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SLSis a harsh (caustic) detergent. Also, used as a surfactant, which breaks down the surface tension of water. Industrial uses include:

Concrete Floor Cleaners * Engine Degreasers * Car Wash Detergents

What can SLS do to YOUR organic tissue? PLENTY!

SLS is a mutagen. It is capable of changing the information in genetic material found in cells. SLS Has been used in studies to induce mutations in bacteria.

Higughi, Araya and Higughi; School of Medicine, Tohoku Univ.; Sendai 980, Japan

SLS is routinely used in clinical studies to irritate skin tissue.
SLS corrodes hair follicle and impairs ability to grow hair.
Carcinogenic Nitrates can form when SLS interacts with other nitrogen bearing ingredients.
SLS enters and maintains residual levels in the heart, liver, lungs, and brain from skin contact. (Shampoos?)
SLS denatures protein, impairs proper structural formation of young eyes - damage permanent.
SLS can damage the immune system; cause separation of skin layers and cause inflammation to the skin.

from Journal of the American College of Toxicology; Vol. 2, No. 7, 1983

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate is great for degreasers, and it's a favorite of the toothpaste manufacturers, in fact, it's found in 99% of all toothpaste brands. If it can help eat grease off concrete, what's a little left over lunch debris?

These products are not intended to be swallowed. So, the question is, does any SLS be absorbed? Shampooing??????

Of course, if SLS is in your body, a study would be needed to prove where it came from and what, if any, role it plays in any disease or sickness. That's not likely to happen soon, so look around and use some common sense.

A Medical Study That Hits Home

from "Dangerous Penetration into Young and Adult Eyes, Research to Prevent Blindness"
Keith Green, Ph.D., D.Sc., Medical College of Georgia

Dr. Green's study reveals some of the most compelling and alarming evidence indicating that SLS should be avoided (and why you'll find WARNINGS on products containing SLS).

SLS is rapidly taken up and accumulated by eye tissues, and retained for up to 5 days.

SLS uptake is greater in younger mammals (this is probably why toothpaste labels single out children under 6 years - and under 2... forget about it!).

SLS denatures proteins of eye tissues - impairing developement - permanently.

SLS extends the healing time of the cornea surface to 10 days... far beyond the norm of 2 days.

Tissues of young eyes may be more susceptible to alteration by SLS.

SLS (found in nearly all toothpastes, many shampoos and bubble baths) is absorbed thru skin contact and is retained for up to 5 days. Our eyes develope most during our first few years, we dowse ourselves and children with SLS and we have more people wearing contacts and glasses! Now we know a good reason!

And it's clear by all those warnings and cautions that "they know it" as well! On the bright side, you could do well buying stock in one of the Eye Care Superstore chains...
the more we use SLS the bigger and richer they may get!


Don't be. They are WARNING us. We just haven't been paying much attention.




Do something different and READ them!
"a typical label on a typical toothpaste tube"

WARNING: Keep out of reach of children under 6 years of age. In case of accidental ingestion, seek professional assistance or contact a Poison Control Center immediately.

"a typical label on a typical rat poison box"

WARNING: Keep out of reach of children. In case of accidental ingestion, seek professional assistance or contact a Poison Control Center immediately.


Whatever is harmful to a 6 year old, is also harmful to a 60 year old.

The warnings and cautions are printed on the labels for a reason. Kids are NOT going to read them, so it's YOUR responsibility to "supervise" your child's use of toothpaste and other products. Producers can put in "safe" amounts of "poison"; but if diseases or abnormalities arise in your child down the road; don't blame (sue) the big corporations - they warned you!!!!!

So when will the Chemical Scandal surface?

Probably within our lifetime - the big boys will have their profits and their butts covered. Your kids can only ask... "Why mom, Why dad? Why didn't you read the label? "Why mom, Why dad? Why didn't you read the label? "Why mom, Why dad? Why didn't you read the label?

Well, at least now you know... What are you going to do?????

Now turn the page to "To Your Health"
page 3

There is alot MORE to worry about

Back to Health pg.1
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