AnimalPlanet |
Aspca |
BronxZoo |
PrimateSanctuary |
BornFree |
(ACE)> |
AnimalOrphange> |
GreyhoundLeague> |
BestFriends> |
SeniorDogRescue> |
RacehorseRetirement> |
BlackBeautyRanch> |
SmallCatConservation> |
This is a very short list of the many animals that are now on the brink of extinction! One day I hope the list of endangered animals is smallest list of all. -NONE- |
AfricanWildAss Critical! |
GiantKangarooRat Critical! |
REDWOLF Critical! |
BigLongNosedBat |
BlueWhale> |
GrayBat |
HawaiianMonkSeal |
IdahoGroundSquirrel |
IndianaBat |
BigCats> |
Rhinos> |
Elephants> |
Gorillas> |
Chimpanzees |
MarineOtter |
GiantPandas |
BighornSheep |
GrizzlyBears |
MexicanWolf |
Florida Panther |
Manatee |
Bald Eagle |
Woodpecker |
Prarie Dog |
Spotted Owl |
I am disgusted how some treat animals, whether it be a family pet, reptile a bird a fish or even a snake they are all living creatures who do feel pain. We all need to take responsibility in caring for these creatures who have no voice to speak. Just because they cannot speak does not mean they have no feelings or feel pain . We are taking away their habitat at an alarming rate. In the name of progress? Well I for one do not really want a progress that takes away mother nature. Thankfully in this century more and more people are becoming aware of conservation of animals and their precious habitats. Thanks to people like Steve& Terry Irwin and Jeff Corwin and Jack Hanna and many many others! If we educate people then they learn how important all the creatures are for our very survival on this planet we call home. Some will say hog-wash(no pun intended!LOL) about animals having feelings but they do and I cannot tolerate animal cruelty of any kind. I hate hunting ! Rodeos ,Even some Zoos ,circus's,horse racing,dog racing,poachers REALLY piss me off!Rattlesnake roundups,some foreign countries that use animal parts like waste products(not mentioning which ones!!!) Anyone who abuses or do things to animals in the name of a joke!(show jackass comes to mind....grrrrrrr!!!!) I think us as humans have been given a job to protect animals! We must conserve our planet and if every one of us do our share to watch over animals maybe just maybe your grandchild will know what an elephant is or a black rhino or a cheetah I could go on and on. Gosh I hope so because a world without animals would be a dull quiet lonely place |