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The Investigation As It Stands

I always said I would never let my opinons on what is going on at Area 51 be known on this website, the purpose being not to influence anybody into my way of thinking. I simply wanted to provide the information and let people reach there own conclusions. Alas, it appears I have fallen victim to my own ego, and have decided to share my wisdom with everyone else.

To be honest, most of the results of my investigation could have been reached without ever setting foot in Nevada. All of the information is there on the net, it just takes a lot of time and patience to sort through it all. Still, I have no regrets about my foray's to the E.T. Highway. If nothing else, spending so much time in the area has helped to put everything into perspective, as well as provided me with many memories I will carry with me for years to come. I feel confident that the conclusions I have reached are accurate, although some people would disagree. So without further procrastination, here is what I have learned.

Area 51: Area 51 is exactly what it appears to be... A top secret installation, the primary purpose of which is to serve as the proving ground for new military aircraft. There is also work being done there on UAV's. (Unmanned Arial Vehicles's). These UAV's are sometimes disk shaped and probebly explain the few daytime sightings of flying saucers that have been rumored to have occurred in the area.

Chances are there are some underground facilities at Area 51. How elaborate these facilities are is the question. I seriously doubt they stretch several dozen floors beneith the surfaceas some people would have you believe, My best guess (and I don't know for sure) is that there are a few underground hangars that house the more classified aircraft. The purpose of these hangars is probebly to help shield the aircraft from scans from enemy satilites passing overhead. There my also be a few underground research facilities, but that is just speculation.

I have seen NO EVIDENCE to support any of the following claims: That there are missing children at Area 51, that there is a New World Order being organized there, that there are human/alien hybrid experiments going on ther, that there is an alien embassy there, or that there is any dastardly plot to take over the world being orchastrated there.

Alien Craft At Area 51: Ahhhh, the big question, and here is the disappointing answer...... I don't know if there are any extraterrestrial craft there or not. I can say however, that I am convinced that IF we did recover alien craft Area 51 or a nearby location would be the most likely place that they would be taken. The reason I believe this is because Area 51 has been used in the past to back-engineer and test-fly foreign (terrestrial) craft covertly. It would make sense that this same method of back-engineering and test flying would be used on extraterrestrial craft should we somehow procure one. But I cannot say with any degree of certainty that we have recovered any extraterrestrial craft. One thing that is often overlooked however is that Lazar was not the first to claim their were Alien Craft at the Test Site, such claims date back as far as the 1960's.

So, what are the lights in the sky? Well Tom Mahood has come up with a very interesting and convincing theory. He speculates that most of those erratically moving lights could be explianed as a particle beam being tested. I believe that this could indeed account for the mojority of the sightings. The only ones I don't think it could not account for are the ones in which the light dips down in front of the Jumbled Hills. It seems to me (and I admittedly know little about physics) that as light moving in front of the hills would block the "line of sight" of the beam unless the beam was being emitted from a higher elevation, like perhaps Bald Mountain.

Bob Lazar: As if this question even needs to be answered. OK, here is the abridged version. Lazar has a shady history of being a half-assed conman. Lazar's academic creditials don't check out. Some of the courses he claims to have studied don't even exist at the institutions he claimed to have attended. Lazar appears in no yearbooks from the colleges he claims to have attended. Lazar's knowledge of physics is rudimentary at best, and his description of how the alien craft worked is total B.S. The W-2 form he offered as evidence of his employment at S-4 is flawed as well. Not only are blank W-2 forms easy to obtain, but the agency on the form he claimed to work for (the Department of Naval Intelligence) doesn't even exist!

Lazars S-4: S-4 is more Lazar B.S. There is a "Site 4", but it is not located at Papoose Lake. The real Site 4 is located near the Tonopah Test Range and deals mostly with foreign radar. Site 4 does have a history of being somewhat secretive, and this could be why Lazar used the name for his little story.

My best guess is that Lazar somehow heard of the lights in the sky around Area 51 and went there to see for himself (There does seem to be evidence that Lazar had been to the mailbox before his alledged employment at S-4). He saw a light rise up from behind the hills south of Area 51 (as many others since then have). Lazar then consulted a map and saw Papoose Lake (south of Area 51) and decided that that was were he would say the Saucer Base is.

Satilite photos of Papoose Lake have been examined and shown nothing that would indicate a secret base there. Others sources who claim to have worked at Lazar's S-4 have been for the most part no more credible than Lazar, and none of them have offered concrete proof that there is anything there.

In short, there is NOTHING to indicate that Lazar's S-4 is real. The only tiny bit of evidence that might help his story comes from an archeologist named Freeman. Freeman covertly treked inside the restricted border of the Test Site to find evidence of a 49er's expedition. His hike took him south of Papoose Lake. Freeman said he did infact see some lights at Papoose Lake, but he couldn't say for certain what they were.

Aircraft Under Development: I never really had much interest in the secret aircraft being tested at Area 51, but I can offer my opinions on what is probebly being worked on there now. I would guess that their are probebly several UAV's under development, as well some bitchin' next generation stealth projects. It seems logical that there would also probebly be some experimentation with stealth helicpters as well. As for the Aurora, all I can say is there is something out there making a lot of noise at Groom Lake. There is also something that was moving fast enough to make some pretty powerful skyquakes (that I myself witnessed) over Southern California in the early 1990's. So, put the noise and the quakes together and it seems to fit the description of what many people refer to as "Aurora".

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