Located approximatly 15 miles to the south of
the Groom
Lake facility is another dry lake known as
Papoose Lake.
This is where Bob Lazar claims the secret
hangars that
housed 9 extraterrestrial craft are located,
according to Lazar this
this place is called S-4 (not to be confused with Site 4, which definatly exists near the Tonopah Test Range). Lazar claims that
the hangers
were built into the side of a mountian, with the doors cammoflaged. Like all of Lazars claims this one
has come under
heavy scrutiny. Since the hangars themselves
are said to be
disguised, other features he described such as
a well
maintained dirt road that leads from Area 51
to S-4 and a
chainlink fence around the outside of the
hangars have been
reseached on satilite photos. Niether the
road nor the
fence could be found. To Lazars credit, a few
workers from
Area 51 (with varying levels of credibility)
have come
forward to say that the Papoose Lake area was
off limits to
most workers. Unfortunatly there has been no
evidence brought to light that proves that
there is
anything at Papoose Lake.
Area 19 and the Cheshire Runway:
Located in one of the most remote areas of
the Nevada Test
Site is Area 19. All maps and satilite photos
show that
there is nothing out there at all except a
single power
line that terminates in the middle of the
area and an odd pair of roads that end in loops, possibly to the north and south of the power line. A second
hand story from an ex-"Janet Flight" pilot
says that in
Area 19 (or Area 20, he wasn't certain) there is a runway disguised to look
like the desert
floor, upon decent a sprikler system would
wet the runway
to make it visible. Before the plane was
allowed to land
the flight controllers would have to make
sure there were
no enemy satilites over head, then after the
exited the plane would have to take off
immediatly. There
are (of course) rumors of extraterrestrial
craft being
worked on here. The popular rumor right now
is that there
is only one, a remote controlled version
peiced together
from the remains of crashed alien
Email: dreamland51@hotmail.com