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Sighting Report

Date: March 23, 1999 (4th trip to the area)

Time: Approximatly 8:49pm

Number of Witnesses: 2

Moon Phase: Half Full

Description of object: The object in question was not visible to the naked eye. The object could only be seen through a night vision scope. It was approximatly the same brightness and size of stars that were not visable to the naked eye but did become visable when viewed through the night vision scope. The object did not blink, and the light given off by it did not change in intensity throughout the sighting.

Description of Movement: The distance of movement was approximatly 1 1/4 the size of a full moon. The object appeared almost exactly south-west of the Mailbox (well south of Groom Lake), about 3/5's of a moon above the hills. The object then moved downward diagonally from my right to my left and disappeared 2/5's of a moon in front of the hills. This movement took less than one second. Immediatly afterwards a similar object appeared in the same place and repeated the same movement. I lowered the scope and looked towards the hills for a few seconds and saw nothing. I looked through the scope again and saw the object appear one more time. I handed the night vision scope to Angie and she witnessed the same object and movement one time. Together we saw this light 4 times in less than 30 seconds.

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