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Chapter 3 (Jade)

Stranger in the Woods

How could he not tell me!! I can't believe he kept such a huge secret away from me. And how was I supposed to save the world anyway? Why did all of this have to be my responsibility?? It's not like I wanted this you know. In my dream a beautiful lady was telling me all about the legend. She had golden hair and blue eyes which reminded me of the ocean. She had pale skin and she shimmered in clothing of silver. I still remember her words:

"Jade, you are a very special person indeed. You are the hope for all the world. Evil is coming, Jade, a powerful evil that no one can stop but you. Your powers are a wonder that I cannot describe. But in order to have these powers you must have the stones of the elements. You must also have a.."

I didn't get to hear the rest because I had woken up. I can't save this world if I only know half of what I am supposed to do!

"Please! Someone help me, I don't know what to do!!" I yelled into the sky freely not expecting anyone to answer. But to my surprise I was startled when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see who it was and saw a man that looked close to my age.

"Excuse me, miss, but do you need help?" the man asked me, only he wasn't a man; he was an elf. He was only a little taller than me, and had the bluest eyes I had ever seen. His hair was blonde and his ears were slightly more pointy than ears of a human. He had a bow and arrows strapped to his chest. He strongly reminded me of a Robin Hood with blonde hair and pointy ears.

" see..," I stammered not knowing how to explain because I wasn't serious when I screamed out to the open for help. I was kind of scared to talk to him because I was always taught not to talk with people I didn't know. But, Rayek was the one who taught me this, and what does he know?? He obviously can't tell the difference between right or wrong or anything else anymore. I suddenly noticed that I had been standing there saying nothing for a few minutes. The elf looked at me like I was queer and had totally lost my mind.

"I'm lost!," I lied, "I can't remember which direction I came from. I've been wandering around for six days trying to find my village. Could you please help me?"

"Hmmm...well, I normally don't help stragglers, but in your case since you seem so desperate, I will help you. By the way, what is your name?"

"My name is Jade, and you?"

"I am Landon," he replied.

And as we started off who knows where I was glad to be getting away from my village even though I didn't know anything about the person I was with.

Chapter 4!!