prom night
It wasn't a great prom night
you had way too much to drink
and as you lead me to the bedroom
my spirits begin to sink

and then they start to plumet
as I just can't tell you no
I push and shove but you're so strong
and my body falls below.

Throw me on my bed
push my head against the wall
your tounge inside my mouth
my dress tossed on the floor

Terror rises in my throat
your eyes are icy cold
I scream and yell to no avail
no heros exist in this world

I feel my flesh being ripped away
with a few of your dry shoves
I beg and plea for the pain to end
wishing this could be an act of love

The worst part is knowing who you are
knowing the man I loved has changed
you're now some kind of monster
and things will never be the same.

My body slams against yours
and I begin to cry
your mind and soul take over
as my heart waits to die

You tore apart my innocence
ravaged it until I cried
I couldn't seem to keep you out
no matter how hard I tried

While I screamed you finished
My body was released
I closed my eyes and yearned
for any kind of relief.

A few months later I saw you again
couldn't look you in the eyes
didn't want your apologies
couldn't bear to hear more lies

Your child kicked with anger
the little token you left behind
a reminder of that horrible night
that always haunts me, deep inside

Somehow the unborn infant knows
that his father just walked away
and his mother is a coward...
but you would've left us anyway.

You don't care that I still suffer
that although it lasted for a night
I'll still have the repercusions
through the rest of my entire life

I must agonize my way through life
every day, I hear the words,
"slut," "cunt," "tramp," "whore"
Every day, they hurt even more.

Why am I the one they're hating
when I'm the one that hurts??
I didn't ask for this to happen-
can't you see, it's all your fault!

...and when the baby is born
my future must suddenly end
You know of everything I had planned...
I might as well be dead.

The blood pulses in my heart
my brain collides and twists
acid courses in my veins
and pours out of my wrists.

Finally, somehow I'm free
I hear my mother cry
I exhale the burden I carry
and with relief, I die