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Heather's Fanfic

**Chapter One** -Back to The Past…?

Serena threw a blanket over Luna’s head.
”Oh shut up, I don’t need to study! I’ll be fine for the exams! I’ve done at least….” Serena trailed off as she counted on her fingers. “I’ve studied a good ten hours in the past month Luna, so don’t nag on me!”
“Oh, yes, your Majesty. You should get at least 5 points on your exams, your highness,” Luna replied with a tint of sarcasm in her voice.
Serena whined. She hated studying more than anything. She’d rather be at Darien’s house, on his balcony, staring at the moon. She loved those things. Daydreaming was her favorite. “Ugh, why can’t I just go to the arcade or something?” Serena thought. But she knew she had to study in order to pass her last exam of her Junior year in high school. There was a knock at the door.
“Serena, dear?” Her mother’s voice called. She stepped in the room. “I baked some cookies,” she continued as she set a plate of double-fudge chocolate-chip cookies on the table. “You should be studying, Bunny.” Her Mom said with a look of disappointment on her face. She left it at that, and walked out.
“Study!?” Serena said aloud. “Why study? As long as I have friends, family, and Darien, I’ll be fine!” She looked at a picture of Darien, who was currently sick with what was thought to be cancer, but it wasn’t really certain. There was still a lot of research to be done. “Right?” She crawled on top of her bed and looked out the window. Thoughts rolled through her head. “Will Darien be okay? How will I ever pass my exam? What’s everyone else doing? I’m so--- tired…” Serena finally pulled the blankets over her head, closed her eyes, and eventually fell asleep.

********** ********

“Oh, Small Lady,” Setsuna started. “Going into the past again would be very dangerous, you know that. When you last did that there was trouble with the people from the negamoon. I know that was when you were 7, and you’re much older now, but… ” She sighed as she knelt down next to Rini. Once again, Setsuna took a small necklace off her neck with a key on it. “You remember what to do, right Small One?”
“Yup!” Rini replied. “Thank you Pluto…I’ll come back soon. And I’ll visit often. And give Mommy this letter. Rini dug around in her pocket and pulled out a pink envelope with a heart on it.
Setsuna took the letter from Rini and smiled. She held her staff up. The garnet orb on it started to glow. “Now Small Lady!” Setsuna shouted.
Rini nodded and held up the key to her necklace. “Time Key! Take me back to the past!” A pink cloud appeared above Rini. She started floating up towards the cloud and waved. There was a lit path and Rini ran down it. But what she saw startled her.

***Chapter Two*** -Rayne

*The scene opens with Neo Queen Serenity and Neo Tuxedo Mask reading Rini’s letter*

“Went to the past?!” Neo Queen Serenity cried. “Why would she do such a silly thing? Go to the past!” Neo Queen Serenity threw her hands up in the air. “Last time she went she nearly got killed by the people from the negamoon! And now she wants to go back? After 5 years, she decides to go back to the past. That child…I swear.”
“Oh, dear. Calm down. She’ll be fine with the scouts watching over her.” But Neo Tuxedo Mask had a quiver in his voice. He felt danger back on Earth, in the past…where Rini was heading. “She’ll be fine…” He repeated, not only to reassure Neo Queen Serenity, but himself also.

*************** *****************

“Who are you?” Rini asked the girl, slightly older then her, standing in the way.
“My name is Rayne.” The girl said.
Rayne had long silver hair, with a streak of black hair lining her face. Her eyes were blue, but glazed over, making them look ice blue. Rini stared at her, astound. On her trips to the past she had never met with anybody. It was all familiar to her: Convince Pluto, Pluto opens gate, she ran threw the white light, and was in the past. But never had she met up with anybody.
“You travel to the past too?” Rini asked, sounding a bit like a curious child.
Rayne smiled, gently. “Oh, yes, of course.” Rayne then closed her eyes, grew wings, and became about three inches tall. She buzzed in the air like a butterfly.
“Oh my gosh!!” Rini ran for the other way, back towards Pluto.
“Rini, wait! I’m here to help you. I understand you want to see your friends in the past, but there is evil there. And instead of forbidding you to go there, I’m going as your guardian."
“I’ll believe you,” Rini said turning around. “But I have the scouts. And I am 12 years old.” She said, finished and walking through the light, towards the past.

******************* *****************

“No!” Lita shouted. “This thing is rigged!”
“You’re just saying that because you lost…” Mina said. “And may I add, you lost with a pitiful score.”
“Oh shut up…” Lita said. “I have a lot on my mind!”
“What?! Like that new guy that walked in the arcade and actually said ‘hi’ to you!? HIM!?” Mina shouted.
Lita blushed, bit her lip, then laughed. “Yea…I guess.”
Mina sighed “You’re pathetic…”
“I know…” Lita sighed.
Just then Serena walked in. “Hey guys! I knew you’d be here! I went to Ami’s house, and she was studying for the exam. I went to Reye’s house too…she was…uh…”
“Well…?” Lita demanded. “Spit it out!”
“She was spying on Chad…” Serena sighed. “So I left. I was going to taunt her, but my head really hurts. I figured a couple of good games would fix it!”
“I don’t recommend THAT, Serena. These things are rigged.” Lita said, angry with the video game.
“Oh, Lita, you lost again?” Serena said, with a half smile and a half look of sympathy on her face.
((Lita)) “…”

“Hiya guys!” An unfamiliar voice to everyone said.
((All)) Huh? Do we know you?
“Its me, Rini!” Rini shouted, disappointed that no one remembered her.
“Wow!” Mina said. “You sure have changed.”
Rini no longer had thick, clumpy hair up in meatballs Similar to Serena’s. But her hair was thin, and long. She also didn’t have it up in meatballs either. She had half of it up, and half of it down, with a shorter piece of hair coming down the side of her cheek.
“Yup!” Rini said. “I came back to visit everyone. This…this is Rayne.” Rini said with a look that basically explained it all. Serena knew what was going on. Rini’s look basically said,”This is Rayne…She appeared outta no where…”
“Nice to meet you Rayne…” Mina said, holding out one hand. Rayne shook it lightly.
“Ditto.” Rayne said.

***Chapter Three***

“Well, where might you be from?” Serena asked Rayne.
“I’m from…around here. Tokyo.” Rayne said, “I just moved here!” she added quickly.
“Is that so!?” Mina shouted, louder then she intended. “Well…welcome to Tokyo.”
“Thank you.” Rayne said as she blushed.
They all decided to go out for a burger that night. First, though, they stopped by Raye’s temple.
“Hello!!!” Lita shouted. “Anyone home!!!!”
“Quite down!! God, they way you were shouting, you think you’d be trying to talk over Serena’s snoring!” Raye said. “Besides, Grandpa’s asleep, he-“
“I don’t snore Raye!!” Serena said as she bopped Raye over the head.
“Do Too!” Raye shouted.
“Do not!!” Serena shouted back
“Do too!!”
“Do not do not do not do not!”
“Do too do too do too do too!”
“You guys! Please, the noise is giving me a headache!” Ami said as she was walking up the stairs. “I figured you guys would be here. And who are the two standing next to you Serena?”
Raye looked down at Rini and Rayne, just now noticing them. “Yea Serena, who are they?”
“Um…this is Rini…and her friend Rayne.”
“Rini!?” Both Ami and Raye shouted.
“But she looks so…different…” Ami said trailing off. “Then again, it has been 5 years since we’ve last seen you. You must be…oh. Twelve now?”
“That’s right!” Rini said cheerfully. “This is Rayne. She’s…uh…from around here…”
“That’s nice,” Raye said. “Now why’d you come here?”
“Well, we were all thinking we’d go get a burger!”
“Okay…” Raye and Ami said together. And they all walked down the stairs. All except for Rayne.
Rini ran back up the stairs. “Rayne, hurry up!”
“Rini, I don’t think I should go. I think I should be my fairy form and just watch over you. They may get the wrong idea. Besides, I have no where to sleep tonight.”
“Oh! That’s okay.” Rini said. “You can stay at Serena’s. She won’t mind. But you’ll have to try to sleep through her snoring…”
Rayne laughed and ran down the stairs. “Sounds great! Thanks Rini!”
“No problem…” Rini said, feeling like she was talking to a wall. She ran after Rayne.

********** **********

Rini, miraculously, fell asleep through Serena’s snoring. And, by the looks, so did Rayne. Rini lie there sound asleep. Rayne got up and walked towards Serena’s bed. “Foolish Princess…” Rayne said, “I will destroy you. But first…I must use you.” Rayne placed her hand on Serena’s head. There was a brilliant flash of red light. Rayne then disappeared.
When Rini got up in the morning, Rayne was gone. There was a note. The note read:

“Rini, it looks like the evil here has passed. I have gone back to the future. If any evil should come, the scouts will protect you.
Your Friend,

*********** **********

“Serena!!!” Lita shouted. “This is the tenth time this month we’ve been late for school! Hurry up!!” Lita pounded on Serena’s door. Finally, someone opened it.
“Oh, hello Lita. If you’re looking for Serena, she said she was going to the Cherry Hill Temple before she left. Got up really early to go. Not like Serena. Sorry Lita!” Serena’s mother said.
“Oh, thanks…” Lita said confused. She thought, “No, this isn’t like Serena at all…” She headed for school. She knew Serena would be there.

***Chapter Four*** -Serena?

Lita ran for school. “Well this stinks!” She said aloud, “Now I don’t have anyone to be late with!!” She ran into her classroom and took a seat next to Serena. “How come you ditched me?!” Lita said in a whisper.
Serena just sat there. Looking like a behaved student, having her eyes directed straight at the teacher.
“Hey…no problem. But after school, meet me outside, okay?” Lita asked.
Serena nodded her head.
“Lita!!” the teacher said. “You should no better, no talking in class. I’ll let you off this time, no detention, but next time it wont be so easy!”
Lita sighed with relief. Hours passed. She went to lunch, and then headed back to the classroom. Serena was there five minutes early. “Whoa…” Lita thought. “This is strange.” She took her seat next to Serena.
“Class, for the last two hours of school, we will have a study session. I would like you all to study for your final exams tomorrow. This will be a very big part of your grade, and it will also help determine weather you pass tenth grade.” The teacher left it at that and sat down.
Serena immediately took out a book and began to read. Lita looked at her, confused. She, too took out a book, but didn’t read. Lita waited an hour, she looked to her left, expecting Serena to be asleep, but she wasn’t, she was wide-awake and still studying.
After the second hour passed, the bell rang, and at that Lita and Serena both got out of their chairs. Lita headed for the back of the school, where Serena was going to meet her. She waited about five minutes, and sure enough, Serena showed up.
“Hey girl! I didn’t think you would show up after you left me this morning. Hey! Why’d you do that anyways?” Lita asked.
Serena laughed, but it wasn’t her usual laugh. It was a high-pitched hideous laugh. An evil laugh. Serena took out a dark diamond-shaped crystal. She pushed it out in front of her. There was a flash of deep red light. Lita was gone. Serena gazed into the crystal and laughed again. “All the scouts will be mine…” She declared. And with that, She walked away.

*********** **********

Serena walked to Raye’s temple where she found Raye and Ami talking. She took out the diamond-shaped crystal and walked towards them.
“Serena!?” Raye said, “What’s wrong? You look sick.”
Serena did look sick indeed. Her eyes were a pitch black, not blue like they usually were.
“Serena! Stop that! You’re freakin’ me out!!” Raye shouted.
“Really Serena, that is a bit frightening.” Ami said in her ever-so-sweet voice.
“I’m not Serena you idiots! I’m just using her body!! And once I’m done with this body and I have captured all of the scouts, I will destroy this body, and destroy the universe.” A wicked grin crossed Serena’s face. “I am Rayne, from Lyeo, a dimension you humans haven’t, and will never hear of!” Rayne closed her eyes and a white light surrounded her.
“Hey! You’re Rini’s friend!” Raye shouted.
“Raye! Forget it!” Ami shouted. “Mercury Crystal Power!” Ami shouted. Within seconds she was Sailor Mercury.
“Oh…heh…that’s right.” Raye said, looking rather embarrassed. “Mars…Crystal…Power!” Raye shouted. Fire surrounded her, and a few seconds later she became Sailor Mars.
“I’m Sailor Mercu-“
“Oh cut the intro!” Rayne interrupted Ami. “ I know who you are, why do you think I’m going to destroy you? Pure pleasure? I think not I have come to- - “
“Mars…Fire…Ignite!” Raye shouted, aiming at Rayne.
“Ha! Pathetic!!” Rayne said. Her right hand tensed as she held it out. Raye’s fireball stood frozen in mid-air. Rayne snapped and Raye’s fireball fell to the ground.
((Raye)) “……”
“Aqua…Rhapsody!” Ami shouted as a rush of water went flying towards Rayne.
“You are weak. How my allies were destroyed by you I have yet to figure out!” Rayne declared. She held out her right hand again and waved it to the left, where Ami’s attack landed. Wasting no time, Rayne held out the diamond- shaped crystal and the deep red light surround Raye and Ami.
“What’s happening!?” Ami shouted. She then disappeared.
Raye tried to summon the spirits of fire to assist her, but failed. She was losing concentration. Then she, too, disappeared.
“Humph, that was too easy. I need more of a challenge!!” Rayne said as she turned back into Serena’s form. “No matter. Three down and two to go, including this horrid avatar. ”

********** To be Continued **********