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The Basics

The information contained here was at one time the core of this site. As the vast majority of this information has become more readily available on the internet I have pushed it to the proverbial "back shelf", and concentrated my efforts on the other sections of this website.

Area 51 (an overview)
The Town of Rachel (your area 51 hosts)
The Black Mailbox (an area 51 landmark)
Groom Lake Road (path to the border of the base)
Security (cammo-dudes and black helicopters)
UFO's and IFO's (lights that can and can't be explained)
Tikaboo Peak (where you can see the base for yourself)
Other Places of Mystery (Area 19 and S-4)
Directons (and other helpful information)
Advice (from someone whose been there)
Book Reviews (good and bad)
Links (the best resources on the net)
About Majestic (the webmaster)