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Stardate 10.06.2000

« What is FMS? »

FMS is short for fibromyalgia syndrome It is a form of arthritis . It is a chronic condition witch causes widespread pain each person who has FMS suffers with it differently.Some have muscle weakness or muscle tightness. This condition is called a syndrome because it has symptoms that usually occur together.

There are certian tender points on the body and if touched or pressed you will know it !! FMS can make you tired and achy and forgetfull also known as fibro fog. FMS sufferers often complain about sleepessness or depression . Once again it all depends on the individual. Some people with FMS have another condition called CFS chronic fatique syndrome they do seem to go hand in hand.

How FMS is treated varies from doctor to doctor . There are many drugs on the market today . Muscle relaxers is one drug widley prescibed for FMS suffereres this does not mean every one can take them . Other common drugs are Elavil,Paxil,Zoloft to name a few. Your FMS is different from anyone else's so your doctor may prescibe different drugs for you . Try to stay as positive as you possibly can . Check out the links they may help too.

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