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Here you can win awards from my site!! Apply with the form at the bottom. there's still a few kinks i have to work out on the form, so if you want to just be safe, send me an e-mail too.

GoOd LuCk!!!

If you sign my guestbook, it will help you. But you don't have to.

To get this award, you just have to have a cool Sailor Moon page. You can also win this award if you just started your webpage. Broken links are allowed.

To get this award, your site has to be cute! Not too hard to win. Broken links are allowed, just not too many.

To win this award, you have to have fun stuff to do. Stuff like games, quizes, multimedia, etc. No broken links.

For this award, your site has to be based on the royal family. You can have a few broken links.

This award, I think, is the coolest looking one. Your site should be elegant with hardly any broken links.


E-mail Address

Which award do u want?

Web site address
