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~*~Sailor Charon~*~

Aubrey holding her flute

Scout: Sailor Charon (say'ler Ch' air' on)

Name: Aubrey

Age: 11

Birthday: June 22

Astrological Sign: Cancer

Favorite Color: light and dark purple

Best Friend: Rini

Blood Type: O

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Blue

This is when Rini first asks Aubrey to be her friend

Favorite Food: Chocolate

Least Favorite Food: Mushrooms

Favorite Subject: Art/Culture and Lunch

Worst Subject: Math and Science

Strong Points: Very graceful, always happy, always makes others feel good

Weak points: Unorganized and stubborn

Hobbies: Ballet, flute, hanging out with Rini

Sailor Charon used to be Queen Neherenia. When she was turned to a little kid, she didn't know what to do or how to start. Rini had such a kind heart that she asked Aubrey to be her friend even though Aubrey had tried to kill Rini earlier. Aubrey decided to become a Sailor Scout. No one really knew exactly where Aubrey came from. She came from the moon of Pluto called Charon, so that's how she got her scout name. She plans to start over and fight for peace with the Sailor Scouts and Rini!

Doesn't she look adorable!!

Sailor Charon when she is older

*NOTE*: Aubrey is just a figure of my imagination. She isn't really a scout in the show even though I wish she was 'cause she's such a cutie! lol