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Ankylosing Spondylitis

What is ankylosing spondylitis?
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First question I always hear is ankylosing what ?? ? AS for short is a from of arthritis. It primarially affects the spine or back . Ankylosing meaning - stiff or rigid. Spondyl meaning - spine and inflammation.

When you have AS ( not ass LOL). The joints and ligaments that are normally flexible become inflamed. In time the disease may progress to other parts of your body such as your upper spine and chest and neck as a result the joints and bones may fuse together making the area inflexabile. Other joints such as hips,knees,ankles and shoulders may become affected.
AS is a systemic disease. It can affect the entire body in some people. It can cause fever loss of appetite . It can also cause damage to other organs such as the heart the lungs and the eyes. Just naming a few things AS can do to a persons body and what it may affect. Of coarse not all people who have AS will have the same things wrong .

I personally have known I had AS A long time I just never had the diagnoses offically until 6 years ago . I have learned to live with it as many of you will understand when I say this it becomes part of you . I do the best I can with my disease . How you or anyone else is going to be depends on how severe your AS is and how you cope .

I think I am very lucky in allot of ways from the stories I have read and pictures I have seen what AS can do to a persons body . I try really hard to eat right and to get the proper amount of rest . I do "try" to get exercise although some days I can barely move.

I am on azulfidine is a DMARD ( disease modifiying anti-rheumatic drug) right now and it seems to be working for me at this present time . The only thing I can take for pain is tylenol. Its better than nothing at all !!! LOL

My Favorite Web sites

Dugies Place My Home Page
Find a rheumatologist
Kick AS org.
Spondyville Group
