...Every week, you look at your paycheck
and bitch & moan & groan about all of the deductions... Admit it, you do it
every week, I did too, till 3yrs. ago... For many years, I had heard about all the various "schemes" to stop paying
"income" tax and I always figgured that
if they were true, why do all the rich
people have expensive "tax"
liars---ooops, I mean lawyers, taking
care of their finances and looking for
loop-holes ???.... All those schemes
must be B.S....
...Then 3 yrs. ago I came upon a
gentleman named Irwin Schiff... I heard
him on a local talk radio show (Lou
Epton @ 840 KXNT on the AM dial --- who is now on 1230 on the AM dial from
9:00am to 11:00am M-F)... I listened to him a few times and finally decided to buy his book "The Federal Mafia"... What I read in that book just knocked me on the floor... He actually reproduces the tax Laws and puts them in the book for you to see... Still not convinced, at random, I took 10 different laws out of the book and trotted on down to the Law library to confirm them... Sure enough, everything was right on the money...
...That was the day I decided, enough was enough, and I stopped paying "income" tax...
...When you learn the truth and find out how the Federal Government has been lying to you... Believe me, you will be very P.O'ed....
...At Irwin's website, he has the first chapter of his book there for you to read absolutely free...(link below)...
...The $25 (now a little more expensive) I spent for his book was the best $25 I ever spent.. At the job I was at then, I had no trouble in getting them to stop taking Federal tax out... I've had 3 more jobs since then and none of them have given me any trouble once I pointed out the law to them... Understand, your
bosses are just like you, they don't know any better either... They, like you, presume that you have to pay the "income" tax... Well, with just a little bit of research, you will find out that there is no law that says you have to pay... You have no liability to pay... The supreme Court, in no less than 12 cases, have defined the term "income tax" to mean a corporate profit... The Secretary of the Treasury must send you a certified notice stating that you owe an "income" tax... Etc... Etc...
...I've never received a letter from the
Secretary, I tend to beleive the supreme Court, and I looked in the liability section of the IRS codebook and could not find anything for wages...
...A lot of people will say that "I want to pay my fair share", but then come tax time, they are down at H&R Block trying to get as many deductions as they can... What happened to their fair share.... or they say "Paying taxes is the American thing to do and I want to help my country".... I guess it's okay with them
for the Federal Government to buy $3,000 hammers or $10,000 toilet seats.... Well, not me !!!!
...Take some time and go to Irwin's site and educate yourself....
UPDATE: 19 Feb. 2000
I know what you are saying.... Here is
another one of those "nuts" who's going
to tell me that I don't have to pay an
"income" tax.... Well, you are half
right... I'm not a "nut"... Now, really,
take a few moments to look at the "other" side of the story...
I am NOW 5 years, "income" tax FREE !!!!
UPDATE: 31 Dec. 2005
I am NOW 10 years "income"tax free !!!!
Irwin Schiff
The only
"T A B L E - O F - C O N T E N T S"