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Craziness? Insanity? Whatever you wish to call it, we are all on the brink. If we fall off the edge, we will never return to life as we know it. Too many people. Too much noise. Too many requirements. All this craziness leads to being pushed over the edge of insanity. But beware. It doesn't just happen all of a sudden. The edge creeps up on you. It is quiet. It is deceiving. Just when you think you have it all under control, the earth is pulled out from under you. You fall. This is the point at which sanity ends and insanity begins. It all starts during the actual descent into the void of nothingness. You cannot stop the craziness. As you fall, the voices in your head become louder and more intense. "You're worthless! Why to you even try? You have no life! You have no right! What are you thinking?!?" It is too intense. Your head is overflowing with thoughts of madness. You cannot deal with the insanity any longer. Physically, you are about to explode. Then, it happens. Your heart stops. Finally. The insanity subsides. It is over. It is the end. There is nothing left. You are dead.

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