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Rheumatoid Arthritis


What is Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Short for rheumatoid arthritis is a form of arthritis that causes swelling in the lining of the joints. Usually RA is a symmetric disease meaning that if you have one hand or foot with RA more than likely the other side with also be effected. I call this the even steven syndrome. A little humor there ! LOL!!!!!!
Joints effected are jaw,neck,shoulders,elbows,wrists,hands.knees,feet. Some people with RA have problems with their organs also. Such as the heart the lungs and even the eyes. It all depends on the severity of your disease. As we all know we are all different how one or the other has it . At least we know we are unique in that way at least .LOL!!!! As you can see I do try to get some little giggles out of having RA I think this is what has helped me cope with it for as many years as I have had it.

Diagnosing RA can be tricky . All the tests can be done and come back negative yet lots of people still have RA so no test in my opinion is foolproof. A rheumy(short for rheumatologists...who has time to pronounce that!LOL) will give you a thoural examination most likely consisting of ,checking all your joints and your overall health. X-rays and blood will be drawn for testing. Some rheumys will do a test on the fluid in the sac in the joints to see what is going on. A good rheumy will sit down with you and ask you all kinds of weird questions. Usually your initial visit with a rheumy first time can be quite long. It may be a good idea to write down all the questions you may have before your first visit. And please don't be shy this is your heath so ask away ! I always take my little clip board with me to every visit.Gee maybe that is why I get the looks I get ?? Kidding again! LOL.

Once the diagnoses has been made then your rheumy and yourself can decide what treatment plan will work best for you . Depending on the severity of your disease as we all know we are all unique. If you don't already know there are tons of different drugs on he market today and the new drugs coming out faster than they used to so always try to keep yourself up to date on what is new and educate yourself on all the drugs you are either taking or thinking of taking.

I cannot take anymore nsaids(non steriodial anti- inflammorty drugs) due to the fact that my stomach just cannot tolerate them anymore . I have been on many over the years though clinoril,mortin,naperson to name a few. These new cox 2 inhibitors are now on market and lots of people seem to be having great success with them. So who knows maybe you will to?

Perhaps you may find some supplements that help you as with any drug alway's ask or tell your doctor about them before you just decise to take them. The idea because they are supplements and or vitamins does not mean they cannot hurt you so be sure before you take anything .

Exercise and keeping semi active can help keep you flexible of coarse you wont be running maratons at first and you should always ask your doctor and get the ok if you are going to do strenuios exercise. Just a plan to ask rather than do it and suffer weeks of pain or knock your treatment plan into a tail spin. Believe me your better off to ask! LOL

Denial is not just a river in egyptt!!!!!!!LOL I know I had my denial years for quite a few of them too. See saying you have RA and learning what your limiations are is not admitting anything except that you are going to be a little different than you were before RA maybe physically you won't be able to do as much but you are still you ! You may have to find easier ways to do things thats all. For instance instead of cleaning the whole entire house in a day do a room a day .

Conserving your energy ! Easy words to say but takes years sometimes to learn. And you can learn it its not as hard as you think it is. I found the hardest thing for me was to admit to myself I was no longer able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. LOL There is my humor again conserving energy is just saving up for something else. Say you want to go to dinner tonight then today you would take it easy in the am and take a nap so you would be refreshed to enjoy your evening.

Working with RA can be done depends on you and the severity of your disease. I am no longer able to work . I had to file for social security disability .You may be able to work and manage that would be great . One wonderful thing now is the Americans with Disabilities ACT.

Check out these Links!!
Arthritis Foundation | ISocial Security Adminisration| Americans with DisabilitiesI YahooClubsIPrescriptionDrugSite

