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In the past you may or may not remember the article in the Aggrodiziac news about the departure of BOX magazine. When I discovered this information, I was flooded with emotion to see one of our industries few magazines pass away into an oblivious hole of nothingness. In the heat of the moment, I wrongfully said some things I did not mean which opened up unhealable scars in myself and in some of the individuals who dwell in this fine skate industry. I said some things that I did not mean and I apologize to everyone who reads this. I'M SORRY!!!! If I could turn the clock back, I would. DB has had a major effect on my life (both in my skates and out of them) and it played a large roll in the development of Aggrodiziac. I'm sorry Daily Bread, for the things that I've said, and I sincerely hope that we can put this all behind us..... for the children.


- Special K

Senate News

Arlo left Senate a while ago. Because of this, the Kill Team has had a lot more control of what happens with production and clothing. The manager of the team is now Kevin Gillan. Aaron Feinberg also left Senate. The Aaron Feiberg wheels will still be on the ST-Aaron Salomon skates because Salomon and Senate closed the deal before Aaron left.

- Special K

BOX Is Still Goin... But Slowly

Like me, you may have heard that BOX is finished. Or, you could've figured it out yourself, seeing how the July issue came out in early June and there hasn't been an issue since. This is close to the truth, but fortunately, BOX is still goin. Apparently, there will be two printed issues per year.

- Special K

Asian X-Games

I was talking to this guy from Thailand and he told me his friend got 2nd in the Asian X-games. Me having never heard of them, I was like, "Whoah! They have Asian X-Games now?" But anyways, that's news to me. The Asian X-Games will be on ESPN again in November.

- Special K

GARPHUNKLE!- A New Trick Made Up By Yost

Description- you come up the vert ramp fakie with a lot of speed and then spin 360 like a helicopter and land it. Shane is talking about doing it 540 or 720... I'll be looking forward to seeing it.

- Special K

Fabiola + Jon = OVER

Well, after around three years of being together, the couple broke up in Nashville, TN on Fabiola's BIRTHDAY!!! More of a present for the macks than for her. Some people think that they'll get back together.

- Special K

Yost Screws Up His Knee and Lands A Sponsorship

Yost screwed up his knee by trying forwards switch 1080's at Woodward (he's been at camp a lot lately). CTI, the best knee brace company in the world, sponsored him and is paying him $800 - $1200.

- Special K

Hoax 7 Is Coming!

All I know is that it's supposed to be really good and that it's coming out really soon.

- Special K

Matt Salerno- 1st In Gravity Games

It's the return of the Matt! Salerno is back boys and girls. He’s skating like never before and he just won the Gravity Games in Providence, Rhode Island and $20,000!

- Special K

A SECOND X-Games!!!

In Melbourne, Australia there will be another X-Games on December 1-3. This is cool 'cause there will be more than just re-runs of the gravity games on TV this winter.

- Special K

The Official ASA Rankings

Here are the current rankings in the ASA. Remember that if people don't compete as much than they wouldn't be here (eg. Dustin Latimer). Therefor this doesn't actually rank in skill, just official placing. So don't go talkin' shit that Fogarty is a better street skater than Latimer, cuz the thing is, Latimer don't give a flying f*** about competitions.

1 Eito Yasutoko, 2974
2 Takeshi Yasutoko, 2884
3 Cesar Mora, 2862
4 Mike Budnik, 2766
5 Shane Yost, 2709
6 Sam Fogarty, 2506
7 Sven Boekhorst, 2478
8 Matt Salerno, 2469
9 Marc Englehart, 2252
10 Javier Bujanda, 2193

1 Sven Boekhorst, 3023
2 Aaron Feinberg, 2818
3 Jaren Grob, 2818
4 Shawn Robertson, 2815
5 Mike Budnik, 2568
6 Pat Lennen, 2396
7 Sam Fogarty, 2396
8 Matt Salerno, 2194
9 Brian Shima, 2149
10 Louie Zamora, 2038

-Special K

Three New Throne Skates From USD

An updated USD Team & Petty Throne skate will be available the early part of August. The updated Petty & Team skates will feature a newly 50-50 designed Juice fin with a pre-groove royale. The skates will still fit the Tumor and the standard backslide plates. The Holiday edition of the USD Team Throne will also have a special BSB bearing! Shima will be changing over to an updated Throne design boot for holiday. Look out for these skates both in stores and in the skates (info and prices) section of this site.

-Special K

Mindgame Video Postponed

Because Latimer's ankle injury is more serious than was thought to be and Elliott is touring with Razors, Mindgame has decided to postpone their upcoming video, "Brain Fear Gone", until November 1st. Also, while on the topic of Mindgame, they will be releasing a new line of clothing which will hit the stores in early August.

-Special K

There's a new Pimp of tha Month!!!

After three months of being pimp, oscar has retired and a new pimp has come to take his place. if you you want to know who click here

- Buddha_6

BOX Magazine is Done

After six years of producing, what I think was the number one magazine, box is no longer going to make issues. It's hard to believe that DB is all that's left after DNA, Fourinarow, and BOX.

-Special K

Jon Julio Shoes

USD is making Jon Julio a pair of "pro" shoes. This'll be the first pro aggressive skating shoe out and it's coming before Christmas.

-Special K

Comp Pics

We have pics from the comp. If you haven't seen them yet by clicking the link in the main page then click here.

-Special K

Interesting Info on Razors and Mindgame

I bring you the latest news in the world of skates! Razors is coming out with two new pairs of skates. They are the Jon Elliott pro model and the Cream 2. Both will be released around september.

Mindgame is filming a new video starring Dustin Latimer, Brian Shima, Jon Elliott, and Omar Wysong. It should be really sweet. It'll be for sale October 1st. This fall, Jon Elliott will have a 54 mm wheel from mindgame which ofcourse will come with his Razors pro-skate. Shane Coburn will leave USD so he can concentrate more on mindgame.

Special K

Skate Comp Results

The skate comp at Kitchener was a pretty big succes. Although only ten competitors showed up it was still a cool comp. All the crews from T.O. dominated the standings. Here are the results.

1.Kevin Chow(Monument)
1.Jason Arsenio(Monument)
1.Brandon the Pimp Dog(Dekalz)
2.Francois Richard(Poo Tang)
5.Adam Hewitt(Rockwood)
6.Dan Steiner(T.O.)
7.Mike Gatt(Monument)
8.Greg Gillan(T.O.)

- Buddha_6

Screwed up site.

In case you were wondering why Aggrodiziac dissapeared late at night on May 27th, WE DON'T KNOW! I noticed it on the 29th and we think it's either hackin', or something got f&%#ed with the angelfire server. We here at Aggrodiziac apologize for the inconvenience.

-Special K

Skate Comp coming up

Yes, that's right the 1st aggrodiziac skate session is comin up next weekend(june 3 2000). It's still at the Kitchener skatepark and all. Unfortunatly due to delayed production we couldn't get any entity t-shirts. When you get there look for either me (Tom) or Luc. I got some white ST9s and he's got a pair of blue Khutis, so just come up and talk to us. It'll start around 1pm and the deadline to get in on it will be till around 2pm. Keep it real.

- Buddha_6

Louie Zamora still with K2

Sorry about the misinformation. Turns out that Louie Zamora is still with K2 and is stoked bout the 250s. He's also juiced for the yellow highlights he'll be gettin to match his new 50/50 grind plate which will be out in stores soon. Sorry about the mistake.

- Buddha_6

Stats That You May Find Interesting

These are some statistics that we found in DB(they are all in order from first to last):

Top Skaters of the year:
Louie Zamora
Dustin Latimer
Dominic Sagona
Brian Shima
Josh Petty
Vinny Minton
Randy Spizer
Jon Julio
Jon Elliott.

Skate of the year:

Video of the year:
Battle My Crew
Saltless Water

- Fusion

New Company!

That's right there is a new sheriff in town. We're startin up a new skate clothes company called "ENTITY". It's gonna produce hats, tukes, t-shirts, hoodies and later on, wheels. You'll probably be able to purchase Entity stuff through Boardtopia and other fine skate shops around Guelph. Look for it around the end of May, beginning of June. Peace.

- Buddha_6

Skate Comp Update

Unfortunately we could not secure the insurence for an official skate competition. The good news is we are instead going to have a skate session where everyone tosses in $5 and the skater that pulls the best trick gets all of the money plus an Entity t-shirt. The format will be best trick where you just go and skate for like an hour or two while the judges watch. You can use anything at the skate park for your trick. Hope you show up,(it's still at the Kitchener skate park).Peace

- Buddha_6

Skate Competition In Kitchener

That's right boys and girls, Aggrodiziac is going to be holding the first annual Aggrodiziac Skate Jam. It will be held down at Kitchtener skatepark in Kitchener, Ontario sometime near the end of June. There will either be novice and intermediate(we can't afford a pro purse)classes or 5-15, 16-24 class events. First prize in intermediate/16-24 class will probably be a voucher for a new pair of skates, but we don't know what kind yet. It will feature the musical stylins of Dj Dex, and Bio 9 along with any other music that you (the contestants) will request. It will cost $5 to enter. If you need directions click here. This comp isn't a definate yet but we should know by the end of march break. I'll keep you posted.

- Buddah_6

Arlo Leaves Senate!

In case you haven't heard, Arlo Eisenburg has left Senate. Back in 1993, when Arlo and four others started Senate, they were passionate about their work. They did everything: t-shirt designs, grind plate packaging, wheel shipments, they recruited a team and much more; but as the company grew, Arlo couldn't maintain his vision: to make rollerblading the greatest sport in the world.
"Because I've spent so much time and energy on Senate, people think that's my big project, my big vision..." says Arlo, " My big project has always been rollerblading- the magazines, the videos; all those things are a part of it. I've tryed to really influence and contribute in all those areas and with the actual skating and trick vocabulary and the image, the way skating looked. I'm very deliberate about all those things." But by 1998, it was obvious that between the companies, the magazine, the videos and the competitions, Arlo was nearing exhaustion, "...I was always working towards something. And all of a sudden, there was no future. I didn't know what I was working toward... We saw bad times coming at Senate..."
At the end of 1998, Arlo quit Super Computer Robot and fired the old Senate team. Then he started a program that would put Senate back at the head of the rollerblading dynasty. Senate grew more focused and efficient, and put together a new team that reflected a new philosophy of global destruction. Unfortunately, this program later destroyed Arlo's personal life. "...I was going through personal changes, and with that came personal termoil," says Arlo, "where the anger and resentment turned inward. I became the institution I had to rebel against." I hear that all the pressure got to him which made him quit Senate, but I haven't seen, read, or heard about any interview in which Arlo tells exactly why he left.

- Fusion

Louie Zamora Leaves K2

Louie Zamora was seen at YMCA skatepark in Encinitas skating on the Razor Creams and is apparently not sponsored by K2 anymore.

- Fusion

Aaron Feinburg Pro Skate

Aaron Feinburg is getting his own skate from Salomon. Aaron has agreed to take a paycut so that they would make the skate (not like it matters for him). We could see this skate out in stores by the end of 2000.

- Fusion