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Chapter 1 (Rayek)

The Legend

My name is Rayek. I am a simple man with a simple life. Nothing unusual ever happens to me or my village. We are a simple people with carefree lives. There was a wonderful museum in my village that everyone goes to see at least once a week. There is always something new to see. One of the exhibits in a room that was somewhat hidden was extremely interesting to me. It was about a legend, a legend that was like no other. I never would have thought that the legend was true though. But one day this legend unexpectedly came upon me beyond my control. The Legend of the Mystic Jadious really was true. It came upon me that dark day while I was in the forest chopping wood. I heard a faint cry near me. I looked around to see if anybody was there. I walked around looking for the thing that had made that crying noise. I glanced around a stump that was near the river and I saw a lump in blankets. I picked it up carefully and saw that it was a baby. It startled me because how could a baby be in the woods alone? I didn't notice it at first, but then it caught my attention; a small, barely visible mark was on the baby's arm that was some sort of symbol. I wondered again how the baby could have gotten here in the forest. Was it abandoned? What happened to this child's parents? I walked back to my village and brought the baby to the village's sourcerer. I pointed out the symbol to the sourcerer; his eyes went huge and he gasped.

"Where did you find this child??" he babbled.

"By that river over there," I said while pointing towards the river.

"Oh! Do you know what this means??"


"It means that the legend is true!!" he exclaimed.

"Are you talking about the legend that the museum has an exhibit for?" I asked.

"Yes! It is the Legend of the Mystic Jadious!! It is the legend that tells of a young child such as this!"

"I remember reading all about that legend," I said, "the Legend of the Mystic Jadious is about a child who has a symbol on her or his arm. The symbol represents the light and good fortune the child will bring. This child will beat out any enemy no matter how strong the enemy is. But the child must have a brave, caring heart plus the stones of the elements to succeed, otherwise all will be lost in the world and only evil will prevail!"

Raising this child was now my responsibility and I couldn't go wrong because the whole world was counting on me; the whole world's existence was depending on this child.

On to Chapter 2!!
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