
We're so blind, we never see
all the hatred, the twisted broken families.
The sicknes that surrounds us is more than skin deep
to the Devil, we pray our souls to keep.

We believe in different Gods, but betray them all
and laugh as Heaven begins to fall.
We hide so much, no one really has a face
we're cruel, we're digusting... we're the human race.

Who killed off our angels
who burned them?
Some one let them fall from grace.
Who destroyed our angels
who hurt them?
Some one clutches them in a cold embrace.

Our lives are tainted, our hearts are spoiled
society stomped emotions into the soil
they've demolished every scrap of originality
...we're so blind, we never did see.

We beg for honesty, but give only lies
the air is poluted with our constant demise.
They all tell us, "be original," "be yourself"
...but they really want us to be every one else.

Who burried our angels
who hid them?
Some one dug their graves last night.
Who fought off our angels
who fucked them?
some one who knows how to fight!

It's you,
it's you,
it's all your fault.
It's us!
It's us!
It's all our God damned faults!!!

We banished our angels
we tore them!
We ripped off their precious wings (as their halos collapsed)
We betrayed our angels
we teased them!
we laughed while they couldn't sing (their throats we thick with tears)

...we're too blind to ever see
