
everyone against me
everyone pushing me
ripping through my skin
and tearing at my flesh
to get to my blackend heart, 
to find emptyness, 
in its place.
everyone around me
so bright and strong
powered by others and thier will to live,
of which i have none.
they look at me, oddly,
do they wonder why im distressed?
do they care?
i walk the halls of the world we all share,
darkness surrounds me,
darkness dispised by the light
they want nothing to do with me
im only a casulty, 
a figure of apathy,
in thier war for happyness
im ignored and insignificent,
a second of grief is all im worth.
i sit alone
walk, alone
cry, alone
live, on my own.
open to nobody, 
noones willing to recive,
nobody wants me anymore.
i pick it up, 
cold to the touch,
and i wonder.
would anyone be at my funeral?
visit my grave?
or would it just be another burden from me to the world.
slightly i pull, 
little more,
little more,

a blank.
next time,
hopefully i will have better luck.