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Links to sites about eating disorders:

Something Fishy Website on Eating Disorders
Mirror mirror
Caring Online
Support, Concern and Resources for Eating Disorders
Pale Reflections
Nebraska Mental Health Center
National Eating Disorders Screening Program
Eating Disorders and Food Addiction
Eating Disorders Awareness and Prevention
The Center for Discovery's Eating Disorder Program
Eating Disorder Referral and Information Center
Hunger Pains

Links to sites about self-injury:

Secret Shame
The body can become addicted to self injury
Written In The Scars
Self-Injury - A Struggle
A Bill of Rights for Those Who Self-Harm
Hurting to be in control
The Trinity Pages: The Discord
Princess Diana A Cutter
Cutting and Self-Mutilation
The old familiar sting

A link for support:

Support group