Blood pulses through my veins 
Swirling thickly around my heart 
Someday soon, I'll go insane 
but at least then, I'll be in the dark. 

I don't want this to be true 
please, turn around, walk away 
I can't bear to look at you 
you ruined my life today. 

Why couldn't you just continue to lie? 
Anything is better than this. 
I never asked you for the truth 
never wanted one 'last kiss.'

You look at me with pity, go away 
take your sympathy and drown 
if you pass me in the future, don't dare say, 
"I'm sorry, please don't hurt, don't look down." 

I feel something twisting in my heart 
the world is cold and blue 
and as you drive the knife in deeper, 
I still think, "I love you." 