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( or where they
should not
shop at )
This information is supplied by:
The National Rifle Association,
Roger Simmermaker,
The CommieCrusher
In order for one to be a "good" citizen of the united states of America, one should vote, serve on juries, keep a watchful eye on the government, and buy American... This page will concentrate on the latter........ The Federal Government has been "chasing" American owned companys out of the united states of America for some time now....
They tax them to death and then cut severely the import taxes for foreign companies and the result is that it is cheaper to buy foreign goods than it is American made goods....
This really sucks....
....We, as citizens of the united states of America, MUST start sticking/banding together.... We MUST stop buying goods made or owned by foreign countries, ESPECIALLY RED COMMUNIST CHINA....
....Roger Simmermaker has written a book (link @ bottom of page) titled "How Americans Can Buy American".... Along with Irwin Schiff's "The Federal Mafia", Roger's book is a must have !!!!!
....Below is some excerpts from Roger's book along with some info from the NRA and some comments from me.......
Southland Corp ( 7-11 ):
....Foreign owned (Japan) and they make regular donations to HCI (Handgun Control Inc.)
....Not only does the money you spend there go out of our country, but they are subverting your Constitution....

Sara Lee (cakes, pies,pastries):
....Although this company is American owned, they also make donations to anti-gun organizations...

Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream:
....Another American owned company who unfortunately donates to anti-gun organizations....
....This really hurts cause I used to love cherry garcia...

The following is a short list of companies that are foreign owned:
....Zerex (anti-freeze)
....Citgo (gasoline)
....Shell (motor oil)
....B.F.Goodrich (tires)
....Lil' Champ (convenience store)
....Jordan Marsh (department store)
....Spencer Gifts (general retail store)
....Scotty's (hardware store)
....J.B.Robinson (jewelry store)
....Hanover (shoe store)
....A&P (grocery store)
....Gerber (baby food)
....Green Giant (canned veggies)
....Baby Ruth (candybar)
....Dunkin' Donuts
....Coffee-Mate (non-dairy creamer)
....Famous Amos (cookies)
....Stouffers (frozen dinners)
....Good Humor (ice cream)
....Domino (sugar)
....Mrs. Butterworth's (syrup)
....Chicken of the Sea (tuna)
....Snuggle (fabric softener)
....Surf (laundry detergent)
....Caress (bath soap)
....Maybelline (cosmetics)
....Bayer Asprin
....Flinstones (vitamins)

I did not even scratch the surface.....
Were you surprised at some of these ????? I sure was and I have the book here in front of me and can see all the rest.... So many companies that you would think for sure are American.... Alot of them were till the Federal Government forced them either out of business or made it so hard on them that they sold out instead of going under.....
..I hope that I have more than peaked your interest and that you will go to Roger's site and order his book... It is more than worth it and, no, I do not make anything from him for this... Nor do I make anything from any of the sites that I put on my pages.... I simply want to help my fellow Americans learn the truth....
Now, let's go out and take our country back...

N E X T - P A G E
P R E V I O U S - P A G E
"TABLE - O F - C O N T E N T S"