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This is the name the public has given to the security force at the Groom Lake Facility. These guys wear desert camouflage and patrol the area in white Jeep Cherokees. You will usually find at least one Cherokee waiting on top of a hill by the border. The majority of this security force are male although there have been a few female agents spotted. The Camo-dudes apparently have been instructed to only make contact the base viewers if nessasary, probebly to protect the agents identitys. Camo-Dudes also do not like to be photographed, to the point of running away and/or hiding. These agents are NOT military personel, they are a private security force that has been hired by the military, however some rumors say that many agents are ex-Special Forces agents and ex-Navy Seals. This security force does appear to have some afilliation with the Lincoln County Sheriffs Department as they are the ones who issue their I.D.'s. CLICK HERE FOR WHAT MAY VERY WELL BE THE ACTUAL GROOM LAKE SECURITY MANUAL.

Black Helicopters:

The Borders of Area 51 are also routinely patroled by mysterious unmarked black helicopters, some reports say the pilots wear Airforce uniforms.


Just off to the sides of many of the dirt roads that lead to Area 51 there are motion and vibration sensors to alert the Camo-dudes you are coming. Just beyond the border on the left side of the road there is also a strange looking device sticking out of the ground that is most likely a video camera with some additional insturments attached. There are rumors that inside the restricted area there are even aroma sensors that can differentiate between the persperation given off by animals and humans.

