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Voting for 2000 is finally closed. Check out who the winners are here

CNA 2001

back and ready for action

Aren't you glad we finally got more organized and got a page up for us? We know your thrilled. Expanding is our theme. We wanted to make the 2001 CNAs bigger and better. We now have 45 categories. (side note- the 2001 CNAs are ONLY for Nsync fanfic) This is how the 2001 CNAs will work-

Testing the Waters

Last year's CNAs were only the basics. The 2001 will be for Nsync fanfic. There are MORE categories and it will only be running for six months.


1. Everything has to be nominated by the webmaster of the page. Meaning the only way to get in is to vote your page in.
2. The link to the awards MUST be on your web page in order to be in the CNAs.
3. The only way in is to fill out a FORM. You will NOT be submitted if you DO NOT fill out a form.

go here for a form


A auther/story can only be nominated in 8 different caegories. After 10 nominees the catagory WILL be closed so please get your web site in ASAP.

go here for categories

CNA 2001 Banner. You must put this on your page if your in the voting. And no, it doesnt have to be on the main page. Make sure to take the little * out of the code wont work.

<*a href=> <*img src= ><*/a>