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Chapter 2 Truth Revealed

It has been 17 years since that day I found the baby by the river. The baby was a girl and I called her Jade. My Jade was at her friend Tiany's house. They had been planning to cook dinner for both of their families, and of course I had allowed her to do it because she was a much better cook than I was. I was looking forward to the delicious meal very much, but to my disappointment it started to rain. I stepped outside for a moment to see if Jade was somewhere out there when I saw a luminous light flashing from one of the houses. I thought to myself that it couldn't be fire because fire wasn't a swirl of rainbow color. I ran to the house to see what it was. I opened the door and saw Jade covered in the strange, but beautiful light. After about 10 seconds the light left her body and she fainted, her skin now the color of marble. I rushed to her to help, but everyone else was in my way. By the time I got through the crowd of people my Jade had awoken. Her eyes were bloodshot and her skin still the color of marble. She looked at me with a fiery look in her eyes.

"I had a dream and it told me about a legend; this legend is my responsibility. I know that you knew about this! Why, why didn't you tell me??" she fumed.

"I..I didn't think you were ready to hear yet," I stammered.

"Well when did you plan on telling me? NEVER???" Jade shrieked.

" was going to tell you soon enough," I said.

"I am expected to save the world and I didn't find out until just now!! And how exactly am I supposed to do this??"

"I don't know."

"Well that helps a lot!!! I'm getting out of here! I have to figure all of this out."

I saw my Jade storm out of the house. Little did I know that next time I would see her again it would be a matter of life or death.

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