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Amy's Fanfic

Black Lady:

Chapter One-

I sighed. It's been REALLY hard having a new little sister - Chibi-Chibi. All Mommy does now is take care of her. Daddy, too. Yesterday morning, I asked him to make some pancakes for me, but he said he was too busy making breakfast for Chibi-Chibi. Mommy and Daddy have been like this for so long! They don't have any time to take care of me. They only have time to take care of Chibi-Chibi. They say that she's young (2 years old) and that I'm a big girl now and should start taking care of myself. I guess they don't love me as much anymore.

But, I shouldn't say that! When I kept thinking about that, I turned into Wicked Lady and fought against Mommy and the Sailor Scouts! I don't want to do that again! I'm sure they do love me -- they just sort of love Chibi-Chibi more. When I was feeling really low one day, I told Mommy I was going over to Mina's house. She nodded at me and hummed a tune while changing Chibi-Chibi's diaper. So I walked down the street to Mina's house and knocked on her door. Mina opened it and let me in. Also there were Lita, who was cooking (it smelled pretty good in there!) and Amy, who was reading a really thick book, and Raye was talking with Alexandria and Michelle.

They were all laughing. I went into the kitchen to say hi to Lita and ask what she was cooking. She picked me up and put me on a stool so I could see the stove and all the things cooking on it. Lita asked if I would be her cooking assistant.

"Of course!" I said. "What should I do, Lita?"

I helped her cook for a while. I helped her stir and put some ingredients in her food. We even got to make a fresh batch of pancakes (yummy)! I like going over to Mina's house or Lita's house. I'm not ignored like Mommy and Daddy sometimes do to me! And I can always talk to them (and eat some of Lita's really good food!). After I helped Lita, everyone sat down and talked about things. A little later I walked back home. Mommy asked if I wanted any dinner, but I said I had already eaten and then I went to bed.

After I was settled, Daddy came in and kissed me good night.

"Where's Mommy?" I asked. "She usually kisses me good night!"

"She has to get your little sister settled, Reenie. She might kiss you later, when you're asleep."

That's it! Mommy has ignored me a lot lately, but she has NEVER not have time to kiss me good night! That is so unfair! When I woke up the next morning, I woke up very early. Earlier than usual. Mommy and Daddy were still asleep and so was Chibi-Chibi. I felt really strange. I felt taller. I just felt really weird. But what could have happened to me? I got up from bed and looked in the mirror. I couldn't believe what I saw!

Chapter Two-

I had turned into Wicked Lady again! I knew this couldn't be happening.

"This is all a dream. That's right, it's all a dream! I'll wake up as Reenie again. It's all just a dream," I thought to myself.

"Oh, I know how you can tell!" I remembered. "People say to pinch yourself and if it hurts, you're not dreaming, but if you don't feel it, you're just dreaming."

I pinched my self really hard.

"Ow!" I cried.

I could hear Mommy getting up from bed. I must have waken her up!

"Reenie...." I hear her call. "Reenie, are you hurt?"

I had to hide! Mom will see me as wicked Lady! I jumped into bed and closed my eyes` and covered most of my body in my sheets. She won't tell it's me this way. Mommy walked into my room.

"Reenie? Were you just up? I thought I heard someone."

I didn't say anything. I pretended to be asleep. Mommy left my room and went back to bed. I had to do something. Maybe I could go to Mina's! I would wake them up really early in the morning, but this is an emergency! I got out of bed and quietly left the house. I ran to Mina's house again. And knocked on the door.

Mina opened it and tried to rub the sleep out of her eyes.

"Mina!" I said. "You have to do something about my transformation!"

Mina looked at me. Her eyes widened.

"Oh, Reenie! How did this happen?" Mina was so surprised.

She sat me down and I told her all about what had happened. She nodded.

"I think I know what we can do to turn you back into Reenie," Mina said.

"How?" I asked her.

She began, "Tell Serena what happened and she'll say she loves you. Don't you think she loves you? I think she loves both you and Chibi-Chibi, Reenie! You should know that!"

"No!" I said. "I can't let Mommy know! She'll be too upset!"

"You're probably right," Mina said. But I have another idea that might work!"

Chapter Three-

We went back into my house and quietly reached for Mommy's bag and opened it up. There was Mommy's Magic healing wand! We walked back to Mina's house.

"OK," Mina said. "Now you have to believe that your mom still loves you. Think about the good times just the two of you had together. Take a minute at this."

I thought about all the really fun times we've had together. Just her and me.

"OK," Mina said. "I'll transform into Sailor Venus and use your Mommy's wand to turn you back into your old self again. But, you have to think about how much your Mommy loves you. We can't do this unless you believe you Mommy loves you, OK?"

Mina transformed into Sailor Venus and started using the magic healing wand on me. After a few seconds passed by, I started to feel a lot of pain going through me.

Chapter Four-

I started to fall through a deep, dark hole. I was falling and falling, not stopping, just getting faster and faster, picking up speed as I fell. I didn't know where I was. Finally, I hit the ground. It made a very load noise and hurt a lot.

It looked like I was stuck in a tunnel of some sort. Then, everywhere around me became lighter and lighter and it appeared to be outside in my back yard. I saw all of the scouts and my Mommy talking and laughing and having a lot of fun. And than I saw me. It was me! How could this be? I ran over to where everyone was sitting.

I grabbed the girl who looked exactly like me and cried, "Who are you?"

Nothing happened. She didn't even budge when I pulled her! Everyone just kept on talking and laughing. Didn't they notice what I did? I tapped my mommy on the shoulder. Nothing happened. She didn't turn around. I tried again and again, but still, she didn't do anything about it. Finally, I stood right in front of her and yelled right in her face. Nothing at all happened! Was I invisible? Impossible! Then my mom and the girl who looked exactly like me started talking by themselves and laughed and hugged.

After a while my mom said, "Oh, I love you Reenie!"

That girl who looked just like me answered, "I love you, too, Mommy!"

They hugged again. My Mommy wasn't supposed to hug that girl! She's supposed to hug me, she's supposed to love me! And why doesn't any one hear or see me? Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me. Who could that be?

Chapter 5-

I turned around. I sighed of relief! It was Sailor Pluto.

"Shannon, why are you here? Oh, I forgot, you can't hear or see me, right? No one can!"

"Yes, I can see you Reenie. No one can see or hear me either. You know, you're here for a reason."

"And what reason could that be?" I asked her.

"I know how you had turned into Wicked Lady, Reenie. And I know why. See, over there is you and your mom and all the rest of the scouts."

"Oh! Now I get it! You brought me here!"

"You're right, Reenie! This is your future. You and your mom are hugging, right? So, your mom loves you, Reenie! She always will!"

Wow! Sailor Pluto showed me my future! She and Mina were right! My mom still loves me!

"But where's Chibi-Chibi?" I asked .

"Mommy always has to have an eye on her!"

"Chibi-Chibi is inside with your Daddy. She's sleeping."

"Wow!" I said. "Mommy still has time for me!"

"Yes," Sailor Pluto said. "She will only of you talk to her about it, Reenie. Then she'll know that you feel unloved sometimes. She'll be sure to spend some extra time with you. But, she can't do everything with you. She has to take care of Chibi-Chibi, too. Chibi-Chibi is her daughter just like you are and loves her as much as she loves you. Will you respect that now, Reenie?"

"Yes, I think I will," I said, feeling a lot happier.

"All right," Sailor Pluto told me. "You will wake up to Mina in a few seconds. You will remember this, Reenie, and don't forget it.

"OK," I said. "I won't forget! I'll remember!"

"Good. You'll wake up on Mina's floor because you've been uncounsis all this time. OK, Reenie! Good bye!"

"Bye!" I said to her as I suddenly floated up in the air across the street all the way to Mina's house.

Then I lay back into my body and woke up as me again.

"Oh, Reenie! Are you OK?" Mina asked as I woke up.

"Yeah, I said. I'm fine."

I was on the floor intead of on the couch where I had fallen. And my arm hurt.

"You were rolling around a lot when you were uncounsis, you fell on the floor," Mina told me.

"So I guess that's when I fell in that tunnel place. That why it hurt when I fell!"

"I didn't have to use any powers on you, Rini. When you were unconsis, you just started changing back into your old self, little by little! That must have been an interesting dream!"

"Yeah, it was," I said rubbing my elbow.

"Oh, dear!" Mina said. "Your arm must hurt now from that fall you had! I'll go get some ice for that."

While Mina was digging around in her refridgerator, I looked out Mina's window to see pure daylight. I must have been uncounsis for a long time! Well, I was just pretty much glad to be me again! ^_^
