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Doves Family Room

This is for our Family please no fighting enjoy and come back often


My heart jumps at the sound of your name
it sings a song of love
you bring to me great love and joy
you are my soulmate

I long to touch your hand
to hold it as we walk through the woods
to have you in my arms
as we watch the wonderful sunset

To lay in your arms
as night surrounds us in its blanket
to wake in the morning
safe and secure in your arms

To give you all the love
that I have for you everyday
to show you in ever way
how I feel each day

I love you more
each day in every way
I want to hold you
and never let you go

I want to be there everyday
through good and bad,happy and sad
oh my darling I love you
in so many ways

written by SweetDove

For her Love

My Favorite Links

Katie's page
Knight in shining Armor
