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Chapter 5

Creature of Death

After the long day's walk, Landon found us a spot to rest by a river. I was used to sleeping on the ground and I could tell that he was too because as soon as I had sat down he was asleep.

I feel asleep and had the strangest dream. I dreamed that I was walking on a bridge and it started to rain. The sky was extremely dark. Not the kind of dark as in it's the night, but a kind of dark as in creepy like. The bridge must have been really long because I kept on walking and walking with no sign of the end. I looked below me and saw a huge pit that seemed like it didn't have a bottom floor. It was raining really hard by now. I slipped and almost slid off the edge. I held on tight and almost got all the way up when all of a sudden a bright light shone from the sky and I had a sick feeling in my stomach. A face appeared in the sky; the face was of a middle-aged man whose face looked as if he didn't ever sleep. His face was also skin and bones.

"Don't get in my way!! If you do, I will personally kill you!" screeched the man.

And then the face disappeared leaving me frightened. The bridge then began to shake violently. I tried to hold on with all of my strength, but the bridge was shaking too hard. My grip let go and I fell farther and farther; the last thing I saw was Landon standing on the bridge smiling.

I bolted straight up from the place I was sleeping. I looked around me and everything looked the way it had before I had fallen asleep. I relaxed and told myself that it was only a dream and that something as weird as that could never happen. But then I heard a loud howl and I jumped and fell onto Landon.

"Ouch!! What did you do that for?" he said angrily.

I'm sorry! I heard something howl."

"It was probably a harmless wolf or something."

"Yeah..yeah, you're probably right," I said still uncertain.

I lay back down, but I heard the howl again and sat up so fast I felt dizzy.

"That sounded way closer than before Landon," I said with fear in my voice.

"That's just your imagination." he replied.

But then there was loud barking and I could hear twigs breaking as I heard something that sounded huge running in our direction. Landon didn't look so sure of himself anymore. In fact, his face was white with fear.

"Climb up that tree and stay there!!" Landon shouted at me.

I immediately sprang to his orders. I climbed up the tree as fast as I could. But where was Landon going to hide? My eyes searched the ground below but I couldn't see him anywhere. But then I saw the most horrifying thing; a creature that looked like a mutated dog with teeth that stuck out every direction was right below me. It sniffed the ground and immediately looked in my direction up the tree. Oh, no! It can smell me!! It suddenly started to climb the tree with its enormous paws. It was getting closer and closer. I started to scream, and with every inch the mutated dog gained, the louder I screamed. It's jaws snapped wildly at me with its slobber flying everywhere.

"HELP LANDON!!!! PLEASE!!!!! AHHHH!" I screamed until my voice went hoarse.

Where is Landon?? I need his help!! The mutated dog was now 2 feet away from me. At the one-foot mark I thought that I was going to die anytime. But then I saw Landon jump up from his hiding place and quickly shoot an arrow as if he were a pro. The arrow flew into the dog's side.

"Get away from her you demon!" Landon screamed.

The dog yanked the arrow from its body with its teeth and then started running at Landon.

"Landon!! Look out!" I yelled.

Landon didn't need telling twice. He actually flipped over the dog and pulled out a long dagger that was hidden in his clothes. He leapt towards the dog and forced it into the dog's body. The mutated dog fell over and lay motionless on the ground.

" it dead?" I asked slowly climbing down the tree.

"Yeah, it's not breathing." Landon managed to say, his face whiter than ever.

"What was that??"

"It's a Barghest. These creatures are only seen at night and is believed that once you see one of these things then it is an omen that you will die very soon." he replied.

"Do you think that we will die then??" I asked him uncertain.

"No, we killed it, so no harm will come to us."

"Wow, how do you know about all of these creatures?" I asked astonished.

"I just do." Landon said.

"Oh," I said quietly. "By the way, what took you so long to save me?"

"I am sorry for waiting so long." Landon replied. He didn't answer my question or say anything else about it.

"Well, goodnight." he said.


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