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FUTA Pictures

In Fall 2002 I had the opportunity to attend the Southwest Fire Use Training Academy in Albuquerque, NM.  Around 60 students and instructors from around the country attended the Fall 2002 session.  It was a great chance to get some training in  prescribed fire.  My training included RX-300 (Burn Boss), RX-310 (Introduction to Fire Effects), RX-450 (Smoke Management), Behave, and various short courses.  After classroom training modules of 5-10 students and field coordinators were sent to various projects across the West.  Our module spent a week on the 500 acre Hole Prescribed Fire in Mt. Lassen National Park in the heart of the Sierra Mountains.  Our module also spent time with the Medford BLM Fuels Reduction Program in Medford, OR.  Below are some pictures of the burn at Mt. Lassen NP.  For more information about FUTA, check out their web site.


Members of our module standing in front of the peak of Mt. Lassen. Picture taken one night while on the burn. Old growth Ponderosa Pine tree torching during the burn, one of the objectives of the burn was to induce 25% mortality to open the canopy. Picture showing the 100-1000 hr fuel loading in the forest. Picture of some dead and down 1000 Hr fuels buring during ignition.

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