you wanna add?

This interview was done on August 20, 2000.
Jon Elliott interview

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